So no Wall for Trump?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
May 13, 2004
Pubs going to pass a CR to keep the government open until February. No Wall to speak of.
I'm convinced that Trump first meant it as a metaphorical wall until someone told him his supporters are dumb enough to think we can build a multi-billion dollar wall and they love it so he shifted his rhetoric.
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Trump surprised me by winning and keeping support, so I kind of went away from doubting the man. But lately, he seems in over his head. Think about it. All he is asking for is $5B (absurd because the Wall he wants would be well over $100B) to get going. But the Dems know that nobody really gives a shit about the Wall and won't give an inch (they offered $20B for amnesty last year).

Consider how impotent this makes Trump look. Hell, we spend $5B annually on the mating patterns of the Montana Caribou.
Trump surprised me by winning and keeping support, so I kind of went away from doubting the man. But lately, he seems in over his head. Think about it. All he is asking for is $5B (absurd because the Wall he wants would be well over $100B) to get going. But the Dems know that nobody really gives a shit about the Wall and won't give an inch (they offered $20B for amnesty last year).

Consider how impotent this makes Trump look. Hell, we spend $5B annually on the mating patterns of the Montana Caribou.
Montana has caribou? Damnit
Trump surprised me by winning and keeping support, so I kind of went away from doubting the man. But lately, he seems in over his head. Think about it. All he is asking for is $5B (absurd because the Wall he wants would be well over $100B) to get going. But the Dems know that nobody really gives a shit about the Wall and won't give an inch (they offered $20B for amnesty last year).

Consider how impotent this makes Trump look. Hell, we spend $5B annually on the mating patterns of the Montana Caribou.

Oh, there are a lot of Trump voters that care about the wall and him not getting it done is starting to wear on them.

FTR, the wall was not and is not of any importance to me.
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Oh, there are a lot of Trump voters that care about the wall and him not getting it done is starting to wear on them.

FTR, the wall was not and is not of any importance to me.
I find it to a fascinating subject. Somehow not wanting a useless wall equals wanting open borders. And Libs are so scared to even come across like they might support Trump, they run completely away from sensible solutions.

Meanwhile, his most ardent supporters want a wall no matter the cost or efficacy.

I laugh at the idea that $5B or even $25B could build the proposed Wall. We spend around $5MM per mile to build a highway in this country. Imagine the cost to actually build a wall.
Think outside the box. We need a moat. Give everyone in the caravan a shovel and tell them if they want in to start digging. Work for your entrance fee.

Dig that sucker out and ship the dirt to Israel to dump off the coast to build an island for the Palestinians. Then fill the moat with sharks and gators.

The next caravan that heads this way can feed'em.
Think outside the box. We need a moat. Give everyone in the caravan a shovel and tell them if they want in to start digging. Work for your entrance fee.

Dig that sucker out and ship the dirt to Israel to dump off the coast to build an island for the Palestinians. Then fill the moat with sharks and gators.

The next caravan that heads this way can feed'em.
Serious question heel, why do you think Israel has more right to that land than the Palestinians?
Serious question heel, why do you think Israel has more right to that land than the Palestinians?

It was tongue in cheek, but for me personally it would simply go against everything that I believe to side with anyone against them. I've tried over the years but it seems I just can't get above my raisin'.
It was tongue in cheek, but for me personally it would simply go against everything that I believe to side with anyone against them. I've tried over the years but it seems I just can't get above my raisin'.
Israel deserves it but they like to run the Palestinians noses in it.

Have you seen the show Fauda on Netflix? Really good.
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Oh, Trump is going to get his wall, as a matter of fact he might get 4 of them....

He just might . . so many of his cronies are experiencing the same.

He makes the best

Only for himself and not for the country . . 45 is all about himself, and I'm still of the opinion that he has been compromised by Russian money.
Watch for more Trump concessions to Putin in the coming days before January. This could be his attempt to go around the upcoming Democratic-controlled House, or it could be taking care of unfinished business with Putin before Trump has to leave office.

Anyhow, Trump is doing what Putin wants him to do. We will probably see more of this soon.

Putin is calling in his markers on Trump.

#1. Pull US troops out of Syria.
#2. Get rid of sanctions on Russian aluminum producers.
#3. Who knows what could be next
It was tongue in cheek, but for me personally it would simply go against everything that I believe to side with anyone against them. I've tried over the years but it seems I just can't get above my raisin'.
I respect you for being honest but if you take religion out of it they belong there just as much as Israel and they seem to want to work with Israel more than Israel wants to work with them, I can’t help but believe the US is the cause of that. Again thanks for your reply.
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I respect you for being honest but if you take religion out of it they belong there just as much as Israel and they seem to want to work with Israel more than Israel wants to work with them, I can’t help but believe the US is the cause of that. Again thanks for your reply.

I've spent a decent amount of time in Israel although I'll admit that was many years ago. It seemed a rocket attack or suicide bombing was a weekly occurrence. That, coupled with my own experiences with the Religion of Peace tend to cause me to look at everything the Palestinians do with wary eyes. I just don't trust them.
I respect you for being honest but if you take religion out of it they belong there just as much as Israel and they seem to want to work with Israel more than Israel wants to work with them, I can’t help but believe the US is the cause of that. Again thanks for your reply.
They make sure they want peace by lobbing missiles over every chance they get.
Watch for more Trump concessions to Putin in the coming days before January. This could be his attempt to go around the upcoming Democratic-controlled House, or it could be taking care of unfinished business with Putin before Trump has to leave office.

Anyhow, Trump is doing what Putin wants him to do. We will probably see more of this soon.

Putin is calling in his markers on Trump.

#1. Pull US troops out of Syria.
#2. Get rid of sanctions on Russian aluminum producers.
#3. Who knows what could be next
Maybe Putin will pay for the wall.......I mean he and Trump are tight.
I'm convinced that Trump first meant it as a metaphorical wall until someone told him his supporters are dumb enough to think we can build a multi-billion dollar wall and they love it so he shifted his rhetoric.

I believe that too. Either way - literal or metaphorically - I’m good with it.
Looks like El Heffe may veto the CR. Those dancing on his grave may be a little pre mature. We shall see
I pray wholeheartedly, that Captain DumbAss does a partial shut down of the government, he's already announced and proclaimed he's willing to take the credit for it, and we're willing to give him the credit.
One part of the government that isn't going to get shut down is SC Mueller's investigation . . amirite, Roger Stone ?

45 had his chance at a wall and blew it, he had $25 billion at his disposal to use for the wall in exchange for giving the DACA folks a pathway to citizenship, and he turned it down.

I pray wholeheartedly, that Captain DumbAss does a partial shut down of the government, he's already announced and proclaimed he's willing to take the credit for it, and we're willing to give him the credit.
One part of the government that isn't going to get shut down is SC Mueller's investigation . . amirite, Roger Stone ?

45 had his chance at a wall and blew it, he had $25 billion at his disposal to use for the wall in exchange for giving the DACA folks a pathway to citizenship, and he turned it down.

Another great post.
Eff it . . . I'm off to Mar-A-Lago. Captain Homeboyz says adios, America . . LMFAO @ this assclown of a POTUS that listens to Limbaugh & Faux News for his guidance on how to run the country.

Arms folded in his usual frustrated and highly embarrassed profile . . #bodylanguage.

Mucho Gracias, Señor . . it's how I roll.


Eff it . . . I'm off to Mar-A-Lago. Captain Homeboyz says adios, America . . LMFAO @ this assclown of a POTUS that listens to Limbaugh & Faux News for his guidance on how to run the country.

Arms folded in his usual frustrated and highly embarrassed profile . . #bodylanguage.

You are on a roll. Keep going. Great information from you as usual.
Mattis is out as Secretary of Defense at the end of February. His resignation letter is a not-so-subtle condemnation of our president’s worldview.

I generally don’t inject my opinions in political threads. Today is an exception. Despite the concerns about Trump and his impetuous, willfully ignorant style of governance, there have been people in the administration who made me feel like there were guard rails in place. Most important among them were Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, and James Mattis. All three will be gone in a couple months.

I have disagreed with plenty of policies of former administrations, both Republican and Democrat. But for the first time in my life, I am legitimately worried about the state of the nation. That concern is amplified by the increasing scrutiny from the Mueller investigation and how Trump might react as the walls start closing in on him. I could certainly be wrong, but I feel like we’re on the precipice of a historic moment in our nation’s history. I can only hope that reason and the principles that bind us prevail.
Or a plate of refried beans . . some Spanish rice . . and a case of Dos Equis.

Much better and far more accurate than that Faux news you and your homeboys are tuned in to . .

Have a nice day.
Again you are on point. Your posts are the greatest.