So no Wall for Trump?

Putin is currently receiving benefits on his investment.

Smart guy . . which 45 is not.

Seriously. I’m trying to understand your perspective. Everyone who posts here regularly is pretty open about who they are and what they’ve done.

Right now you are walking that line of unwanted troll.

Why would what I do matter? Are you trying to turn this into some ad hominem argument?

Look, I'm not going to put any details about me out there for any of you cyber-stalkers that want to follow me around. If you guys want to do it, that's fine. I'm not like that.
Why would what I do matter? Are you trying to turn this into some ad hominem argument?

Look, I'm not going to put any details about me out there for any of you cyber-stalkers that want to follow me around. If you guys want to do it, that's fine. I'm not like that.
I’m done with you. Just gonna assume you are a troll.
We prefer deranged.

I wouldn't slap you in that category, even though we often disagree, but people like Billy? He would be the first person to call and try to get someone fired. I'm not putting myself in that position. I've seen it happen on message boards before. This is entertainment for me. I like to joke around and yes I like to have serious discussions as well, but I just don't think it's healthy to take this as anything more than recreation.
We prefer deranged.

I've come to the right place.

Not only won't Mexico pay for his wall, but Congress won't either. Surely even the most ardent of Trump supporter can admit that he failed miserably at his number one campaign promise. He should have taken the 20B offered over a year ago. The art of the Deal my ass....
It's all good. We're going to make the best trade deals, phenomenal trade deals if you will, and make our money back slowly that way. If Congress won't pay for it then Trump will just close the government again because that's what grown ups do when they don't get their way.

Stop with your fake news. Trump already announced in El Paso that lots have changed and "a lot of the wall has already been built" and "walls save lives" (new 2020 slogan?!?!).
Gave you one example. How about we give the 5.7B to ICE and let them sort it out?

We don't disagree, I think we need to speak to more people on the ground and make a decision based on what they are seeing. Also look into how much damage illegals are actually doing (which I tend to think is very costly but I'd love to have confirmation on that).

Then we decide what to do with any funding amount that is given (whether it's 1B or 10B)

Terror Beard said:
I want someone who is not a fan of the wall being built to tell me how we're going to cut down on illegals entering the country at the southern border. If there is no wall, what do we do.

Terror Beard said:
If a wall stops one criminal from coming, that’s enough for me.

Also you:

Don't care if the wall is actually built. Just keep up the harsh rhetoric. Trump continuing to hammer this home and liberals getting all bent about it makes me feel safer and warms my soul. you want a wall or do you not care?

Also you: you want a wall or do you not care?

I have stated the following in numerous poasts:

Yes, a wall sounds great. I don't want to personally pay for it but I would like one. It would make me feel better and I believe it would act as a deterrent. However, if no wall is built, I can live with that as long as Trump continues to talk about it. I want him to keep talking about its importance. I want him to keep reminding everyone of our immigration problems. I want him to keep pissing off democrats.

I hope we're clear now.
I have stated the following in numerous poasts:

Yes, a wall sounds great. I don't want to personally pay for it but I would like one. It would make me feel better and I believe it would act as a deterrent. However, if no wall is built, I can live with that as long as Trump continues to talk about it. I want him to keep talking about its importance. I want him to keep reminding everyone of our immigration problems. I want him to keep pissing off democrats.

I hope we're clear now.
Have you always been this flaky?