So no Wall for Trump?

I'm sorry you're slow on the uptake. What specifically are you struggling with? Because I've been pretty explicit.
Flaky was probably the wrong term.

Morally flexible is more appropriate.

Fwiw, my morals are pretty bendy too.
At this point i’m ready to build the damn thing then sit back and see if it works

Just humor me, but if you were a rancher in Texas, would you welcome the wall running through your property?
Would the wall not be right on the border? I would think it would be similar to giving someone a right-of-way to their property. So the government would be getting 10-20 feet along the US/Mexico border. Also, free fencing for the rancher.
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Would the wall not be right on the border? I would think it would be similar to giving someone a right-of-way to their property. So the government would be getting 10-20 feet along the US/Mexico border. Also, free fencing for the rancher.

Right?! I was wondering about that. So technically, it wouldn't run "through" my property but "next to" my property. And after I brokered a deal where I never pay property taxes again, then yeah, I think I'd be ok with it.
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I believe the situation will unfold in the following manner This deal will be signed and the $$ for the barrier/fence/wall whatever... will be spent Trump is getting approx 55 of the 64 miles he originally requested by the BORDER PATROL. He will continue to make many speeches and has already said that amount of $$ is very disappointing to him and that the emergency... drugs, human trafficking, smuggling etc continues with a little dem help but not nearly enough. THAT leaves him a gigantic window to declare a National Emergency...something which he has alluded to dozens of times in the last few months. This is all well known to the Dems who have their lawyers ready to challenge this order in court. They will prevail at the lower court... more than likely the 9th Circus er circuit which is THE go to Left wing court in America.

This will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court where DJT will win and perhaps win big. The wall is going up one way or another and he has said it a thousand times.
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I'm not sure I can answer that without being a land owner in Texas.

You dont? I do. Thought we all did.

Would the wall not be right on the border? I would think it would be similar to giving someone a right-of-way to their property. So the government would be getting 10-20 feet along the US/Mexico border. Also, free fencing for the rancher.

Right?! I was wondering about that. So technically, it wouldn't run "through" my property but "next to" my property. And after I brokered a deal where I never pay property taxes again, then yeah, I think I'd be ok with it.

Do many Texas ranchers have land that just flows into Mexico without some kind of a border protection? That seems odd.

This issue is building a wall of consequence on your land. Trucks, machines, and materials driving on and through your land. Disrupting your crops, animals, and daily life. Most of these farmers would rather shoot an illegal than have to deal with a fence.
You dont? I do. Thought we all did.

This issue is building a wall of consequence on your land. Trucks, machines, and materials driving on and through your land. Disrupting your crops, animals, and daily life. Most of these farmers would rather shoot an illegal than have to deal with a fence.
So let's arm the ranchers more heavily and pay a bounty kinda like Florida and the pythons.
Conservatives are upset about an oppositional Congress undermining a president’s signature agenda item? I’ll be damned.

Eventually, politics makes hypocrites of us all. We’re having the wrong conversations.
You make a very good point.
Beto says "walls don't save lives, walls kill!". I'm now neutral on the wall, given what locals have said, but wow that is an odd not-self-aware comment for Beto to make - at a rally where he is protected from the crowd by a 20 ft high fence (wall). Ironic.
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Beto says "walls don't save lives, walls kill!". I'm now neutral on the wall, given what locals have said, but wow that is an odd not-self-aware comment for Beto to make - at a rally where he is protected from the crowd by a 20 ft high fence (wall). Ironic.
Maybe he was referring to Nascar racing.
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Think about this. In 07 the senate kills the immigration reform act Bush tries to pass. From 08-16 Obama failed to get a immigration reform law passed. Now trump has both republican Mitch McConnell and Democrats Chuck Shumer begging for him to sign immigration reform law bills while trump has everyone focused on a wall. Is it possible that the wall has been a shell game the whole time for trump. Our corrupt senators are so worrried about this wall they are begging him to sign the reform law they have blocked for two other presidents.
Think about this. In 07 the senate kills the immigration reform act Bush tries to pass. From 08-16 Obama failed to get a immigration reform law passed. Now trump has both republican Mitch McConnell and Democrats Chuck Shumer begging for him to sign immigration reform law bills while trump has everyone focused on a wall. Is it possible that the wall has been a shell game the whole time for trump. Our corrupt senators are so worrried about this wall they are begging him to sign the reform law they have blocked for two other presidents.
America is addicted to cheap labor.
Conservatives are upset about an oppositional Congress undermining a president’s signature agenda item? I’ll be damned.

Eventually, politics makes hypocrites of us all. We’re having the wrong conversations.

Who needs Congress when BO set the standard for ignoring the House and Senate to do whatever he wanted?
I rest my case.
Who needs Congress when BO set the standard for ignoring the House and Senate to do whatever he wanted?

You really think Obama is the first President to do that? Do you really think he was even close to being the President that did it the most?

Again dude, history.