When I first went over there, it was a nice mix of political and social ideals. When I came back, I realized that it was mostly a bunch of socialist zealots, run by a Stalinesque, authoritarian mod. I essentially tried to get banned, and I think the only reason I wasn't banned earlier, was because I was the life of the board. I could turn a ridiculous argument into a ten-page thread by trolling those slope-foreheaded, knuckle-dragging neanderthals. There are a few redeeming posters that still post over there, you being one of them, but not enough for me to make any effort to post there again. The posters over there that weren't complete douche-bags?
- You
- UnIowa (Dragon)
- Moral
- Prime
- Ciggy
- Wendy
- Birch
- Joker
I'm sure I'm missing a couple. The only real regrets I have over there is targetting Wendy and Birch to get to the White Knights on that board. I have nothing against them, but it was obvious that mysogyny ran rampant over the so-called "progressives" on that server.