Spurs sign Harrison Ingram to a 2-way deal


Hall of Famer
Sep 17, 2020

That's $559,782 for next season. Unfortunately 2-way contracts are rarely guaranteed deals, so they can cut him at any point and the paychecks stop.

For comparison, the Pelicans just signed the guy drafted 1 spot ahead of Ingram to a 3 year $5.41 million contract.

I'm disappointed for Harrison. I thought after his summer league play, and in light of other 2nd rounders getting standard deals, that the Spurs would find a way to give him a guaranteed deal and make him a full time part if their roster.
Probably because UNC didn’t give him enough NIL money. Right Chapelle?
The Spurs offering Ingram a 2-way deal instead of a standard guaranteed contract has nothing to do with UNC or NIL.

If you're bound and determined to troll this board, you could at least make your short time left here a bit more entertaining than this.
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The Spurs offering Ingram a 2-way deal instead of a standard guaranteed contract has nothing to do with UNC or NIL.

If you're bound and determined to troll this board, you could at least make your short time left here a bit more entertaining than this.
You’re the one trolling the board. I’d be willing to bet there have been far more negative comments about your posts than mine. You’re the legend in your own mind.
Ingram will be okay. Spurs will be doing allot of moving around players this year and next trying to get the most out of Wemby.

IMHO, Ingram was drafted by Spurs because Sultan a player with similar skills is a logical piece for them to trade this year (Jack of all trades, master of none).

Keep working hard Harrison, and if I'm right Ingram will get a real chance to make it. Ingram is strong and will get stronger, he has a descent three point shot that should get better, and probably size wise can cover three positions.
You’re the one trolling the board. I’d be willing to bet there have been far more negative comments about your posts than mine. You’re the legend in your own mind.
Archer ‘trolling this board’. LMFAO. One of the most balanced and mature posters on here for the last 15yrs!!!
Thanks guys. I try to be evenhanded as much as possible. Look, I think we all know where Chapelle stands on the NIL issue, and he’s certainly entitled to his opinion. But he just has to keep harping on it ad nauseum. It gets tiresome.