This thread. Although, I have had a kitten cling to my back a few times.I what ways are you not?
Legalize hemp, PLEASE!The average American will consume over 465 trees worth of paper over their lifetime.
4% of Americans believe shape-shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining power.
How many had to google "funny average american facts" to copy/paste here? Is there anything more 'Murican than...
Tinder hasn't compiled that info yet.I can't believe no one has posted a statistic on breast or gamecock size yet.
Good example of our poor eating habitsAmericans consume 31% more packaged food than fresh food. Pre shredded cheese wins again!
I think poor George is getting average and median mixed up.
The average American doesn't look like this:
Don't you know she's somebody's daughter?But the average American male wants to look AT that.