The transition game...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
A classic 3-on-2 break from Monday.
3-on-2 creates a crowded paint situation as compared to a 2-on-1, so the key is getting the ball-handler to STOP AT THE FOUL LINE (I'm using all-caps to recall how many times coaches around the country have had to yell that exact phrase in practice ;)). I often resorted to putting a chair just inside the line --- nothing like the prospect of a metal chair on the shin to deter leaking. Why is that so important?
2 reasons.
1. If the ball-handler penetrates it allows 2 defenders to guard all 3 guys (#spacing), and
2. Stopping a the FT line enables a return pass from the block if the first pass is cut off
Here Kenny Williams executes it perfectly, I'm sure bringing a big ol' smile to Roy.

KW stopping at the line forces the Stanford defender at the top to make a choice. Result = Lay-up for Luke. Textbook.
(Also notice JB hanging out to surround in case this turns into a Secondary)
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Nothing prettier than a fast break run to perfection. Kenny really does have great basketball IQ, always seems to make the right play. I hope his shot continues to fall and he stays healthy. With the way he plays defense, I don’t think even Jalek could remove him from the lineup. That would leave Jalek, Seventh, and Cameron as our first three reserves at the 1/2/3 spots. Me likely a lot.
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Great one Gary. I remember watching that play and thinking to myself what a picture perfect play. How many guys that were red hot with 20 pts at the moment would have pulled up from free throw line and taken the contested jumper? Well, not Kenny, he showed great court awareness knowing Luke was trailing behind him and having that connection with Luke knowing he will cut perfectly as the defender stepped up on him which allowed him to be able to lead Luke in for an easy bucket. Also, look at the way he stayed under control. Just Kenny being Kenny, the kid is totally unselfish and does all the little things that add up, the hustle plays and taking the ball to the free throw line here is what makes him so special and valuable for us.
Plays like that are gonna make us so successful, we have a ton of guys who can push get the ball up the court and being able to execute in transition like this will just wear teams down.
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I bet Roy shows that clip to Luke... big fella ran his own break in the same half but overran the play and got caught in traffic below the rim.

I have noticed some greta team work and fundamentals early this season... a couple of in-bounds plays for JB we’re also very purdy.

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm....I guess KW will keep his starting role. I am so happy that the shots were finally falling for such a deserving young man! Seems the perfect time to break out!

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