You're an idiot! I'm even worse that a woman with her period, I am now in menopause, so close your pie hole, dude! I've been calm through this entire exchange with you, of course, I have also been shaking my smug head and rolling my pretty blue eyes at your ridiculousness, but I am great that way. I am the BEST at it too!
I will tell you this much, even with my lack of complete text book knowledge of what specifically the banks do or have done, just knowing they ARE a problem is enough reason for me to support any candidate that actually states they want to get things done regarding it. Bernie was not lying I do not think when he would call Hillary out on her being essentially in bed with Wall Street and the banks. Trump never really has addressed them to my knowledge but I would be highly skeptical of him if he, being as wealthy as he is, came out and spoke out against them. And in my opinion just knowing THAT much is a far better reason to vote FOR someone than your pitiful excuse of voting AGAINST another one. Seriously, who looks foolish here????? It's not me!