Look, there is no more diverse country in the world than America. None. We have every race, creed, and religion known to mankind living and being practiced within our borders, and doing so for the most part in harmony.
Is there racism in America? Sure, but it's nowhere near as prevalent as those who wish to divide us want us to believe. And I challenge to name one country where racism doesn't exist. People are inherently distrustful of things that are different or that they don't understand. Race is just one of those things. It may take another 200 years before races have interbred with one enough before racism finally disappears. But there is no doubt that we have made huge strides just in the last 200 years alone. And that's pretty astounding when you consider that racism has existed for several millenia. Slavery was prevalent around the world just a mere 200 years ago, now it has been abolished worldwide. We've had two black Secretaries of State and now have a black POTUS, a mere 150 years after slavery was abolished. That's remarkable progress folks, especially when you consider that blacks compromise less than 15% of the population.
Unfortunately, there are many who still wish to divide us along racial lines, groups such as the KKK, the Black Panthers, BLM, and Aryan Nations, and individuals like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan. But these people's aims are conceived in hatred and in some individual cases greed, and like slavery, will eventually fall before the power of love. But it will take time. Several millenia of racism doesn't disappear in 200 years. But make no mistake, racism is declining and the pace of that decline grows by the minute as the vast majority of the world's people realize there is no place for it in our future societies.
And nowhere is that attitude exemplified more than in America. That's why it ticks me off so much to see hate mongers like those mentioned above trying to divide us instead of uniting us.