University of Missouri


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I'm surprised no one has started this thread yet. I'm sure you've all seen the goings-on in Columbia, MO. What on earth? What seems so odd to me about all of this is that I keep reading articles that talk about "the students being unhappy with the admin's response to racial issues on campus" but I haven't seen what these "issues" are. I mean, what exactly has transpired on campus to get the black folks all up in arms? The lack of detail surrounding these issues is peculiar in that, if these issues are such a big deal, why are they not front and center in the articles that are circulating regarding the calls for Wolfe to resign? I know it would make me feel a lot better about the fact that we have scholarship athletes "striking" and students attempting to force the hand of the admin - which I find absurd.

Furthermore, on the football team, couldn't they have their scholarships revoked?
"...exactly has transpired on campus to get the black folks all up in arms?"
When you figure that out please post, because I have no idea what exactly has transpired on campus to precipitate all this...
I'm having difficulty finding what was so horrible that it came to all of this. I know about a swastika (or swastikas) that was drawn in feces somewhere on the campus. But, in most articles on the subject that I have found, they only discuss the reactions, the hunger strike, the football team (supported by the coach) refusing to play, etc.. I can't locate the actual points of contention or racially-maligned actions that resulted in in-action by the people who resigned.
Count me in as one who's wondering WTH is going on. Can someone please break it down for us? I haven't followed it at all.

I definitely have thoughts on the football-players-striking aspect of this, but I'm hesitant to post those, especially without knowing all the facts. Certainly agree with y'all that all stories on this topic have been putting the cart before the horse on the reporting.
Glad I'm not crazy -- I dug for a while and couldn't really find anything outside of the swastika incident.

But it's so awesome to know now that if I ever have a problem with an authority figure, I can get a mass movement going and force them out. We really are becoming a nation of twinkle-toes.
The timeline may be a little fuzzy, but this is what I have gleaned.

There was an incident where a black student was walking near the fringes of campus, and some yahoos in a pickup truck shouted the n word at him repeatedly.
There was another incident where a drunken white student called a black student the n word and was belligerent.
There was a feces swastika placed on a wall, but no one knows who did it, or if it was a real incident or a hoax.
These three things are what started the unrest.

Wolfe addressed the issues, admitted that there is racism on campus, but would not pander to the protest groups. They implemented mandatory diversity and inclusion training. Supposedly all their initial demands had been met, but still not good enough, and that's when the football team got involved.

There was a subsequent demonstration which interrupted a parade. Wolfe and his wife's car was surrounded and blocked by the protestors. They wouldn't allow the car to move, and their driver kept looking for a way out. A black student jumped in front of the car, sat on the hood, and another one stepped up to the car as the driver attempted to move forward, and the student claimed that the car ran into him. He is the one that went on the hunger strike. The students got angry that Wolfe wouldn't exit his car and address them. Would anyone in his right mind get out of the car in that situation? Heck no.

This is what gets a University President forced to resign these days. He didn't react "strongly enough" in condemning the racism on campus.

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The timeline may be a little fuzzy, but this is what I have gleaned.

There was an incident where a black student was walking near the fringes of campus, and some yahoos in a pickup truck shouted the n word at him repeatedly.
There was another incident where a drunken white student called a black student the n word and was belligerent.
There was a feces swastika placed on a wall, but no one knows who did it, or if it was a real incident or a hoax.
These three things are what started the unrest.

Wolfe addressed the issues, admitted that there is racism on campus, but would not pander to the protest groups. They implemented mandatory diversity and inclusion training. Supposedly all their initial demands had been met, but still not good enough, and that's when the football team got involved.

There was a subsequent demonstration which interrupted a parade. Wolfe and his wife's car was surrounded and blocked by the protestors. They wouldn't allow the car to move, and their driver kept looking for a way out. A black student jumped in front of the car, sat on the hood, and another one stepped up to the car as the driver attempted to move forward, and the student claimed that the car ran into him. He is the one that went on the hunger strike. The students got angry that Wolfe wouldn't exit his car and address them. Would anyone in his right mind get out of the car in that situation? Heck no.

This is what gets a University President forced to resign these days. He didn't react "strongly enough" in condemning the racism on campus.


Wow. If that's all that's happened, I am truly embarrassed that Wolfe and the admin caved under pressure.

Here's the deal people, racism exist. It can't be stopped and frankly, I think it's a huge waste of time to try to stop it. What we should be teaching to youth instead is that someone else's opinion of you is of little consequence and that kids need to understand how to create self worth without being reliant on others. What's to stop a group of fat people from "striking" because of fat shaming that might have happened in a handful of isolated circumstances on campus?

Lastly, can anyone think of anything as stupid and futile as a "hunger strike". I mean, who the hell do people think that's hurting?

I would go on to talk about the culture that Obama and his cronies have created but I've been down that road before and I know how that ends so I'll refrain.
Well, the fat people don't hold the strings to a multi million dollar revenue sport, for one.

A Missouri student not in favor of the
protesters said what she had learned from this is that the football players run the university.

We've pretty much devolved into mob rule, and the leftists have been taught that he who screams the loudest and lies most frequently wins.

Oh, I forgot that another of the grievances is that he didn't speak out loudly enough about Ferguson. You know, the one where the thief tried to kill the cop and got blown up instead?

Hands up, don't shoot. Scream and lie.
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So some rednecks yelled the N-word at some college students.....these snowflakes need to wake up and quit demanding to be coddled. Furthermore, don't be so hypocritical. Yes, that is a racist but at least it's not like the regular occurrence of black mob violence going "polar bear" hunting and attacking complete random strangers.

Have some perspective.
I tend to agree with everyone on here. Admittedly I haven't followed the story very closely but there are a few questions that I'd like answered:

1) What did any of the cited offenses have to do with the university President? Somebody on campus yelled racial epithets at the black student body president, and also a black student group rehearsing for homecoming. I've got bad news for all of them if they think they're going to go through life without anyone ever saying anything offensive to them.

2) What, specifically, was the President supposed to have done to address the issues in #1? Was there an actual list of demands or was it simply a matter of him "not doing enough" in the eyes of the protestors?

3) What, specifically, is going to improve about the situation as a result of the President's resignation?
The proportion of minorities to white students is not good according to this group. One of the main requests made of the President was for him to admit and apologize to his White Privelage.
No Rebel Flags, at least!
Not so fast buffalo breathe….one of the professor spokesman said on TV today that some people with Rebel flags had driven by the group and the group felt threatened…..I mean those flags can really do damage!!! This thing gets dumber and dumber by the day!!!!! Sorry Strum for calling you a name…..I have just always thought that was funny and simply wanted to use it….please accept my apology if I hurt you on the inside!!!
If you are interested in this you guys should follow Clay Travis on Twitter. He used to be on the radio here in Nashville and I thought he was great. He kind of attacks everything with humor but still has some really good points involving many issues. He is all over this story though.
What bothers me about this is that is seems that there is not enough here for what is being protested, which is going to create doubt and mistrust regarding protests when there may actually be a reason to do so. Making an issue out of something that isn't an issue can actually hurt your cause (and it is a cause I think worth considering in many instances).
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still can't figure out what the end game is here.

Was the president already in their cross hairs because he refused to rename a building or take down a statue? That's about the only thing that makes sense to me.
still can't figure out what the end game is here.

Was the president already in their cross hairs because he refused to rename a building or take down a statue? That's about the only thing that makes sense to me.

I haven't dug too deeply on this part, but supposedly a lot of the liberal faculty was upset when he was installed because he is.....wait for it.....conservative. They have had the knives out for him for a while, especially the communications department faculty and students, with the students likely having been incited by the faculty. That communications department has been heavily involved in this.

Here's some background on the one who was trying to tell reporters that they can't cover events on a public campus of a publicly funded university:

According to her bio on the University of Missouri website, Melissa Click specializes in “audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy”:
Her research interests center on popular culture texts and audiences, particularly texts and audiences disdained in mainstream culture. Her work in this area is guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy. Current research projects involve 50 Shades of Grey readers, the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with Lady Gaga, masculinity and male fans, messages about class and food in reality television programming, and messages about work in children’s television programs.
Click’s dissertation for her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst was about the “commodification of femininity, affluence and whiteness in the Martha Stewart phenomenon,” according to her CV. You can read the full dissertation here.
If you are interested in this you guys should follow Clay Travis on Twitter.
Funny you should mention Clay since I was just reading a couple of his articles about this situation this morning. Clay is a troll of epic proportions, but...he makes some really outstanding points, mostly from a sports perspective but he takes it a step further. I'll link the stories here to save you the trouble.

Mizzou Player Strike Raises Fascinating Questions

Mizzou Protest Is Total Charade
Here's some background on the one who was trying to tell reporters that they can't cover events on a public campus of a publicly funded university.
An expert in media literacy, no less. That woman is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Like, to the point that I have trouble believing she's actually serious. Cripes.

You have protestors and faculty telling reporters they're not respecting their space while holding a demonstration in the public square on campus. This whole thing is theater of the absurd.
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Funny you should mention Clay since I was just reading a couple of his articles about this situation this morning. Clay is a troll of epic proportions, but...he makes some really outstanding points, mostly from a sports perspective but he takes it a step further. I'll link the stories here to save you the trouble.

Mizzou Player Strike Raises Fascinating Questions

Mizzou Protest Is Total Charade

Yeah, he basically freely admits he is a 'troll' and overgeneralizes because of the media aspect of what he does. He is pretty clever though and I enjoy (and agree with most of the time) his opinions on most things.
An expert in media literacy, no less. That woman is absurd. Absolutely absurd. Like, to the point that I have trouble believing she's actually serious. Cripes.

Yeah, that video with her and the student reporter is nuts.
An expert in media literacy, no less. That woman is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Like, to the point that I have trouble believing she's actually serious. Cripes.

You have protestors and faculty telling reporters they're not respecting their space while holding a demonstration in the public square on campus. This whole thing is theater of the absurd.
Yeah, and yet she isn't being reprimanded in any way. Who is in control on that campus??! Answer looks to be "no one." And PC-ness is rampant so no one will have the guts to stand up and try to restore order, for fear of looking like a racist or something. You know, even though this chick's comment was incredibly racist.

I do not want any part of checking the DTH's website, but I'm sure they're running articles about this. When does the DTH editorial come out that asks the football and basketball team to boycott in order to challenge some petty happening on campus?
Guaranteed it's before they run an editorial criticizing Jay Smith for saying he hopes the Provost's plane crashes.
I couldn't help myself and check their front page. Nothing about the Mizzou situation. I did see an article on how Durhamites protested and want $15/hour wages for working at like KFC and McDonald's. The idiocy of raising the minimum wage to $15 is too apparent for me to wast time arguing about. Seattle citizens won't be too thrilled when, in a few years, it takes them 15 minutes to go through a drive-thru (because the place is understaffed) and then they have to pay twice as much for a burger.
To be fair, she apologized the next day both to the public and privately to the reporter. And it's a good thing she did, because her actions were outrageous and completely indefensible.
Thanks for mentioning that HIS. I meant to state in my post that she did apologize. But frankly, that's not really enough. Not gonna even bother creating a hypothetical situation to illustrate, but we all know if her comments were the other side of this "debate" (?) she would've been tar and feathered.

ETA: But after seeing she apologized, I see all these writers on Twitter praising her for owning her mistake. Okay...... what about these protesters showing remorse that they -- IMO -- needlessly forced two men out of a dang job? I'm sure they don't feel any remorse though.

I agree with others who ask what the end game is. All-black campus and faculty? I'm not even trying to be funny -- like what do they desire?
Thanks for mentioning that HIS. I meant to state in my post that she did apologize. But frankly, that's not really enough. Not gonna even bother creating a hypothetical situation to illustrate, but we all know if her comments were the other side of this "debate" (?) she would've been tar and feathered.
Looks like Professor Click has now resigned. Heads rolling everywhere in Columbia.
An expert in media literacy, no less. That woman is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Like, to the point that I have trouble believing she's actually serious. Cripes.

You have protestors and faculty telling reporters they're not respecting their space while holding a demonstration in the public square on campus. This whole thing is theater of the absurd.

Exactly, and then someone said the reporter needed to respect what those little snowflakes needed the most right then- which was to be alone. Ex-squeeze me? You're living in a tent city on the quad protesting with your fellow students, and you need to be alone? And this reporter is in some way preventing you from being alone? Will you be alone if he leaves? Ummmm, no.

all this BS about safe spaces, and freedom from hurt feelings is nauseating. I always thought college was supposed to be about the free and open exchange of diverse ideas.
Not anymore.
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