USGA in LA for the US Open


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2001
Columbia, SC
pick your three and the score…should be a decent test haha, it’s pretty sick.


Been waiting on this thread.

I’m super excited about it. West coast US Open is the absolute best. Love watching high stakes golf at 8:00 pm. This course looks interesting. Bermuda rough which isn’t your typical US Open rough, should come into play as the course looks narrow. Par 71 with five par 3s.


Darkhorse: Fowler

Winning score: -4
That rough is cut ridiculously short, especially for a U.S. Open. Hope that video is a bit older and they've let it grow quite a bit.

I just saw that my picks didn't post for some reason. Here they are.


DH Zaliatoris

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Been waiting on this thread.

I’m super excited about it. West coast US Open is the absolute best. Love watching high stakes golf at 8:00 pm. This course looks interesting. Bermuda rough which isn’t your typical US Open rough, should come into play as the course looks narrow. Par 71 with five par 3s.


Darkhorse: Fowler

Winning score: -4
The 2008 Open at Torrey was probably the most fun I've ever had watching golf. Aside from Tiger's heroics, 8pm Sunday night was AWESOME.

I think iron play will be key here, Scottie being #1 in strokes gained approach I think will be what leads him to a win:


Darkhorse: Rose

Winning score: -6
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But it's Bermuda, so it doesn't get long and stringy. It's more spongy but equally penalizing. Explained here:

The U.S. Open has traditionally been a severe challenge to pro golfers. The idea being to challenge them at a level that compares to everyday hackers like I used to be. Bring them down to our level, sort of thing.

I know about bermuda rough, and I've played courses with much thicker cuts. It's the devil's work, and the devil is what the pros are supposed to have to deal with in a U.S. Open. When I watch a U.S. Open, I want to see some bogeys and I want to see clubs thrown but even better, I like to see miraculously great recovery shots.

When a golf ball rolls into bermuda rough as in the video and sits up as those did in the video, the rough is too forgiving, IMO.
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The U.S. Open has traditionally been a severe challenge to pro golfers. The idea being to challenge them at a level that compares to everyday hackers like I used to be. Bring them down to our level, sort of thing.

I know about bermuda rough, and I've played courses with much thicker cuts. It's the devil's work, and the devil is what the pros are supposed to have to deal with in a U.S. Open. When I watch a U.S. Open, I want to see some bogeys and I want to see clubs thrown but even better, I like to see miraculously great recovery shots.

When a golf ball rolls into bermuda rough as in the video and sits up as those did in the video, the rough is too forgiving, IMO.
that video just shows how steep some fairways are…a ball landing and rolling into the rough as shown, isn’t likely going to be that penal…there are other videos out showing rather severe rough.

but yes, i agree with your points about this event…it’s supposed to be the toughest test of the year and by saturday i’m sure we’ll hear and read about it…there’s one hole, a par 4, that will measure only 30 yards longer(one day) than a par 3…the problem is the tee shot is blind, blocked by a large mf tree that will make a player decide how much is it worth to ya haha.
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that video just shows how steep some fairways are…a ball landing and rolling into the rough as shown, isn’t likely going to be that penal…there are other videos out showing rather severe rough.
I did wonder if the rough was cut shorter there because of the slope of the fairway, thanks for the info.

I watched some of the Golf Channels pre-event coverage and there's no doubt it will be different, which is what I like. I also found out that one of the three winners I picked, Max Homa, holds the single round record score there of 61. I'm sure they said 61, as unlikely as that might seem to be.

I just looked it up. It was in fact a 61, and he was in school at the time.
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The 2008 Open at Torrey was probably the most fun I've ever had watching golf. Aside from Tiger's heroics, 8pm Sunday night was AWESOME.

I think iron play will be key here, Scottie being #1 in strokes gained approach I think will be what leads him to a win:


Darkhorse: Rose

Winning score: -6
I had to look it up to see which one it was, and now I have to fairly agree with you. I know most people were probably pulling for Tiger but I wanted badly for Rocco to win because it was like pulling for David vs. Goliath. Either way though, it was a fantastic finish.
I don't know. Back when I actually tried to play golf, I had to regularly hit balls out of stuff deeper than that. Of course, they didn't exactly call that part of the course the rough either - if it technically was part of the course, lol.
was that green side?…i’m not doubting you, but this is pretty tough…and were the greens like this?

i recall a junior event i played in at mid pines that was the most difficult setup i’ve ever seen…2nd cut was dead, like damn near wedge to fairway…and that was a junior amateur tournament.

look at the rough around the greens where the bunkers are this weekend…it’s pretty disgusting.
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this one should be fun. Ever heard of an 80, as in eighty, yard par three where one actual strategy will be to lay up?

This might be the pro version of playing Tobacco Road.
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Been waiting on this thread.

I’m super excited about it. West coast US Open is the absolute best. Love watching high stakes golf at 8:00 pm. This course looks interesting. Bermuda rough which isn’t your typical US Open rough, should come into play as the course looks narrow. Par 71 with five par 3s.


Darkhorse: Fowler

Winning score: -4
What a dark horse. Got those winning lotto numbers tonight also?
This a fantastic course and so fun to watch
it might be to me as well if it was just a tour stop. But to have those scores in the first round of the U.S. Open makes it a lot less interesting. Especially when the leader is Ricky Fowler, the worst 'name' golfer on the tour. What a joke.
it might be to me as well if it was just a tour stop. But to have those scores in the first round of the U.S. Open makes it a lot less interesting. Especially when the leader is Ricky Fowler, the worst 'name' golfer on the tour. What a joke.
maybe the usga had a meeting last night…”did you hear about the water shortage in orange county?”
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maybe the usga had a meeting last night…”did you hear about the water shortage in orange county?”
it I was the USGA, I'd be throwing rattlesnakes and alligators out on the course and setting off fireworks on the tees..
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it might be to me as well if it was just a tour stop. But to have those scores in the first round of the U.S. Open makes it a lot less interesting. Especially when the leader is Ricky Fowler, the worst 'name' golfer on the tour. What a joke.
I’m not even gonna address this. Guess I did but not again.
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it might be to me as well if it was just a tour stop. But to have those scores in the first round of the U.S. Open makes it a lot less interesting. Especially when the leader is Ricky Fowler, the worst 'name' golfer on the tour. What a joke.
I’m not even gonna address this. Guess I did but not again.

I was serious about the first part considering the low scores. As for the second part concerning Fowler....


but the fish weren't biting, lol.
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@bluetoe are you smiling somewhere right now?
You betcha, although I have mixed emotions....I'm loving Harris English being in contention but I'm hating the hiccups the course is giving him. All in all though, it'll be a shame if that two horse race doesn't go down to the wire. I'm pulling for Clark. Fowler is such a loser.

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