Steat my friend, I am going to respectfully disagree. Now of course, ain't gonna win many games when the other team scores 90+, that I will never argue against. I would add that you will not lose many games you score 90+ in either!
I do not believe the problem is defense, I believe the problem is offense, it is scoring or the lack of. This particular team plays with more effort, more spirit, harder when they are scoring well. But when they are not scoring well they tend to lose the defensive focus and effort. As you may recall, Dean made a huge point of his teams defending well because he wanted your defense to key your offense, thus energizing our breaks off of our defense. That is why Dean used his multiple defensive approach, to create TOs, why he preached blocking out and rebounding so hard, to limits their looks and get our game pace up.
I used to chuckle when I saw Roy talk about his being a defensive minded coach, I never saw Roy as a defensive minded coach. Roy out sized the opponents in the paint, with that size advantage forced teams to not crash the boards for offensive rebounds but retreat and get ready for our breaks. Roy's teams were best when he out scored the other team and forced them in to taking bad shots trying to play catch up to us, Roy was an offensive minded coach that had defenses play just well enough to let his scoring gain a winning margin. Tony Bennet by contrast is a defensive minded coach, his entire game plan revolves around his defense and that just was not what Roy did.
And who was the head coach for Hubert's entire assistant coaching career, it was Roy so no surprise that so far Hubert seems more of an offensive minded coach than a defensive minded one. If the meat and pototoes of what you do is offensive and your offense is not working then your defense is going to be a problem. May sound a bit like why did the chicken cross the road where it depends on who you ask but I think the real concern is more offense than defense and if the offense can get consistent then the defense will look much better. The whole remove the rims for practice thing from Roy was always for me a belly laugh.