Virginia schools shut down over arabic/muslim lesson

In the Quaran there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abolish or even balance out the many that call for non believers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation , convert to islam or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy , along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quaran , have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. So you who call yourselves progressives , because mainly you think it is the cool thing to be , how do you justify supporting a religion of intolerance coupled with outright hostility and violence against women? I personally think you are hypocrites. In conclusion there is no place for muslims in the U.S. when they are a danger to U.S. law abiding and tax paying citizens.
In the Quaran there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abolish or even balance out the many that call for non believers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation , convert to islam or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy , along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quaran , have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. So you who call yourselves progressives , because mainly you think it is the cool thing to be , how do you justify supporting a religion of intolerance coupled with outright hostility and violence against women? I personally think you are hypocrites. In conclusion there is no place for muslims in the U.S. when they are a danger to U.S. law abiding and tax paying citizens.
We should methodically exterminate them exactly like the Nazis tried to exterminate the Jews. THAT would solve the problem. And, the world would love us for it. Just take their property, their businesses. Then remove their social rights. Then make them wear the crescent moon and star in public, so we can identify them, shame them. Then, move them into ghettos, then extermination camps. The plan is there. They're all bad apples. Might as well kill all of them.
I must have skipped the day they went over that in chemistry.

Did anyone else here learn about making meth in high school or is strum just fooling?

I remember we were to make ice cream in high school chemistry. The teacher designated that my job was to bring the rock salt. I forgot the rock salt.

I ruined it for everyone and still have not been allowed to forget it.

I don't recall the lesson on meth, but there was a lot of stuff that went by me without any notice in chemistry class.
In the Quaran there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abolish or even balance out the many that call for non believers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation , convert to islam or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy , along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quaran , have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. So you who call yourselves progressives , because mainly you think it is the cool thing to be , how do you justify supporting a religion of intolerance coupled with outright hostility and violence against women? I personally think you are hypocrites. In conclusion there is no place for muslims in the U.S. when they are a danger to U.S. law abiding and tax paying citizens.

Muhammad was also a pedophile!

But hey if a few women children and Americans have to be killed or hurt in the name of a peacefull religion I'm game!
In the Quaran there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abolish or even balance out the many that call for non believers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation , convert to islam or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy , along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quaran , have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. So you who call yourselves progressives , because mainly you think it is the cool thing to be , how do you justify supporting a religion of intolerance coupled with outright hostility and violence against women? I personally think you are hypocrites. In conclusion there is no place for muslims in the U.S. when they are a danger to U.S. law abiding and tax paying citizens.

Well to be clear, I'm not supporting Islam. I think its wicked, backwards and oppressive. But I think that's true of all organized religions.

You are obviously ignorant of statistics. There are already a ton of practicing Muslims in this country and they aren't a threat in any way shape or form to US citizens. Right wing fanatical christians are a much bigger threat
Well to be clear, I'm not supporting Islam. I think its wicked, backwards and oppressive. But I think that's true of all organized religions.

You are obviously ignorant of statistics. There are already a ton of practicing Muslims in this country and they aren't a threat in any way shape or form to US citizens. Right wing fanatical christians are a much bigger threat

WRONG yet again. Sad
Right wing fanatical christians are a much bigger threat


Name the last time a group of Christians got together planned and carried out a plot to kill 3000 Americans in an attack in the name of there god?

When they do we will discuss the Christians being a bigger treat than Muslims,
Except Global Warming. You have complete faith in that religion.

Only an idiot would equate science to religion. Or lack of religion with religion. Classic playground move, I know you are but what am I
Only an idiot would equate science to religion. Or lack of religion with religion. Classic playground move, I know you are but what am I

Only a complete and total idiot would take unproven speculation from some scientists as fact.

At least religious people understand their position is an exercise in faith. You are brainwashed to the point that believing faith is fact. David Koresh and Jim Jones would love to have you in the flock.

I don't get it what are you saying everything you posted is nothing more than totaling everything that was NOT Muslims killing and giving you a number.

Killing someone or a bunch of someone's and being of a certain religion is not even close to the samething as killing in the name of your religion.
Only a complete and total idiot would take unproven speculation from some scientists as fact.

At least religious people understand their position is an exercise in faith. You are brainwashed to the point that believing faith is fact. David Koresh and Jim Jones would love to have you in the flock.

Unproven speculation... Dude you need help lol
Unproven speculation... Dude you need help lol

And for the record, I dont care if you worship at the Church of Climate Change. Its your story- write it however the Holy Spirit, or in your case, the Uncalibrated Thermometer, moves you.

Just leave me out of it. Heres a deal for you- i will tell the other Christians its ok for gays to marry and you tell your fellow parishoners its ok for me to burn fossil fuels. Hows that sound to you?
And for the record, I dont care if you worship at the Church of Climate Change. Its your story- write it however the Holy Spirit, or in your case, the Uncalibrated Thermometer, moves you.

Just leave me out of it. Heres a deal for you- i will tell the other Christians its ok for gays to marry and you tell your fellow parishoners its ok for me to burn fossil fuels. Hows that sound to you?

Worship and having an opinion that is supported by scientific data are two completely different things. If you want to buy a product that doesn't even exist, you go right ahead. But don't equate logic and science with your faith. Science is not a religion, neither is the absence of religion.

I don't remember ever saying that you can't burn fossil fuels... The fossil fuel industry represents a tiny portion of the co2 emissions. Factory farming does much more damage.

But hey if you have a problem with calling it climate change, that's fine with me. Just think of it as environmentalism. Surely you wouldn't argue that its common sense for us to protect the planet to the best of our abilities considering its the only one accessible to us that can sustain human life?
Ireland was not over religion, it was over unification of Ireland. Basically, most of Northern Ireland is Protestant and continually voted to stay with the U.K. Catholics weren't killing Protestants over religions, it was over nationality. I've explained this to you before and you keep repeating the same falsehood.

And when was the last time there was any IRA violence in Northern Ireland anyways?

Bosnia-Serbia-Croatia was a complete mess. I'm not well versed enough to know the root of the violence, but something tells me you aren't either.

I have been to almost all the Balkan countries and you're right it is a mess that goes back hundreds of years. To make a very long story short the Muslims, Eastern Orthodox, and the Catholics have been killing each other for years and years. Here is a link to a very good BBC special on it
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Lots of children these days don't know Christianity and the Bible. How bout we teach that, too, Strum? I imagine your response would be a tad different. Smh.

Because if Christianity is shared in school it is looked at as trying to brain wash children but if it's another kind of religion it is looked at as education!
Lots of children these days don't know Christianity and the Bible. How bout we teach that, too, Strum? I imagine your response would be a tad different. Smh.
I don't think the class was being taught Islam. It was the calligraphy-style of writing. The message of the writing was pretty universal to all religions: "There is only one God and WE are his messengers."

It's your opinion that "lots of children" don't know Christianity these days? A lot being... how many? I have a hunch that you could ask just about every, single child in this country what Christianity is, and they'll know. I know a whole lot of people who claim to be Christians, but exhibit very little in the way of "knowing" what it is to be like Christ.
I have been to almost all the Balkan countries and you're right it is a mess that goes back hundreds of years. To make a very long story short the Muslims, Eastern Orthodox, and the Catholics have been killing each other for years and years. Here is a link to a very good BBC special on it

Anyone who doesn't think the sectarian war in Ireland was about religion is beyond help. The protestants voted to stay with the UK because the Catholics wanted a theocratic state ran by the Catholic church. Children were murdered because they were the wrong kind of Christian, but it had nothing to with religion?... Yikes.

I mean they conducted roadblocks where they would ask people if they were protestant or catholic, and if they answered wrong they would drag them out of their cars and kill them. Yeah, not about religion at all...

And yes the Balkans is a complete mess, and its because the people there cant stop killing each other over who's fairy tale is true...
I've read some of the most vicious, barbaric acts ever and it was Catholics to Protestants and vice versa. And they both had the IDENTICAL SAVIOR. How they ever found it necessary to burn people alive, after shaving their heads and publicly humiliating them is beyond me.
Anyone who doesn't think the sectarian war in Ireland was about religion is beyond help. The protestants voted to stay with the UK because the Catholics wanted a theocratic state ran by the Catholic church. Children were murdered because they were the wrong kind of Christian, but it had nothing to with religion?... Yikes.

I mean they conducted roadblocks where they would ask people if they were protestant or catholic, and if they answered wrong they would drag them out of their cars and kill them. Yeah, not about religion at all...

And yes the Balkans is a complete mess, and its because the people there cant stop killing each other over who's fairy tale is true...
I'm not sure that's because of religion. I think it was what they stood to lose or gain from the identities. The religions are practically identical.
I'm not sure that's because of religion. I think it was what they stood to lose or gain from the identities. The religions are practically identical.

When has that ever stopped theocrats from waging war?
When has that ever stopped theocrats from waging war?
Well, I would blame the theocrats... not the religions. I'm guilty of blaming the religions themselves, but the religions are benevolent really. The PEOPLE are the powder kegs and power seekers. Jesus begs people to be peaceful, loving and forgiving. How people do essentially the antithesis of that and call themselves Christian is beyond me.
I have a hunch that you could ask just about every, single child in this country what Christianity is, and they'll know. I know a whole lot of people who claim to be Christians, but exhibit very little in the way of "knowing" what it is to be like Christ.

How are these two statements not contradictory? Just about everyone knows what Christianity is, but a whole lot of people don't know what Christianity is....?
Well, I would blame the theocrats... not the religions. I'm guilty of blaming the religions themselves, but the religions are benevolent really. The PEOPLE are the powder kegs and power seekers. Jesus begs people to be peaceful, loving and forgiving. How people do essentially the antithesis of that and call themselves Christian is beyond me.

I couldn't possibly disagree more. The books that founded these religions have done more damage to humanity than any other human invention in documented history.
I couldn't possibly disagree more. The books that founded these religions have done more damage to humanity than any other human invention in documented history.
I think the religions intentions were to help people understand our origins and help us to find a oneness with each other and God. People, and human nature, sorta maligned it along the way. Now, I think they're becoming more and more arcane. The books didn't found religions, people did.
I think the religions intentions were to help people understand our origins and help us to find a oneness with each other and God. People, and human nature, sorta maligned it along the way. Now, I think they're becoming more and more arcane. The books didn't found religions, people did.

Of course people founded them. That's one of the most obvious signs that they're completely fictitious. Religion is a human invention and so is the concept of a divine entity. Sure, people founded the different religions, but they founded them by codifying their dogmatic belief systems into religious texts, which like I said have done immeasurable damage to humanity and set back our progress for thousands of years.

And whether the intention were good or not is irrelevant. All religions make metaphysical claims about the origin, and order of the universe we inhabit. Those claims are obviously false. People do not live in whales, they dont walk on water, and virgins don't have children. Muhammad never flew to heaven on a winged horse, anymore than he split the moon in half. Its mythology. All of it. Its hilarious watching adults who are often otherwise intelligent people, angrily defend mythology as being fact.
I'll just leave this here. The reactions should definitely be good for a few laughs.

@uncboy10 - you say religion has held us back for thousands of question to you is where do you think we would be if no religions had ever been created? What would have become of humanity?
Only a complete and total idiot would take unproven speculation from some scientists as fact.

At least religious people understand their position is an exercise in faith. You are brainwashed to the point that believing faith is fact. David Koresh and Jim Jones would love to have you in the flock.

Well stated.
@uncboy10 - you say religion has held us back for thousands of question to you is where do you think we would be if no religions had ever been created? What would have become of humanity?

Technology would certainly be much more advanced. We wouldn't have foolish dogmas plaguing our societies morality, and there would certainly have been a great deal less war.

Religion provides nothing positive that secular moral philosophy cannot. However it provides a great deal of noxious, pernicious ideas and beliefs that a decent moral person would never believe if it weren't for so-called divine authority.
Doesn't it take faith to believe the way you do?

Some would say it takes more faith to believe that everything that we have was just an accident!
And those people would be imbeciles. Considering that the universe is far too large for the human mind to even comprehend, it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that one tiny planet in a tiny solar system would be able to sustain life.

Of course if you believe it was all "designed" you have to explain why your loving God would put us on a planet where earthquakes, tsunamis and countless other natural disasters kill countless scores of innocent people including women and children.

And if your logic is that the universe must have been designed because it is too complex to not have been designed, then we must assume that your "designer" is even more complex. But if the universe is too complex to not have been drsigned, then by the same logic, your designer must have been designed as well. This sends you down an endless rabbit hole of stupidity.