Virginia schools shut down over arabic/muslim lesson

i have found the vast majority of atheists i've had contact with to be arrogant bigots who are as religious and dogmatic about their beliefs as any fundie and every bit as judgemental of those that disagree with them. So basically they're religious hypocrites ftmp.
There are lots of atheists and agnostics who view their beliefs as personal and have no desire at all to change the way religious people worship. Similarly, there are lots of Christians who view their relationship with Jesus to be personal and have no desire to proselytize to those who believe differently. Unfortunately, it's the loudmouths on both sides who give everyone else a bad name, as usual.
The most consistent thing about @uncboy10 is his dishonesty. Case in point:

"...all completely made up by Gerald Massey, a 19th century kookoo banana-bird self-taught Egyptologist who never provided the slightest shred of evidence for any of these claims, and was laughed out of the room by every serious Egyptologist on the planet."

More good stuff with Horus? Horus reads the internet. Where you'll get an excellent comparison between Moral Law and Ceremonial Law, and what the Bible commands of Christians and Israelites. (Psst...make sure you stick around in the video for Horus "petarding preacherman on his own hoistings" over the homosexualisms)

Both born of a virgin.

Both born December 25th (though that is never stated in the bible, it is almost universally accepted as the birthday of Jesus by Christians). Of course historians are mostly in agreement that if Jesus ever was an actual man he almost certainly wasn't born until sometime around 4 AD

Both of their mothers were named Mary (Meri for horus)

Both had their coming announced by an angel

Local rulers tried to have both killed as infanats

Both had shepherds witness their births

And so on it goes. Yeah no parallels there...

You seem to think that repeating this lie somehow makes it more true. Someday you'll actually tell the truth, and no one will be listening. Because what they will have come to expect are just more lies.
There are lots of atheists and agnostics who view their beliefs as personal and have no desire at all to change the way religious people worship. Similarly, there are lots of Christians who view their relationship with Jesus to be personal and have no desire to proselytize to those who believe differently. Unfortunately, it's the loudmouths on both sides who give everyone else a bad name, as usual.

Perfectly said.