
we had way to many unforced turnovers and our bigs got owned tonight. We deserved to lose.
RESPECTFULLY, I am going to say of course we deserved to lose!

BUT, I have always believed that if at the end of the game, my team has less points than the opposing team then my team deserved to lose. That may sound simplistic but it isn't and my reasons for saying it will not be agreed with by many. I have never seen a game where the outcome was determined by a last second shot that went in or didn't. I have never seen a game that the refs stole for one team or the other. I have seen many games that have been said to fit one of those 2.

While I do hate to see a last second shot take us down, ala Rivers a few years ago for duke, that shot didn't beat us. I hate to see bad calls by refs negatively effect us and in the eyes of many cost us a game as gets screamed about so much on these boards, I hate those things just as much as anyone else but those things have not cost us a game.

What costs you a game is the body of play spread across the entire 40mins of that game, truth is that missed pair of free throws 3mins in to that game has just as much effect on the out come as that miracle shot at the end did, that unforced TO, that useless foul, that failure to get good block out position on that 1 first half miss. All of those things early on play in to the closness at the end. Refs call a game that seems more friendly to the other team well winners fight thru adversity do they not? Don't know if I ever recall both teams fans agree that the refs were exactly fair to both teams, it is usually the losing side that fusses about the refs and the winning side saying it was fairly called or called so that it benefited the other team.

I may not like a call at the end, I may fuss about it but at the end of the day that isn't what costs us a game, what cost us was the play over the entire game, not the last 10seconds of it. So of course we deserved to lose that game vs Wofford and I do not say that to belittle the poster I quoted nor anyone on this board but simply took this quote as op to express this.
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I had to give myself a few days before I can back on here. That was some of the worse playing I think I have ever seen Carolina play. I am just still lost for words
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This indeed is a coaching problem ... I love Roy, but we pay him to coach our team and he needs to instruct them when they are not making plays!
No offense, but one minute you're on top of the world and one loss later, you're in the depths of despair. Anyone who knows UNC basketball could have told you that this year was going to be a roller coaster ride. Surely you didn't expect anything else.

The good thing is that the positives have far outweighed the negatives to date. Keep the faith.
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No offense, but one minute you're on top of the world and one loss later, you're in the depths of despair. Anyone who knows UNC basketball could have told you that this year was going to be a roller coaster ride. Surely you didn't expect anything else.

The good thing is that the positives have far outweighed the negatives to date. Keep the faith.

Yeah .. knew it was going to be a coaster ride but Wofford would not have been one of the games where I thought the train would jump the tracks .. this one stung and it may have some long term seeding implications .. jmho
Yeah .. knew it was going to be a coaster ride but Wofford would not have been one of the games where I thought the train would jump the tracks .. this one stung and it may have some long term seeding implications .. jmho
Yeah, I think we drop a seed come March because of this terrible loss. Man, we were 27 point favorites. Vegas oddsmakers just don't miss that bad very often. It's still hard for me to fathom how we lost to Wofford who didn't even play particularly well.
People need to quit worrying about seeding in December.... There is not much difference between a 1 or 2 a 2 or 3 , etc.... To win 6 games in March you will have to beat 3 very good teams, 2 pretty good teams and 1 team that won their conference to get in.... And with the pod system now you can play the first weekend in Charlotte even if in West Region!!!! Almost every UNC team has a mind boggling loss to a team it should beat, this year so far Wofford..(Santa Clara, GT last year I think to name a few)... If you take each game with a grain of salt during the regular season then it makes these types of losses easier.... Plus I wouldn’t be surprised to see Wofford playing in March Madness
Don't worry about it, the poster above you goes to the extreme excess of the verbiage . . you poasting immediately after him balances it all out.
And I probably should proof read my comments before I hit the post button LOL
This indeed is a coaching problem ... I love Roy, but we pay him to coach our team and he needs to instruct them when they are not making plays!

I don't think you can pin this loss on Roy. There are four upperclassmen on the floor that have been coached well and know how to win.... and they mostly played like crap. It happens. Unfortunately.
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This indeed is a coaching problem ... I love Roy, but we pay him to coach our team and he needs to instruct them when they are not making plays!

Perhaps on cue, we have the poster that runs out “the coach is an idiot” theory after every loss. And also brings their expert instruction to the table as to how Roy ought to do his job. The man is in the HOF, saved the program from falling off a cliff a few years back, and then managed to avoid his total incompetence just long enough to win three national championships. Figure the guy knows what he is doing. Sometimes teams just have one of those nights.
Yep, we missed wide open shot after wide open shot, that’s not on Roy. You can bet that Roy didn’t overlook Wofford.

I see it every season with Roy, he isn't exactly coaching for the win in Dec as much as he is developing for the wins in Feb and March. Not suggesting that Roy didn't care if we lost but I would put it as Roy did throw some additional challenges out there that were over and above what Wofford created, to see if his guys could over come them. I really don't think you will see BRob for example going against many 265lb power forwards in conference or post season play and I suspect you will see more than 8mins from Manley or what was it 2 from Huff in a game we need to match size with.

Roy is developing his bench and challenging his guys to play with focus and intensity no matter what the situation is. When you do that you have to risk them failing and allow for them to learn from their fails. Roy takes the long view while fans tend to live or die on each game being very short sighted. It is that long view of player and team development that has Roy in the HOF and a huge reason we are right now the defending national champions.
Hi are a good fan/person...SMILE

!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TAR HEELS !!!!!!!!!!!!
I see it every season with Roy, he isn't exactly coaching for the win in Dec as much as he is developing for the wins in Feb and March. Not suggesting that Roy didn't care if we lost but I would put it as Roy did throw some additional challenges out there that were over and above what Wofford created, to see if his guys could over come them. I really don't think you will see BRob for example going against many 265lb power forwards in conference or post season play and I suspect you will see more than 8mins from Manley or what was it 2 from Huff in a game we need to match size with.

Roy is developing his bench and challenging his guys to play with focus and intensity no matter what the situation is. When you do that you have to risk them failing and allow for them to learn from their fails. Roy takes the long view while fans tend to live or die on each game being very short sighted. It is that long view of player and team development that has Roy in the HOF and a huge reason we are right now the defending national champions.

Well said, my friend. Roy knows that we are going to need our bigs to make significant contributions if we’re to contend for the ACC title. So they’re going to continue to play significant minutes.

I hear the talk about the “death squad” but that small ball lineup will struggle to defend and rebound against big, physical teams.
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