
Anybody get Sundays? French polynesia? Not i.
I did, but it took five tries. I was stabbing in the dark trying to get the location approximated and the last stab was a winner.

I should have gotten the last one in one try but the answer didn't even occur to me until the miles that I was off and the direction it was in made me realize that I was only off by a hemisphere. Har har.

#Worldle #284 1/6 (100%)
#Worldle #285 X/6 (99%)

Painful. Last 4 we're all 99%, I guess I touched every neighbor.
#Worldle #291 X/6 (91%)
#Worldle #292 X/6 (98%)
I did #293 but I must have forgotten to hit the post button. I can't remember what I got but I think I was 5/6.
#Worldle #295 X/6 (80%)
#Worldle #304 X/6 (89%)

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