Yet another fatal case of police brutality


That meme will actually have merit when there are movements called Kids Lives Matter and Soldiers Lives Matter and they are becoming the nuisance that BLM is. Until then, it means jack the rest of your uninformed I-read-it-in-a-book-but-I-have-no-real-world-experience beliefs.
So, everything we experience before the age of 20 doesn't qualify as valid life experience?

Meh. Maybe. For some more than others. Uncboy has been suckling off mommy's teet for most of his. Tell him to get a real job and provide a home and a way of life for a family and maybe I'll give some credence to his opinion.
What does his MOTHER'S criminal history have to do with a cop murdering him the way he did??? Your decision to offer that backstory helps to illuminate your own racism. In fact, all your feeble attempt at justification of his murder accomplishes is to bolster the entire basis for the very existence of the whole BLM movement. You won't see it that way, of course.

It doesn't "suck to be me." It sucks to be me through YOUR filter. I wouldn't want to be anyone else.
In not trying to justify anything, just trying to shine some light on the family tree. What kind of kid do you think a mother like that raised?
You keep saying murdered as if you have clue what happened. You don't. Apparently you're much more willing to take a criminals word than the officer's. Says a lot about you. Still don't want to talk about the fact that he had a gun on his leg? You clearly don't care, or arent smart enough for actual cogent thought.
I'm not a racist so stick that up your tight azz. You wouldn't say that to my face. It wouldn't go well for you.
You can make fun of him all you want but in just 19 years of my life, I witnessed plenty. I had COPS selling me speed, trying to get me to go off with them in their cop cars for "fun" and things no cop should EVER do to a 16 year old. I saw things I never want my kids to see. Don't think because someone is young they have not been through anything. They still have plenty to learn and plenty to see but they have had some experiences too.

Yeah,...umm, that's a load of bullshit. I don't believe a word of it.
Most people (regardless of color) never treat ANYONE as an equal, There is always some little idiosyncrasy that prevents us from treating people as true equals. White liberals don't treat white conservatives- or vice versa- as equals. We're sorta taught from birth (because our teachers were taught the same thing) that if something is slightly different from us, it's also unequal to us. That can manifest itself in many ways. Look how long females were not considered equal to males. Actually that is still being measured. Females are STILL considered inferior to males... by a whole lot of males in this world.

Whatever you do to another, you do to yourself. That's how I try to live. I fail more often than not... but, I'm trying.

ETA: Whatever you do to another person (black, white, male, female, baptist, Jew, Hispanic, low IQ, genius, old, young, tall, short, fat, thin, American, German, Iranian, Japanese, etc.), you do to yourself.
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Uh huh,...uh huh,...well, nonetheless, I still don't believe a word of it. I think you fabricated the story and I think you do that frequently.

Since I know it bugs you when I post these LOL You are so full of crap! I don't care what you believe or don't.... I BELIEVE you CHOOSE not to believe it because you would have to face how much of an idiot you are! Most people reject things they do not want to face in themselves.



I don't get it. Please explain.
You just blatantly contradicted yourself in the previous statement.

I think the semantics, or even grammar, of the term Black Lives Matter is maybe throwing people off. The reactions are also helping to define the racial prejudice that still exists, however. The good thing is that it's nowhere near as bad as it was 50 years ago. It's just taking a while to get rid of all of it. I'm not as racist as my own father. He was less racist than his father. I know I have racial prejudice in me. I am working to remove it. If you refuse to admit you're racist, then you will continue to be a racist! It's kinda like alcoholics not admitting they have a problem.
You just blatantly contradicted yourself in the previous statement.

I think the semantics, or even grammar, of the term Black Lives Matter is maybe throwing people off. The reactions are also helping to define the racial prejudice that still exists, however. The good thing is that it's nowhere near as bad as it was 50 years ago. It's just taking a while to get rid of all of it. I'm not as racist as my own father. He was less racist than his father. I know I have racial prejudice in me. I am working to remove it. If you refuse to admit you're racist, then you will continue to be a racist! It's kinda like alcoholics not admitting they have a problem.

Your confusing racism with me just generally thinking I'm better than everyone else. Do I think I'm better than the average black guy? Yep. But I think I'm better than the average white guy too. My borderline personality disorder does not discriminate.
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Looks like we have a problem with trigger happy cops! Just sayin'
From my research, this is exactly what I am learning to be the case. The law enforcement in this country is in terrible condition. Not ALL law enforcement officers... but, apparently enough of them. It may even represent an even larger social problem. I think, on some level, some of this is due to how we have conducted ourselves in our militarism, especially in the Middle East. It's coming home to roost.

Regardless, the universal respect for law enforcement is eroding. It's not just in black society, but in ALL society. People feel less and less protected by them, and more and more afraid of them. The black community is a minority and they get preyed-upon more frequently because of just about every social pillar we have in place. The foolish Drug War is one of the main culprits. If Americans would wise-up that Prohibition does NOT work, we could really improve this whole situation. You'd think that would be clear after a whole amendment to the Constitution to reverse it for one drug- alcohol- was implemented. Illegal Drugs is an oxymoron to me. There's so much profit being made from it that it has created the myth that people NEED laws to prevent them from putting harmful things into their bodies, or amounts of them. It's stupid. People will always, ALWAYS, get high. Making it illegal is only guaranteeing more crime than you can ever handle.
If you refuse to admit you're racist, then you will continue to be a racist!

I don't really get this. Is this like a perpetual opposite day? If you don't admit you're racist... then you are racist. If you admit you're racist... you no longer are racist?

I understand what you, uncboy (and maybe Chick?) are saying - that there's racism inherent in everyone. If we take that as true, doesn't that mean that the BLM is a racist movement, as racism is in everyone? I'm trying to figure out how "everyone" wouldn't actually include everyone.
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Your confusing racism with me just generally thinking I'm better than everyone else. Do I think I'm better than the average black guy? Yep. But I think I'm better than the average white guy too. My borderline personality disorder does not discriminate.
From my research, this is exactly what I am learning to be the case. The law enforcement in this country is in terrible condition. Not ALL law enforcement officers... but, apparently enough of them. It may even represent an even larger social problem. I think, on some level, some of this is due to how we have conducted ourselves in our militarism, especially in the Middle East. It's coming home to roost.

Regardless, the universal respect for law enforcement is eroding. It's not just in black society, but in ALL society. People feel less and less protected by them, and more and more afraid of them. The black community is a minority and they get preyed-upon more frequently because of just about every social pillar we have in place. The foolish Drug War is one of the main culprits. If Americans would wise-up that Prohibition does NOT work, we could really improve this whole situation. You'd think that would be clear after a whole amendment to the Constitution to reverse it for one drug- alcohol- was implemented. Illegal Drugs is an oxymoron to me. There's so much profit being made from it that it has created the myth that people NEED laws to prevent them from putting harmful things into their bodies, or amounts of them. It's stupid. People will always, ALWAYS, get high. Making it illegal is only guaranteeing more crime than you can ever handle.

I fail to see the connection between our involvement in the ME and our domestic police force. It's an interesting thought though so I honestly would like to hear how you're linking them.

But this sentence says it all:

Regardless, the universal respect for law enforcement is eroding. It's not just in black society, but in ALL society. People feel less and less protected by them, and more and more afraid of them.

I agree. But it's to no fault of the police force. It's because of many factors - fatherless homes, people scared to disclipline their children for fear of backlash, the entitlement mentality that liberal policies have promoted, lack of self respect, laziness, and the all out war on anything "traditional" and "traditional America".
I don't really get this. Is this like a perpetual opposite day? If you don't admit you're racist... then you are racist. If you admit you're racist... you no longer are racist?

I understand what you, uncboy (and maybe Chick?) are saying - that there's racism inherent in everyone. If we take that as true, doesn't that mean that the BLM is a racist movement, as racism is in everyone? I'm trying to figure out how "everyone" wouldn't actually include everyone.
Forget about BLM, okay? That's just a symptom of a societal problem. Don't worry about THEM. You control YOU. They will "get it" when they get it. I can't wait for them to stop feeling racially victimized before I realize my role in this.

Admitting, acknowledging, accepting, and understanding you're racist doesn't make the racism, or prejudice, that you have suddenly disappear. But, it begins to take a new form. The empathy is more readily available. It becomes more of an impulse to and instinct to be empathetic. At least that is what happened with me. But, I'm not finished.

Thank you. It's been hard to get here and I want to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Without him, this wouldn't be possible. I also want to thank my mom and dad for always telling me I was the best. I want to thank myself for being so f**king awesome. I also want to thank everybody else for not being as awesome as I am.
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Your confusing racism with me just generally thinking I'm better than everyone else. Do I think I'm better than the average black guy? Yep. But I think I'm better than the average white guy too. My borderline personality disorder does not discriminate.

Well, let me be the one to clear this up for you.... you are FAR from better than anyone! period! I am amazed someone has not knocked you up side your head about 1500 times already! geez
You just encapsulated most American's problem. Excellent work!

You'd better learn that "traditional" doesn't always equal "in your best interest." Traditional is subjective- VERY subjective.

If it's in my and my family's best interest, that's what I'm going to support.
Have any of you gone into a store and the minute you walk in, some clerk started following you around casually, acting like they were straightening up things, keeping their eye on you the whole time to make sure you don't slide something in your pocket???

Have any of you been driving down the road and the minute you pass a cop and make eye contact, they immediately pull out or turn around and just slowly follow behind you waiting for you to forget to turn on your signal or come to a complete stop? EVERY time you go out???

How many of you got behind a woman in line somewhere on an elevator and her pull her purse close to her or move it, as if she thinks you are going to jack it from her?

Do you understand WHY they feel like they are treated differently?

I'm SURE @gunslingerdick will say he has been treated this way all of his life because, let's face it, he knows all and has experienced absolutely EVERYTHING! but besides that a** wipe, who else has been through this?
Have any of you gone into a store and the minute you walk in, some clerk started following you around casually, acting like they were straightening up things, keeping their eye on you the whole time to make sure you don't slide something in your pocket???

Have any of you been driving down the road and the minute you pass a cop and make eye contact, they immediately pull out or turn around and just slowly follow behind you waiting for you to forget to turn on your signal or come to a complete stop? EVERY time you go out???

How many of you got behind a woman in line somewhere on an elevator and her pull her purse close to her or move it, as if she thinks you are going to jack it from her?

Do you understand WHY they feel like they are treated differently?

I'm SURE @gunslingerdick will say he has been treated this way all of his life because, let's face it, he knows all and has experienced absolutely EVERYTHING! but besides that a** wipe, who else has been through this?


"Y, y, y, you m, m, make m, m, me happy."
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Well, let me be the one to clear this up for you.... you are FAR from better than anyone! period! I am amazed someone has not knocked you up side your head about 1500 times already! geez

Geeze, I missed this one with all the poasts you're directing my way. But a lot of bitches ride my jock so I'm used to it.
If it's in my and my family's best interest, that's what I'm going to support.
Exactly... that's why you're a blatant racist! Because, once it goes beyond "your family", it gets broken down to those who look like your family. And, then those who worship like your family. Then those who think politically like your family. Black peoples' lives don't matter to you. Your family's does.

I'm going to give you a revelation here, for everyone to see. Your family is EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Your family is not restricted to the people who you're "related to", okay? You and I are brothers. You and every black man, every radical Muslim and every Liberal are related... you are family. That is a tradition that is coming straight from God.
Exactly... that's why you're a blatant racist! Because, once it goes beyond "your family", it gets broken down to those who look like your family. And, then those who worship like your family. Then those who think politically like your family. Black peoples' lives don't matter to you. Your family's does.

I'm going to give you a revelation here, for everyone to see. Your family is EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Your family is not restricted to the people who you're "related to", okay? You and I are brothers. You and every black man, every radical Muslim and every Liberal are related... you are family. That is a tradition that is coming straight from God.

AMEN! (he does not have the intellect to get this one though, Strum, sorry.) ;)
Yeah, I believe that one! hahahahaha..... it may appear to YOU they are riding but actually they are just moving around wondering where the hell it is, then they give up!

You just can't stop corresponding with me. Look, I'll let you give me a handsy if you promise not to tell anyone about it. I can't have any association with you ruining my rep.
Black peoples' lives don't matter to you. Your family's does.
Well, if it's either/or, then yeah. Duh. But it doesn't have to be. A really smart guy on a message board once told me that we always have more than 2 choices.

**BTW, that part of your poast I quoted might be the dumbest thing I've ever read here on this board. Impressive you were able to out dumb a few other here. Good job.
Well, if it's either/or, then yeah. Duh. But it doesn't have to be. A really smart guy on a message board once told me that we always have more than 2 choices.

**BTW, that part of your poast I quoted might be the dumbest thing I've ever read here on this board. Impressive you were able to out dumb a few other here. Good job.
Yeah, for an election you always do.

It's not either/or. You're showing exactly why you aren't getting it. Until everyone matters to you, NO ONE does. Not even your "related" family. The way you preen and show how much in-love with yourself you are on here, I'd find it difficult to believe you're much different in person. But, you could be... I sure as hell hope so.

Your family is every human being in the world.