Have any of you gone into a store and the minute you walk in, some clerk started following you around casually, acting like they were straightening up things, keeping their eye on you the whole time to make sure you don't slide something in your pocket???
Have any of you been driving down the road and the minute you pass a cop and make eye contact, they immediately pull out or turn around and just slowly follow behind you waiting for you to forget to turn on your signal or come to a complete stop? EVERY time you go out???
How many of you got behind a woman in line somewhere on an elevator and her pull her purse close to her or move it, as if she thinks you are going to jack it from her?
Do you understand WHY they feel like they are treated differently?
@gunslingerdick will say he has been treated this way all of his life because, let's face it, he knows all and has experienced absolutely EVERYTHING! but besides that a** wipe, who else has been through this?