Yet another fatal case of police brutality

Thank you for your heavily-biased opinion.

My favorite part was "mainly socially liberal." I lol'ed, really.
I'm not surprised you lol'ed. Simpletons find many things amusing that aren't.
And I DGAF what you liked. There was no opinion in that post. You really should stay at the kiddie table. It'll be easier and less embarrassing for you.
I'm not surprised you lol'ed. Simpletons find many things amusing that aren't.
And I DGAF what you liked. There was no opinion in that post. You really should stay at the kiddie table. It'll be easier and less embarrassing for you.

Actually, there were only opinions, even more than the opinions that you yourself pointed-out were opinions IN the post. Did you forget those, too?

What kiddie table? Ohhhh, the fictional one in your head. More opinion-based analogies.

Would you like a list of things that make George W Bush a RINO? I can "say" I'm a Republican. But, that term and label is indistinct. It changes all the time. Same with conservative, liberal, you name it. They're all just labels that ATTEMPT to identify. Which, ultimately makes them opinions.
Actually, there were only opinions, even more than the opinions that you yourself pointed-out were opinions IN the post. Did you forget those, too?

What kiddie table? Ohhhh, the fictional one in your head. More opinion-based analogies.

Would you like a list of things that make George W Bush a RINO? I can "say" I'm a Republican. But, that term and label is indistinct. It changes all the time. Same with conservative, liberal, you name it. They're all just labels that ATTEMPT to identify. Which, ultimately makes them opinions.
Massive Fail. There was a syntax lesson, which was clearly too complex for you, my apologies, and a couple "all in god fun' insults. But there were no opinions.

You're really not very good at this. When I wrote "GW Bush is a Republican" the point was how it was stated- not that it was in fact, a fact.
Although the FACT remains, that if he is registered as a Republican, he is indeed a Republican. FACT. You should look it up. Whether he hews to the party platform 100% is another discussion.
I'm blaming him for chastising LEOs. I'm blaming him for not standing behind them and working behind closed doors to fix the small bit of corruptness that may exist. I blame him for not sending the message that disobeying or being disrespectful to LEOs is completely unacceptable. I blame him for having BLM to dinner at the white house instead of calling them out as a terrorist organization. I blame him for bringing up guns every time someone is killed instead of backing police efforts to catch criminals. I blame him for making excuses for criminals. I blame him for attempting to make white, Christians feel as if we've had it so good and others have had it so bad. I blame him for flip flopping on gay marriage. I blame him for being soft on ISIS and sympathetic to people halfway around the globe while ignoring domestic issues. I blame him for hating traditional America. And I blame him for being such a garbage President and leaving us with the two options that we are now faced with.

He'd stand behind law and order.

Great post. He chose to be divisive vs unifying. He caters to racists like Sharpton and BLM instead of pointing them out for the hate mongers they are. If this escalates into a race war, he will be largely to blame.
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Massive Fail. There was a syntax lesson, which was clearly too complex for you, my apologies, and a couple "all in god fun' insults. But there were no opinions.

You're really not very good at this. When I wrote "GW Bush is a Republican" the point was how it was stated- not that it was in fact, a fact.
Although the FACT remains, that if he is registered as a Republican, he is indeed a Republican. FACT. You should look it up. Whether he hews to the party platform 100% is another discussion.
If you say so.
OK, was not really in the mood to engage in any of this today but...

It is bad enough that for some reason you feel the need to lump Trump supporters in wiht the KKK. the crips & Bloods, skin heads, and while supremacy groups, along with I guess some Christian groups you don't like.

But for some reason you want to hate on LIBERALS that blow up abortion clinics??? I didn't know we had a rash of LIBERALS blowing up abortion clinics? LOL

And really, it is a pretty low blow to suggest right wing conservatives love war, that is just straight up fiction and a lack of straight thinking on your part. And to finish that drivel you want to equate conservatives with radical islamists? I don't know who is feeding you that nonsense but really, you need to stop listening to them and try thinking for yourself.

You are correct. I meant to type conservative nuts blowing them up. Liberals are the bleeding hearts. My bad.

My whole point in this fuss with a few of these guys is to show them how ridiculous this whole thing is. The "sides" mentality, the he said/she said BS, the lumping people into groups.... This is why we have the BLM group doing stupid crap, this is why we have the trigger happy cops, this is why we have political supporters going to each other's rallies and starting fights, and this is why we have people like Trump taking the spotlight acting like a whiny butt 12 year old getting people all fired up and against each other. We all think we are right and we all think our opinion is the only one that counts.

Where is this getting us??? Nowhere.
I would like to see a more unifying, uplifting message from the POTUS. Something along these lines:

"I was raised in a mixed race family. My father and then my mother deserted me. Despite this, I was able to attend Harvard, become a Senator, and ascend to the highest office in the land. America is still the land of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard enough and smart enough.

The police have a very tough job, a thankless job. And while they necessarily should and must be held accountable for their actions, they perform a vital function in our society. We must strive to work with them in their mission to enforce our laws and keep our country safe. Failure to do so can only lead to lawlessness and social anarchy.

I hope you will join with me in vowing to peacefully protest injustice when it occurs, regardless of whom it's perpetrated against, and to work towards ensuring that America continues to be the land of opportunity for all her people. We have much more in common than we do things that divide us. All lives matter, not black lives, not white lives, but all lives. Let us therefore choose to unite, rather than to divide. For united we stand and divided, we will assuredly fall."

Unfortunately, that is a message Reagan would have delivered but that Obama has no desire nor intention to deliver. One was a unifier, an inspirer, and one a divider. And therein lies my biggest disappointment with our first African American POTUS. He could have effectively put the race issue in our past. Unfortunately, he chose to further divide us. It breaks my heart.

If we can't depend on the POTUS to try and unify us, we are indeed doomed. It is his primary responsibility, one in which he has failed miserably.
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How did that BLM chant go again, "pigs in a blanket", wasn't the rest of it "fry em like bacon"? And now we see Dallas cops, FRIED LIKE BACON, now we see action on the BLM chants. And you support this BLM BS?

You tell someone else to stop breaking things down in to team vs team and yet that is what the BLM movement wants to do, black live matter, only black lives, no all lives, but only black lives? The BLM deal is extremely divisive, it is fanning a flame that this country has worked so hard for so many years to cool down. ow no matter what a black person actually did, if they get shot by cops, the question is never asked by BLM groups what actually happened, the cops are automatically designated as the villains. Black people are killed every single day in this country, why is it ONLY news when they are killed by a white person?

Are you under the impression that "Black Lives Matter" is some kind of organization akin to the Black Panthers? Its a slogan. No I don't support killing cops. Believe it or not it is possible to believe that cops should be held to a high standard, and probably be wearing body cameras, while simultaneously not wanting to see them get murdered.

If you seriously think the idea is "(only) black lives matter" then could not possibly be more wrong. It's black lives matter (too). Saying "all lives matter" doesn't address the issue of the systemic racism plaguing the African-American community. Why is that so damn difficult for you morons to understand? Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds for white people to basically be saying that the African-American community should just pipe down and be grateful for what they've got? They aren't fanning the flames. They're fighting for equality. Of course YOU want things to just settle down, and stay exactly the way they are, because you're trying to maintain your status of privilege. Whether you even realize it or not.
I would like to see a more unifying, uplifting message from the POTUS. Something along these lines:

"I was raised in a mixed race family. My father and then my mother deserted me. Despite this, I was able to attend Harvard, become a Senator, and ascend to the highest office in the land. America is still the land of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard enough and smart enough.

The police have a very tough job, a thankless job. And while they necessarily should and must be held accountable for their actions, they perform a vital function in our society. We must strive to work with them in their mission to enforce our laws and keep our country safe. Failure to do so can only lead to lawlessness and social anarchy.

I hope you will join with me in vowing to peacefully protest injustice when it occurs, regardless of whom it's perpetrated against, and to work towards ensuring that America continues to be the land of opportunity for all her people. We have much more in common than we do things that divide us. All lives matter, not black lives, not white lives, but all lives. Let us therefore choose to unite, rather than to divide. For united we stand and divided, we will assuredly fall."

Unfortunately, that is a message Reagan would have delivered but that Obama has no desire nor intention to deliver. One was a unifier, an inspirer, and one a divider. And therein lies my biggest disappointment with our first African American POTUS. He could have effectively put the race issue in our past. Unfortunately, he chose to further divide us. It breaks my heart.

If we can't depend on the POTUS to try and unify us, we are indeed doomed. It is his primary responsibility, one in which he has failed miserably.

That isn't a unifying or uplifting message for the communities who repeatedly see their people murdered callously in the street. That's the message that you want to hear. So you call the POTUS a divider because you don't like him. If he said that, there would be twice as many riots within 24 hours.

Reagan also publicly opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and vetoed The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act... You're digging your own grave and you don't even realize it.

Again, all lives matter is the entire point of the black lives matter movement. I'm just gonna take this thread to meme town and save myself the trouble. Pictures will no doubt make these ideas easier for some of you understand. Also to be clear if you actually believe that an African-American man being elected president could have put racism in our past then you truly are an idiot.



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Are you under the impression that "Black Lives Matter" is some kind of organization akin to the Black Panthers? Its a slogan. No I don't support killing cops. Believe it or not it is possible to believe that cops should be held to a high standard, and probably be wearing body cameras, while simultaneously not wanting to see them get murdered.

If you seriously think the idea is "(only) black lives matter" then could not possibly be more wrong. It's black lives matter (too). Saying "all lives matter" doesn't address the issue of the systemic racism plaguing the African-American community. Why is that so damn difficult for you morons to understand? Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds for white people to basically be saying that the African-American community should just pipe down and be grateful for what they've got? They aren't fanning the flames. They're fighting for equality. Of course YOU want things to just settle down, and stay exactly the way they are, because you're trying to maintain your status of privilege. Whether you even realize it or not.
Blm is a movement. More like the black panthers and much less like a slogan. And if the majority had good intentions when it was first started, then they have already been hijacked by the worst of them. In your silly cartoon, I wonder who started the fire? I'm sure you'll come along and tell us white people did.
So we're just supposed to watch these thugs mow down innocent people and celebrate it because they (and you) think they've gotten an unfair shake at life? Even if they have, why are they responding by killing people to show that one particular race's lives matter? I mean, I've heard that the education system in this country has let this particular race down in the past. I hadn't believed it, but if this is the way they think, I think it's evidence that it has.
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That isn't a unifying or uplifting message for the communities who repeatedly see their people murdered callously in the street. That's the message that you want to hear. So you call the POTUS a divider because you don't like him. If he said that, there would be twice as many riots within 24 hours.

I agree. And that's pretty telling isn't it. "We're not getting the special attention we think we deserve...let's break shit and assault people!!"

Reagan also publicly opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and vetoed The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act... You're digging your own grave and you don't even realize it.

And Obama campaigned against gay marriage. What did you tell us? That people "evolve"?

If you seriously think the idea is "(only) black lives matter" then could not possibly be more wrong. It's black lives matter (too). Saying "all lives matter" doesn't address the issue of the systemic racism plaguing the African-American community. Why is that so damn difficult for you morons to understand? Do you have any idea how ridiculous it sounds for white people to basically be saying that the African-American community should just pipe down and be grateful for what they've got? They aren't fanning the flames. They're fighting for equality. Of course YOU want things to just settle down, and stay exactly the way they are, because you're trying to maintain your status of privilege. Whether you even realize it or not.

The problem is that I already value black lives. Black lives are no more or no less important to me than any other life. They matter so much to me that I don't feel the need to say it - because it's understood - just like I don't feel the need to say white lives matter...or Asian lives matter...or Latino lives matter. Because they all matter.

Systemic racism? That shit ended years ago. And even if it didn't, I can promise that the worst way to go about fixing it would be to create a racist hate group and go around calling for violence against people that have supposedly been doing them wrong. The whole idea of BLM is so counterproductive but those fools, and your dumbass and others struggling with some ridiculous white guilt are too bleeding heart to realize it. Fighting for equality my ass. Shit's been equal since before your young, green naive ass was born.

And now the narrative around the Minnesota shooting begins to crumble. Turns out they were not pulled over for a busted taillight. They were pulled over because our guy matched the description of an armed robbery suspect from a couple days earlier. Robbery took place only a few blocks from the traffic stop. He was also supposedly a Crops gang member, and had a record. There was no record of him ever applying for a concealed carry permit. The weapon was lying on his thigh when pulled over. The officer can be heard in the video saying, in evident anguish "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it."
I'm white, but if I have a gun on my leg during a traffic stop and I reach for it or put my hand on it, I'm going to get shot too. And it wont be due to racist cops
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And now the narrative around the Minnesota shooting begins to crumble. Turns out they were not pulled over for a busted taillight. They were pulled over because our guy matched the description of an armed robbery suspect from a couple days earlier. Robbery took place only a few blocks from the traffic stop. He was also supposedly a Crops gang member, and had a record. There was no record of him ever applying for a concealed carry permit. The weapon was lying on his thigh when pulled over. The officer can be heard in the video saying, in evident anguish "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it."
I'm white, but if I have a gun on my leg during a traffic stop and I reach for it or put my hand on it, I'm going to get shot too. And it wont be due to racist cops
Nvm. I got it.
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And now the narrative around the Minnesota shooting begins to crumble. Turns out they were not pulled over for a busted taillight. They were pulled over because our guy matched the description of an armed robbery suspect from a couple days earlier. Robbery took place only a few blocks from the traffic stop. He was also supposedly a Crops gang member, and had a record. There was no record of him ever applying for a concealed carry permit. The weapon was lying on his thigh when pulled over. The officer can be heard in the video saying, in evident anguish "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it."
I'm white, but if I have a gun on my leg during a traffic stop and I reach for it or put my hand on it, I'm going to get shot too. And it wont be due to racist cops

As I said days ago, wait for the whole story here. Nothing was adding up.
I agree. And that's pretty telling isn't it. "We're not getting the special attention we think we deserve...let's break shit and assault people!!"

And Obama campaigned against gay marriage. What did you tell us? That people "evolve"?

The problem is that I already value black lives. Black lives are no more or no less important to me than any other life. They matter so much to me that I don't feel the need to say it - because it's understood - just like I don't feel the need to say white lives matter...or Asian lives matter...or Latino lives matter. Because they all matter.

Systemic racism? That shit ended years ago. And even if it didn't, I can promise that the worst way to go about fixing it would be to create a racist hate group and go around calling for violence against people that have supposedly been doing them wrong. The whole idea of BLM is so counterproductive but those fools, and your dumbass and others struggling with some ridiculous white guilt are too bleeding heart to realize it. Fighting for equality my ass. Shit's been equal since before your young, green naive ass was born.

Well put gun. You just made uncboy look foolish. That video should be required viewing for every American.

If there was systemic racism in America, it would be impossible for an African American to be elected POTUS, considering they only comprise 13% of the population. But unfortunately, the tripe that uncboy is spouting is being taught in every school in America, especially the ultra liberal universities such as UNC.
Well put gun. You just made uncboy look foolish. That video should be required viewing for every American.

If there was systemic racism in America, it would be impossible for an African American to be elected POTUS, considering they only comprise 13% of the population. But unfortunately, the tripe that uncboy is spouting is being taught in every school in America, especially the ultra liberal universities such as UNC.

So you think there is no racism in America towards blacks today? I will agree it is not ALL blacks, but mainly lower income and people DO get back what they put out, I am a firm believer in that but I also believe there is some truth to this about racism and as white people we cannot begin to understand it. Would it help if you heard it directly from someone like Reggie Bullock, Kennedy Meeks or one of those guys? I am sure I can contact one of them and have them explain it to you.

It IS exacerbated sometimes when things happen like riots after a result a group was not wanting happens but there is an underlying issue that I do not think you guys can begin to understand. NOT everyone is treated the same, unfortunately. People DO look down on others and DO treat them differently. I am not saying they are out shooting everyone but there is an element of racism STILL to this day and we really need to find a way to understand it, get to the real root of it and begin the process of changing it.
So we're just supposed to watch these thugs mow down innocent people and celebrate it because they (and you) think they've gotten an unfair shake at life? Even if they have, why are they responding by killing people to show that one particular race's lives matter? I mean, I've heard that the education system in this country has let this particular race down in the past. I hadn't believed it, but if this is the way they think, I think it's evidence that it has.

Uhh... Did you completely miss the part where I said that was deplorable behavior? Did you miss the part where it was TWO GUYS shooting cops. You really think if that entire movement was okay with killing cops there would only be four of them dead? Cops would be getting killed by the hundreds if that was the case. Every single person in my news feed who is a supporter of the black lives matter cause is currently sharing posts about unity and how hate will not solve the problem. You guys sound like freaking idiots accusing every single BLM protestor of sympathizing with cop killers.

I agree. And that's pretty telling isn't it. "We're not getting the special attention we think we deserve...let's break shit and assault people!!

And Obama campaigned against gay marriage. What did you tell us? That people "evolve"?

The problem is that I already value black lives. Black lives are no more or no less important to me than any other life. They matter so much to me that I don't feel the need to say it - because it's understood - just like I don't feel the need to say white lives matter...or Asian lives matter...or Latino lives matter. Because they all matter.

Systemic racism? That shit ended years ago. And even if it didn't, I can promise that the worst way to go about fixing it would be to create a racist hate group and go around calling for violence against people that have supposedly been doing them wrong. The whole idea of BLM is so counterproductive but those fools, and your dumbass and others struggling with some ridiculous white guilt are too bleeding heart to realize it. Fighting for equality my ass. Shit's been equal since before your young, green naive ass was born.

Holy shit where do I even begin. I'm going to hope that you actually know the difference between changing an opinion and biological evolution... If not then you seriously are an idiot. I don't have any white guilt. I had nothing to do with the current state of affairs. But you have to be willfully ignorant to actually believe that "systemic racism ended years ago." You'd have to be a bigger idiot to believe that white people are not still benefiting from the advantages they've been afforded in this country and others for hundreds of years. You think those economic advantages just went away? Look I have a video too. Not that you're going to watch it because lets be honest you're the last person here who would seek out information to contradict their own opinions...

Well put gun. You just made uncboy look foolish. That video should be required viewing for every American.

If there was systemic racism in America, it would be impossible for an African American to be elected POTUS, considering they only comprise 13% of the population. But unfortunately, the tripe that uncboy is spouting is being taught in every school in America, especially the ultra liberal universities such as UNC.

You're not very bright are you? If you seriously believe that one man being elected president automatically means that black people have equal rights and protection of those rights then you're an imbecile.

Ya know it's funny, as many of these cases as there are you'd think at least one verdict would come back differently. Yet the cops get cleared virtually 100% of the time. I'm sure that's got nothing to do with why people are pissed off...
I think we're just on the cusp of a change that, when viewed from a larger timeline, will make more sense and maybe not be seen, or understood, as drastic as we're seeing and experiencing it. We're experiencing it first-hand. Culturally, for human beings, 50 years can seem like a long time, but it's not necessarily the case. America (and the world) is making huge advances in social tolerance and is shifting toward even more. It's slowly but surely getting better. It has no other choice, really.

I believe that the public reaction we see, to this violence and shock from the events recently, are due to other factors. With the advent and overuse of cyber technology- smartphones, social media, everything happening right at your fingertips 24/7- there is suddenly a very new variable in our human condition and culture. We didn't have anything remotely like this 20, 30 or 50 years ago. We had "the news", but now the news can come in the form of any individual who hits record on their phone and uploads it to Facebook. It's a bit of an information overload and the reactions are faster. People aren't thinking with level heads any more or less than they ever have. I'm glad we have it, but, as a society, we're still just getting used to it.

I also believe that what our government has perpetrated across the globe for the last um-teen years is making it's way back home. You reap what you sow. What you do to others, you do to yourself. It works it's way back, and it finds it's way into places that you wouldn't want, or even expect.

It's really simple. Each individual has a personal choice to decide "Does hate breed hate?" Does revenge breed revenge? Does violence breed violence. If someone murders my mother, do I murder theirs? God tells me "NO!" I
And now the narrative around the Minnesota shooting begins to crumble. Turns out they were not pulled over for a busted taillight. They were pulled over because our guy matched the description of an armed robbery suspect from a couple days earlier. Robbery took place only a few blocks from the traffic stop. He was also supposedly a Crops gang member, and had a record. There was no record of him ever applying for a concealed carry permit. The weapon was lying on his thigh when pulled over. The officer can be heard in the video saying, in evident anguish "I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hand off it."
I'm white, but if I have a gun on my leg during a traffic stop and I reach for it or put my hand on it, I'm going to get shot too. And it wont be due to racist cops

Yeah and I'm sure if it was a white guy you would've been just itching to believe a story just like this...

Actually a bit of basic research showed he had no serious convictions. Just tacky little traffic infractions that showed that police had been hassling him for quite some time. Basically just like in every other black neighborhood, they would use any excuse possible to pull people over and look for a reason to hassle them. Also it appears the taillight was never broken, and his matching the description, was really just having a "nose with a similar width."
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Of course, racism still exists in America, much as it does in just about every country in the world. But it is greatly exaggerated and blown out of proportion. It may take another century before racism is completely eradicated around the world, or it may never be eradicated completely. It's existed for millenia and doesn't disappear over night. But we have made huge strides and are much closer to equality than people like uncboy want to believe. We have an African American POTUS, Condoleezza Rice served as Secretary of State, Colin Powell served as Secretary of State before her, three of the most important positions in our country, in the world for that matter. What a terribly racist country we have. I think MLK would be elated with all the progress we've made. And one thing's for sure, he certainly wouldn't be advocating or condoning violence.

I don't think uncboy even bothered to watch the video gunslinger posted because he's already made up his mind. His posting of the white privilege crap shows where he's coming from. It's just more of the divisive drivel that our universities and other liberals are indoctrinating our kids with. Rather than focusing on the issues that are primarily responsible for limiting the success of African Americans(72% illegitimacy rate, less than 50% of black males graduating from high school, over 90% of black homicides perpetrated by other blacks, black teens more than twice as likely to get pregnant as white teens). All those stats can be summarized in one phrase, the death of the black family unit. Those factors have much more to do with limiting the pursuit of happiness in America for blacks than any white privilege that may exist.

When groups like BLM start preaching about reducing illegitimacy, the importance of the family unit, the importance of education, and the negative repercussions of violence in their communities, I'll have more respect for them.
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We need accountability and better training for police officers, we also need to realize that they put their lives on the line every day. What we don't need, are these modern day thugs from black lives matter making this worse.

Very well said, hard to argue with that.
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I really find it interesting that the two prior officer involved shootings this week "appeared" to be, at best, not clearly warranted. I realize we do not have the entire story yet but from the videos we have been shown, it does appear that the cops could have handled things differently in both cases. Neither appeared to be a real threat to them, yet the cops shot them.

Now we have this lunatic going on a cop killing spree with the INTENT to kill COPS and they end up trying to negotiate with this one, instead of immediately shooting to kill him when he is an obvious threat to them! Why is that???? The dude ends up dying by his own bomb, even if the cops set it off or not. I just don't get why there wasn't immediate shooting of this guy when they had him in line of fire, why try and talk to him? They did not give the other two guys two seconds to respond to why they were attempting to detain them.

#1 you are throwing ALL law enforcement personnel into the same basket because of what a few have done wrong.

#2 more training is needed especially in big racially charged cities.

#3 I wouldn't be in Law Enforcement for all the money in the world right now. My hat is off to them.
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Indeed Mike. Police work is a thankless, extremely difficult and dangerous job and they are grossly underpaid. You couldn't pay me enough money to risk my life with the lack of respect they get these days and the lack of support from the POTUS on down. They're now in an untenable position.
#1 you are throwing ALL law enforcement personnel into the same basket because of what a few have done wrong.

#2 more training is needed especially in big racially charged cities.

#3 I wouldn't be in Law Enforcement for all the money in the world right now. My hat is off to them.

No I didn't. I only mentioned specific cases from this week. I know a few cops and some are great guys as I stated in another post. Some are not and some need more training.

Apparently a few of you guys on here have a hard time reading my posts. Perhaps if you all would read in order to understand something instead of reading so you can react, we might be able to have an actual discussion on here. Peace be with you.
No I didn't. I only mentioned specific cases from this week. I know a few cops and some are great guys as I stated in another post. Some are not and some need more training.

Apparently a few of you guys on here have a hard time reading my posts. Perhaps if you all would read in order to understand something instead of reading so you can react, we might be able to have an actual discussion on here. Peace be with you.
A few of us? Your poasts are all over the damn place. Only you understand what you say. The rest of the world? Not so much.
No I didn't. I only mentioned specific cases from this week. I know a few cops and some are great guys as I stated in another post. Some are not and some need more training.

Apparently a few of you guys on here have a hard time reading my posts. Perhaps if you all would read in order to understand something instead of reading so you can react, we might be able to have an actual discussion on here. Peace be with you.

Was responding to the post I quoted, have not read all nor will I. Not able to stay at it long enough to read everything posted. Have to pick and choose my battles if you will.
Was responding to the post I quoted, have not read all nor will I. Not able to stay at it long enough to read everything posted. Have to pick and choose my battles if you will.

Wrong battle, buddy. The Never-Ending Story will end before a debate with some folks on this thread.
Indeed Mike. Police work is a thankless, extremely difficult and dangerous job and they are grossly underpaid. You couldn't pay me enough money to risk my life with the lack of respect they get these days and the lack of support from the POTUS on down. They're now in an untenable position.

Sorry but that's nonsense. I agree that being a police officer is tough job. But thankless? That's got to be a joke. My news feed is pretty much full of people talking about how much they appreciate and love cops right now. The idea that nobody appreciates cops is an absurd delusion. Grossly underpaid? No doubt. Thankless? Not even remotely close. Roughly half of the country seem to think they can do no wrong.
Sorry but that's nonsense. I agree that being a police officer is tough job. But thankless? That's got to be a joke. My news feed is pretty much full of people talking about how much they appreciate and love cops right now. The idea that nobody appreciates cops is an absurd delusion. Grossly underpaid? No doubt. Thankless? Not even remotely close. Roughly half of the country seem to think they can do no wrong.

There are plenty of douche bag cops. They should be held accountable when they overstep their bounds and start harassing rather than protecting and serving.

On the other hand, the people from BLM suffer from a delusion that their problems purely stem from systematic racism and white officers killing their men. Hate to break it to them, but an overwhelming majority of young black men are killed by their own, not cops. They also love to ignore the fact that there's about a 75% child wedlock rate in their community and barely half their high schoolers graduate.

They're not wrong for wanting to solve police brutality, it's when they put the blame solely on white America and acting like they don't cause most of their own problems that makes me skeptical of what they're really trying to achieve.
A few of us? Your poasts are all over the damn place. Only you understand what you say. The rest of the world? Not so much.

And I have admitted that too. Something you cannot do, admit when you are wrong. I guess you're afraid it might shrink another size if you do! Go read some of the other poAAAAAsts (that is so stupid even though I know it is legit), some of you guys are all over the place and make absolutely no sense either.

There are only about four on here that post with any intellect at all, the rest of you are just spouting out your hate for POTUS, liberals, and Hillary and you are so blinded by it that you cannot see how absolutely absurd some of your arguments are about them. You cannot see that you are pissed at them for something you will be suddenly just fine with when the next one with a R by his/her name comes along and does it. (Of course you won't get that statement either, but if you shut up and think about it, you might figure it out!)

SOME of you are so typical. You talk about the BLM being this, that and the other, typical "thugs", blah, blah, blah.... yet you are typical right wing conservative nut-bags. No one can take your argument seriously either.

The ones who try to learn from others, whether we agree with them or not, try to understand WHY people are reacting as they do, trying to see another point of view to better understand a very serious issue, those are the ones who will move forward.

The ones who are so stuck in their belief, a belief that spews tones of hate, dislike, and bias, the ones who refuse to listen to understand, those of you like that will be stuck back with the ones you oppose who do the exact same thing. You will never move forward. Fortunately, we are not immortal HERE on earth and it will eventually die off, so there is hope for future generations!
And I have admitted that too. Something you cannot do, admit when you are wrong. I guess you're afraid it might shrink another size if you do! Go read some of the other poAAAAAsts (that is so stupid even though I know it is legit), some of you guys are all over the place and make absolutely no sense either.

There are only about four on here that post with any intellect at all, the rest of you are just spouting out your hate for POTUS, liberals, and Hillary and you are so blinded by it that you cannot see how absolutely absurd some of your arguments are about them. You cannot see that you are pissed at them for something you will be suddenly just fine with when the next one with a R by his/her name comes along and does it. (Of course you won't get that statement either, but if you shut up and think about it, you might figure it out!)

SOME of you are so typical. You talk about the BLM being this, that and the other, typical "thugs", blah, blah, blah.... yet you are typical right wing conservative nut-bags. No one can take your argument seriously either.

The ones who try to learn from others, whether we agree with them or not, try to understand WHY people are reacting as they do, trying to see another point of view to better understand a very serious issue, those are the ones who will move forward.

The ones who are so stuck in their belief, a belief that spews tones of hate, dislike, and bias, the ones who refuse to listen to understand, those of you like that will be stuck back with the ones you oppose who do the exact same thing. You will never move forward. Fortunately, we are not immortal HERE on earth and it will eventually die off, so there is hope for future generations!
Go point out something I said that is wrong. If you can I will admit my mistake. But disagreeing with you doesn't make anyone wrong. As for the rest of your poast, it's more all over the place, nonsensical drivel, since you aren't addressing me as I've never indicated hate for anyone on any side, left or right. Even as ridiculous as you are, I don't hate you. You have a right to your opinion, no matter how much it changes with the wind or is simply the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Now I do wish you hadn't procreated, but it's too late now. You do love your penises, big or small from what I can gather.
And I have admitted that too. Something you cannot do, admit when you are wrong. I guess you're afraid it might shrink another size if you do! Go read some of the other poAAAAAsts (that is so stupid even though I know it is legit), some of you guys are all over the place and make absolutely no sense either.

There are only about four on here that post with any intellect at all, the rest of you are just spouting out your hate for POTUS, liberals, and Hillary and you are so blinded by it that you cannot see how absolutely absurd some of your arguments are about them. You cannot see that you are pissed at them for something you will be suddenly just fine with when the next one with a R by his/her name comes along and does it. (Of course you won't get that statement either, but if you shut up and think about it, you might figure it out!)

SOME of you are so typical. You talk about the BLM being this, that and the other, typical "thugs", blah, blah, blah.... yet you are typical right wing conservative nut-bags. No one can take your argument seriously either.

The ones who try to learn from others, whether we agree with them or not, try to understand WHY people are reacting as they do, trying to see another point of view to better understand a very serious issue, those are the ones who will move forward.

The ones who are so stuck in their belief, a belief that spews tones of hate, dislike, and bias, the ones who refuse to listen to understand, those of you like that will be stuck back with the ones you oppose who do the exact same thing. You will never move forward. Fortunately, we are not immortal HERE on earth and it will eventually die off, so there is hope for future generations!
Hate= disagreeing with a liberal.
There you have it.
Just another way they try to stifle the debate.

And you deciding who posts with intellect is an absolute scream. You couldn't identity intellect if it bit you in your vapid posterior.
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And to assist the fact challenged among us:
Racial breakdown of those killed by police in 2014. From a CNN screen grab:

White 414
Black 233
Hispanic 138
Asian 15
Not reported 311

Now STFU. Considering blacks commit a large majority of violent crime those numbers look a little off. I think white people could be deemed to have a grievance here.
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A few tidbits about his mother, upstanding citizen and parent that she is:

Despite numerous felony convictions in Minnesota for Mrs. Valerie Castile (DOB 05/30/1956)including: second degree assault, fraudulently obtaining public assistance; as well as misdemeanor convictions for theft (three times), prostitution, DUI and public nuisance; and despite serving a 3-year-term in federal prison for felony forgery [21CCR-525244], Valerie Castile is fortunately supported by the overall public and by the Black Lives Matter movement.

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