Sorry but that's nonsense. I agree that being a police officer is tough job. But thankless? That's got to be a joke. My news feed is pretty much full of people talking about how much they appreciate and love cops right now. The idea that nobody appreciates cops is an absurd delusion. Grossly underpaid? No doubt. Thankless? Not even remotely close. Roughly half of the country seem to think they can do no wrong.
Care to cite where this statistic came from or is it just another of your gross generalizations?
And we'll just have to disagree about LEO's job being a thankless one. Most people I know, and the
vast majority of them are law abiding citizens, would prefer that LEO's never be seen until a dangerous event occurs. Then they expect them to be johnny on the spot and rush in to protect them. It's a very thankless job.
An interesting graph we'll never see in the media:
Very telling when you consider there are five times as many white Americans as there are black Americans. The tendency to use violence to resolve issues is prevalent in black communities. I believe it is in large part due to the breakdown of the family unit. As little as 50 years ago, the illegitimacy rate in among blacks was less than 5%, it is now over 70%. All studies shown indicate that illegitimate kids are
much more likely to drop out of school, use drugs, join a gang, have illegitimate children themselves, or go to prison. In most cases they are 2-3 times more likely to make these bad decisions.
And the overriding reason the illegitimacy rate has become pandemic, IMO? They have learned to work the system so that is has become a sort of livelihood for them, a source of annual income. Have one baby, get X amount of money in Welfare, SNAP, Medicaid, etc... Have three kids, get 3X the money. They can make more money if they aren't married. I'm all for helping poor people, provided they're trying to help themselves. But when we encourage negative behavior by rewarding it monetarily, it can only lead to increased negative behavior.
The Dems encourage this behavior by offering more
free stuff every election. It's the main reason 95% of minorities vote Democrat every election. In effect, by promising more Welfare, Medicaid, SNAP, free college, etc..., they are buying elections. 50% of Americans don't pay any income taxes at all. 93 million are out of the work force, the smallest labor force participation rate in several decades. And millions of undocumented immigrants are pouring across our wide open borders, many of them going right on the government dole. Our national debt now exceeds our entire GDP. Regardless of how much money the government raises in taxes, we should know that they're going to spend 10% more than that amount every year, whether Republican or Democratic. We are in an untenable position.
And Ben Franklin said:
“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
As Maggie Thatcher said so astutely, "The only problem with Socialism is that sooner or later you run out of the other guy's money."