
The Final 4 that was vacated at UMass. That was over some snake in the grass sports agent getting involved with Marcus Camby during Cambys' junior season. My question for you Einstein is. Did Calipari & UMass gain a recruiting advantage with Camby over this? I mean what in the hell does a coach, any coach, in this case Calipari have to gain from this? Camby was already enrolled at UMass. This was a classic case of nothing to gain, & everything to lose. Only a blithering idiot like yourself would think otherwise. I'm waiting for your answer genius........ What's that I here?......... Crickets

You mad bro?
Ive been here for years, in peace, and always complimentary of you guys. But this thread is insane, and baseless. This guy literally says he 'just got word', but isnt man enough to actually say any facts? He is making this up.

Kevin Knox's dad played in the NFL, have you seen their house? And, he is going to be a top 3 pick in the draft in a few months. UNC just took a commitment from a kid who DID take money, or at worst is being accused of it.
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Im not saying its true about Mitchel, but I will tell you this, Donovan Mitchells dad WAS DEFINITELY talking about UNC. He would walk around here in Kentucky telling people all the time that UNC tried to pay him. I personally heard him say it
Im not saying its true about Mitchel, but I will tell you this, Donovan Mitchells dad WAS DEFINITELY talking about UNC. He would walk around here in Kentucky telling people all the time that UNC tried to pay him. I personally heard him say it
You think we should jump at your claims as well I still don't believe most especially since WE NEVER OFFERED THE KID
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I'm glad to see several of you have back-tracked on "I didn't say it was Knox" etc. Coming from a family who didn't need the money, they turned down 1.4 million for him to play in China following high school graduation. I seriously doubt they thought about 250k for a second. Good try though.
News flash, buttwipe. Knox got paid, whether or not this particular thread is about him. I ain't backing off sh**.
Im not saying its true about Mitchel, but I will tell you this, Donovan Mitchells dad WAS DEFINITELY talking about UNC. He would walk around here in Kentucky telling people all the time that UNC tried to pay him. I personally heard him say it
Then either you or he is a liar. Donovan wanted a UNC offer but didn't get one.
So let me get this straight, the NCAA cleared Cal and he has absolutely nothing on his record but he is corrupt but UNC is in the middle of a 30 year academic fraud scandal and you think Roy and Dean are clean? Serious question!
Literally nothing you just posted is true.
As it stands now, I wouldn't put money on him being drafted. I do however think he'll get tryouts and probably play in some summer league and/or NBADL games with the chance to make a roster if he really outperforms.

But my question is - do you think is career prospects and trajectory would be any better if he had attended UK?
You would lose that money.
The Final 4 that was vacated at UMass. That was over some snake in the grass sports agent getting involved with Marcus Camby during Cambys' junior season. My question for you Einstein is. Did Calipari & UMass gain a recruiting advantage with Camby over this? I mean what in the hell does a coach, any coach, in this case Calipari have to gain from this? Camby was already enrolled at UMass. This was a classic case of nothing to gain, & everything to lose. Only a blithering idiot like yourself would think otherwise. I'm waiting for your answer genius........ What's that I here?......... Crickets
No. It was because their/your coach was a crook who is in bed with every slimeball imaginable.
Ive been here for years, in peace, and always complimentary of you guys. But this thread is insane, and baseless. This guy literally says he 'just got word', but isnt man enough to actually say any facts? He is making this up.

Kevin Knox's dad played in the NFL, have you seen their house? And, he is going to be a top 3 pick in the draft in a few months. UNC just took a commitment from a kid who DID take money, or at worst is being accused of it.
I can tell you this. OP knows more about that situation than anyone on this board or your board. Maybe not quite as much as Wes, but...
The fact that you trolls keep coming to our board tells me all I need to know... Your worried about something; otherwise why be on our board; after all I don't frequent cats paw or whatever your freeboard name is.

That should say "you're"! Just thought I'd tell you that since you're big on grammar and stuff! No I'm not worried about a thing like I said earlier, I'm here because unc was suppose to have gotten its notice from the NCAA yesterday and I was just stopping by to see what was being said:)
If Mitchell was offered $100,000 by UNC, then he would have been a Tar Heel. Since, you know he wanted to be a Tar Heel and could have gotten paid.
The Final 4 that was vacated at UMass. That was over some snake in the grass sports agent getting involved with Marcus Camby during Cambys' junior season. My question for you Einstein is. Did Calipari & UMass gain a recruiting advantage with Camby over this? I mean what in the hell does a coach, any coach, in this case Calipari have to gain from this? Camby was already enrolled at UMass. This was a classic case of nothing to gain, & everything to lose. Only a blithering idiot like yourself would think otherwise. I'm waiting for your answer genius........ What's that I here?......... Crickets

Uh, thanks for sharing when Camby got caught, wonder how long he had been on the take. You ask what recruiting advantage, you really ask that, how about $$$ as a recruiting advantage? LOL

Man, you need to stay on the Ky board, you are way out of your league here! LOL
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Like you guys are fond of saying g about our coach he should have known what was going on in his profile. Isn't that what you say about slick Rick?

Have you not been posting very long? Remember when Cal was hired at UK and UNC fans was saying that he was the devil and he had to know about this and that??? That's exactly why UNC fans catch so much crap about Roy and the situation going on at unc. Some people just don't like to use facts they just go with what fits their agenda!
Ive been here for years, in peace, and always complimentary of you guys. But this thread is insane, and baseless. This guy literally says he 'just got word', but isnt man enough to actually say any facts? He is making this up.

Kevin Knox's dad played in the NFL, have you seen their house? And, he is going to be a top 3 pick in the draft in a few months. UNC just took a commitment from a kid who DID take money, or at worst is being accused of it.

Kevin Knox is in no way going to be a top 3 pick lol. Cal recruited him by saying he could play shooting guard. HE CANT SHOOT. LOL.

It's going to be fun to watch this UK team fail.
Ive been here for years, in peace, and always complimentary of you guys. But this thread is insane, and baseless. This guy literally says he 'just got word', but isnt man enough to actually say any facts? He is making this up.

Kevin Knox's dad played in the NFL, have you seen their house? And, he is going to be a top 3 pick in the draft in a few months. UNC just took a commitment from a kid who DID take money, or at worst is being accused of it.

I would make a substantial wager that Kevin Knox will not be a top 3 pick in next years draft!! Any takers?
Kevin Knox is in no way going to be a top 3 pick lol. Cal recruited him by saying he could play shooting guard. HE CANT SHOOT. LOL.

It's going to be fun to watch this UK team fail.

He can't shoot??? You might wanna go back and watch the film on this kid again lol
Link to what? You're the one making the absurd claim he got cleared. Not even a good try, troll.

It's not absurd, I'm pretty sure the NCAA cleared him. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but I'd like you to show me that he wasn't cleared!
It's clear you don't know the first thing about the AFAM scandal.

It was an oversight of the College of Arts & Sciences. It had nothing to do with athletics. SACS put UNC on a 12-month probation starting in June of 2015. That probation was served and is over.

Certain media outlets have been busy muckraking, trying to tie it to athletics and specifically the basketball program b/c they know that their industry is dying and they need to keep people reading and clicking.

The NCAA has changed their stance in the COI because they know they have ZERO oversight on academic matters. They've now made it about giving athletes access to classes and tutors that the regular student body doesn't have. Which is pretty odd, since every D1 school gives their athletes priority access classes to classes for scheduling purposes and access to tutors to help keep them eligible.

The NCAA knows that they have no leg to stand on, but won't back down because they can't take another loss on a big case. The media would rather create click-bait articles than tell both sides of the story. And then we have dimwitted, troll rival fans — like you — coming in like you understand the entire scope of the case. When the fact of the matter is that you probably read some half-baked, spin job propagated by a mouth-breathing NC State fan that has "evidence" that Dean Smith created the entire AFAM department to keep his players eligible. All the while, not seeing the laughable hypocrisy that your program is one of the most tainted and corrupt in the history of the sport.

And while I understand your bitterness and vitriol because UK has had some pretty sizable cheating issues, spreading lies about our program won't help offload the guilt your have about yours. Remember, just because you want it to be true, doesn't mean that it is.

And above all else, Luke Maye.

First let me say I'm happy for the Maye kid! Good shot and I'm sure it will be the highlight of his basketball career. Good for the kid! Secondly you're right, I don't know everything about the scandal because I don't care that much about it. All I know is if some of the things was done for players that has been said then I don't see how you or anyone else can say this isn't an athletic issue! I'm sorry but I don't buy that! Even if "other" students was allowed in these classes it doesn't matter, if players got grades they didn't earn or if anything shady went on then they was ineligible. Say what you want but if this was UK you and everyone here would be going crazy with this. As far as me being bitter, far from it! When UK got in trouble they took their punishment and went on and we haven't been in trouble since! Do you honestly want to say that if this was Kentucky or duke involved in a scandal like this that you guys wouldn't be eating it up?
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First let me say I'm happy for the Maye kid! Good shot and I'm sure it will be the highlight of his basketball career. Good for the kid! Secondly you're right, I don't know everything about the scandal because I don't care that much about it. All I know is if some of the things was done for players that has been said then I don't see how you or anyone else can say this isn't an athletic issue! I'm sorry but I don't buy that! Even if "other" students was allowed in these classes it doesn't matter, if players got grades they didn't earn or if anything shady went on then they was ineligible. Say what you want but if this was UK you and everyone here would be going crazy with this. As far as me being bitter, far from it! When UK got in trouble they took their punishment and went on and we haven't been in trouble since! Do you honestly want to say that if this was Kentucky or duke involved in a scandal like this that you guys wouldn't be eating it up?[/QUO
First,the highlight of Luke Maye's basketball career came the next weekend, lifting the NCAA Championship trophy while the Kentucky team was watching on tv. Secondly, if you know nothing about the "scandal" either learn something, keep your mouth shut, or stay off this board. Third, as far as us "eating it up" if Kentucky or dook were involved in a scandal, I'm confident we'll get our opportunity to "eat it up" to the point of gluttony within the 2 weeks.
First let me say I'm happy for the Maye kid! Good shot and I'm sure it will be the highlight of his basketball career. Good for the kid! Secondly you're right, I don't know everything about the scandal because I don't care that much about it. All I know is if some of the things was done for players that has been said then I don't see how you or anyone else can say this isn't an athletic issue! I'm sorry but I don't buy that! Even if "other" students was allowed in these classes it doesn't matter, if players got grades they didn't earn or if anything shady went on then they was ineligible. Say what you want but if this was UK you and everyone here would be going crazy with this. As far as me being bitter, far from it! When UK got in trouble they took their punishment and went on and we haven't been in trouble since! Do you honestly want to say that if this was Kentucky or duke involved in a scandal like this that you guys wouldn't be eating it up?

Actually I would not I would ask the question if it was open to everyone why is the NCAA so keen on Curb stomping uk. I never really had an issue with you guys until one of your boosters who lives here in Jacksonville NC or was at least visiting saw my shirt at a restaurant And said you guys are going down. I said no we won't he said yeah you know who we have working on the case now right? I said yeah Sankey he said yeah he is gonna make sure UNC goes down then he laughed. He also said UK offers classes for athletes only with no work required taught by coaches (breaking NCAA rules) to be fair a lot of colleges do this Penn State fsu nc state Kansas Texas the list goes on. So the question begs if UNC doesn't even offer an athletes only class and a 30 page report is required to have turned in so unlike you assess NO GRADES WAS GIVEN as you elequently put it. Why then is Sankey so keen on getting UNC. Even half competent lawyers say UNC will destroy this in a court case. But the damage will have been done by Sankey to lift up sec basketball. I know I went on a rant there and forgive me. But my point is I would not just say oh UK or KU or DOOK or UCLA are guilty basketball is so much batter when the bluebloods are all at their collective strongest.
Dude you're wrong again. I can find you many more articles.

Yet again, they cleared so much they removed their final 4 banner, they did do that didn't they? Plain and simple and the NCAA even told Memphis their investigation in to him was not done, play him at your own risk.

Now what coach would not have played him Vital asks? Well when given a similar situation with Vasco Etimov, Dean didn't play the kid, later it was determined that the kid could have played all but maybe a game or 2 but Dean waited until the situation with the NCAA was totally determined and it cost the kid most of his first season with us, I strongly suspect Roy would do no different.

What I find to be extremely funny is this notion Ky fans seem to have, that everyone is out to get them, that the NCAA is always looking for a way to hang them. From the other side it looks as if the NCAA has gone out of their way to NOT look for issues with both their coach or their program. While Alabama may be the huge program in SEC football, Ky is the same in SEC basketball and it is really clear to those not SEC loyalists that the SEC gets break after break from the NCAA because it does not want its cash cows taken down.

The NCAA makes to much money off men's basketball for it to lose either of its 2 selected cash cows in KY or duke. Being honest, don't think they wanted to take us down either because we are as well a huge cash cow for them in basketball, which pays the NCAAs bills. But the yellow dog journalists playing follow the leader crucified us in their rags and turned public opinion against us placing the NCAAs backs to the wall to do something, even if it was outside of their scope of authority, just as what happened with Penn St.

But no, the NCAA is not out to get Ky nor duke, if anything they are protected. Yet the entire sports world knows full well the association of William Wesley to Kalipari and Ky and it is just a matter of time before that is exposed and the NCAA forced to deal with it publicly, the FBI may be in the process of doing just that now...
Yet again, they cleared so much they removed their final 4 banner, they did do that didn't they? Plain and simple and the NCAA even told Memphis their investigation in to him was not done, play him at your own risk.

Now what coach would not have played him Vital asks? Well when given a similar situation with Vasco Etimov, Dean didn't play the kid, later it was determined that the kid could have played all but maybe a game or 2 but Dean waited until the situation with the NCAA was totally determined and it cost the kid most of his first season with us, I strongly suspect Roy would do no different.

What I find to be extremely funny is this notion Ky fans seem to have, that everyone is out to get them, that the NCAA is always looking for a way to hang them. From the other side it looks as if the NCAA has gone out of their way to NOT look for issues with both their coach or their program. While Alabama may be the huge program in SEC football, Ky is the same in SEC basketball and it is really clear to those not SEC loyalists that the SEC gets break after break from the NCAA because it does not want its cash cows taken down.

The NCAA makes to much money off men's basketball for it to lose either of its 2 selected cash cows in KY or duke. Being honest, don't think they wanted to take us down either because we are as well a huge cash cow for them in basketball, which pays the NCAAs bills. But the yellow dog journalists playing follow the leader crucified us in their rags and turned public opinion against us placing the NCAAs backs to the wall to do something, even if it was outside of their scope of authority, just as what happened with Penn St.

But no, the NCAA is not out to get Ky nor duke, if anything they are protected. Yet the entire sports world knows full well the association of William Wesley to Kalipari and Ky and it is just a matter of time before that is exposed and the NCAA forced to deal with it publicly, the FBI may be in the process of doing just that now...

You're wrong Dave! The clearing house told Memphis Rose was clear and then came back after the season and said he wasn't! They even said they couldn't prove that he didn't take his test but they thought he didn't. Even the writing expert they brought in said he couldn't say forsure that it wasn't Roses handwriting.
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