Hypocrisy is overwhelming

Trump: "Don't judge me on the man I was 10 years ago. But please judge Hillary on the man her husband was 20 years ago "
I'm just not sure you are comparing apples to apples. Bill Clinton was a high level politician or POTUS when he committed his acts and Hillary helped smear the women he did it to , but now proclaims any woman who has been raped/assaulted etc. should be listened to and also proclaims herself as a champion of women. Donald Trump's was nothing but HS boy locker room talk and I have done the same thing and willing to bet you have too..
LOL...and the hits just keep on coming. What's to refute?

"Trump was just joking about sexually assaulting women."

Not really a defense, you know.

Sure it is. I've spent a lot of time on athletic teams and "in the lockerroom". I've also spent plenty of time at the bar. I've also held jobs on a construction site, landscaping and in the kitchen of a restaurant. And I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. You're just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.

"Trump's still in this thing!!!"

No...he isn't.

Oh, right...because you said so.

"If he's Hillary's fault!!"

No shit.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. I think you just needed some more beef for your weak poast so you just came up with a purposeless thought and typed it.

There. Refuted. Or agreed with.

I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the board thinks you did neither. But I'd also double or nothing that they still all think your poasts are terrible.
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I'm just not sure you are comparing apples to apples. Bill Clinton was a high level politician or POTUS when he committed his acts and Hillary helped smear the women he did it to , but now proclaims any woman who has been raped/assaulted etc. should be listened to and also proclaims herself as a champion of women. Donald Trump's was nothing but HS boy locker room talk and I have done the same thing and willing to bet you have too..


It's not apples-to-apples. Doesn't make it right, but I highly doubt Trump, 10 years ago, was thinking that he would one day be running for POTUS and needed to watch his every word, literally. He was an entertainer - this is what they do. It doesn't mean he follows through on what he says...his job was to generate ratings. I mean, this Howard Stern's shock-jock radio, people (Newsflash!)...this is what they do. No one paid it ANY mind, until now.

Hell, 10 years ago, I was a complete dumbass on social media (what was out at the time, anyway). I posted crap that I would NEVER post now, for fear of losing my job as well. It's just a different perspective, but you can't, IMO, condemn him for this given the circumstances. But, it's working, unfortunately. I'm not sure he can survive it.
Completely different topic than what you said about him making his fortune in current system. Although, isn't every politician saying they will make the country better "great". How is that different than hilldawg?

I really believe the problem with Trump's slogan, which began at the same time he was pushing the immigration issue, the ban Muslims issue and those racial type issues and most people took it to mean that he wanted the US to regress back to a time when white men had all the control and other races/religions were suppressed. I'm not saying that was his intent but the manner in which he presented these things came across that way.

Personally I've never thought America wasn't great. I think we have just continuously progressed and while along the way some people have resisted that progression in terms of racial equality, marriage equality and in handling the surge over the past few decades with immigrants moving here, we have maintained a country with many wonderful attributes.

I hope we continue in a forward direction but I feel like we are just gonna have a major bump in our road of progress over the next four years with either one of these candidates; albeit extremely more digression if Trump wins.
I'm just not sure you are comparing apples to apples. Bill Clinton was a high level politician or POTUS when he committed his acts and Hillary helped smear the women he did it to , but now proclaims any woman who has been raped/assaulted etc. should be listened to and also proclaims herself as a champion of women. Donald Trump's was nothing but HS boy locker room talk and I have done the same thing and willing to bet you have too..
I certainly wouldn't advocate you being in office either but not because of your locker room talk but because of my consternation of taking this country backwards with racial issues and you and those like you who live in constant fear of Muslims.
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Sure it is. I've spent a lot of time on athletic teams and "in the lockerroom". I've also spent plenty of time at the bar. I've also held jobs on a construction site, landscaping and in the kitchen of a restaurant. And I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. Your just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.

Oh, right...because you said so.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. I think you just needed some more beef for your weak poast so you just came up with a purposeless thought and typed it.

I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the board thinks you did neither. But I'd also double or nothing that they still all think your poasts are terrible.

I actually agree with you in some of this. Women, too, participate in that kind of talk as well, although not in a cat-calling way. When we are together talking about men in a derogatory manner we tend to be saying negative things about guys looks, personality or poor performance that we were faking things over. We don't drool over men the way y'all do with women, although it happens occasionally, because we are too catty and competitive with each other. Crazy, I know.

It's not apples-to-apples. Doesn't make it right, but I highly doubt Trump, 10 years ago, was thinking that he would one day be running for POTUS and needed to watch his every word, literally. He was an entertainer - this is what they do. It doesn't mean he follows through on what he says...his job was to generate ratings. I mean, this Howard Stern's shock-jock radio, people (Newsflash!)...this is what they do. No one paid it ANY mind, until now.

Hell, 10 years ago, I was a complete dumbass on social media (what was out at the time, anyway). I posted crap that I would NEVER post now, for fear of losing my job as well. It's just a different perspective, but you can't, IMO, condemn him for this given the circumstances. But, it's working, unfortunately. I'm not sure he can survive it.

He has survived and will continue to build on his momentum.

There's a reason the media is making up polls and acting like the sky is falling everywhere on all opponents of Democrats and the reason is they are scared shitless.
Sure it is. I've spent a lot of time on athletic teams and "in the lockerroom". I've also spent plenty of time at the bar. I've also held jobs on a construction site, landscaping and in the kitchen of a restaurant. And I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. Your just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.

Oh, right...because you said so.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. I think you just needed some more beef for your weak poast so you just came up with a purposeless thought and typed it.

I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the board thinks you did neither. But I'd also double or nothing that they still all think your poasts are terrible.

I certainly wouldn't advocate you being in office either but not because of your locker room talk but because of my consternation of taking this country backwards with racial issues and you and those like you who live in constant fear of Muslims.
If you don't at least live in awareness of the problems that Muslims cause then I just don't know what to tell you. I just don't hear about these Christian , Buddhist , Jewish , Catholic , white supremacist , nudist , vegan , meat lovers or any other group bombing and decapitating people. Profiling works for a reason. Wake up before it's just too late. Really keeping Muslims out will take the country backward....LMFAO. You do know how they feel about women especially infidel women like you. Right?
Sure it is. I've spent a lot of time on athletic teams and "in the lockerroom". I've also spent plenty of time at the bar. I've also held jobs on a construction site, landscaping and in the kitchen of a restaurant. And I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. You're just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.

Well said. Nothing to add, really.
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If you don't at least live in awareness of the problems that Muslims cause then I just don't know what to tell you. I just don't hear about these Christian , Buddhist , Jewish , Catholic , white supremacist , nudist , vegan , meat lovers or any other group bombing and decapitating people. Profiling works for a reason. Wake up before it's just too late. Really keeping Muslims out will take the country backward....LMFAO. You do know how they feel about women especially infidel women like you. Right?
These are extremists who happen to be Muslim. 95% of Muslims do not condone that just like back in the 50s and 60s Christians did not condone lynching black people even though that group of idiots known as the KKK claimed they were doing this in the name of Jesus (sadly to this day some still believe that even though they aren't killing people like they were).

Jihadists are the problem so let's keep them out.
If you don't at least live in awareness of the problems that Muslims cause then I just don't know what to tell you. I just don't hear about these Christian , Buddhist , Jewish , Catholic , white supremacist , nudist , vegan , meat lovers or any other group bombing and decapitating people. Profiling works for a reason. Wake up before it's just too late. Really keeping Muslims out will take the country backward....LMFAO. You do know how they feel about women especially infidel women like you. Right?

Furthermore I know Muslims and no you don't know what they're like at all. The people I know that live here are NOTHING like what you have described. The men are scared of screwing up the grocery list just like the rest of you! geez
I'm voting for Clinton.
I'm shocked and kind of disappointed in this. We obviously don't always agree, but one thing I can respect about you is that you have always stood by your principles and never backed down. Voting for Clinton (or Trump) goes against a lot of what you have stated you believe in.

I can't back someone who lacks knowledge like "name a worl leader you respect."
I can't name a single world leader that's alive that I respect. They are all pretty bad. Maybe that's why he said that.
I'm just not sure you are comparing apples to apples.
I believe you when you say you're not sure. It's imperative to try and create a difference for you. You're just another one of these right-wingers who gladly chained yourself to the dead hooker called Donald Trump. That was your choice.

Bill Clinton was a high level politician or POTUS when he committed his acts and Hillary helped smear the women he did it to , but now proclaims any woman who has been raped/assaulted etc. .
Bill Clinton is not running for president. I've yet to see ANY proof that HILLARY Clinton has "helped smear the women he did it to." Maybe she had a reaction to the situation and called them names, but that is similar to what you're defending Donald Trump for doing all the time.

Donald Trump's was nothing but HS boy locker room talk and I have done the same thing and willing to bet you have too..
I'm sure you do it every day. Have I EVER done it? Yes. Until I realized it was damaging to myself and others by engaging in it. I can honestly say, that since I was maybe in high school, I have never engaged in that kind of discussion with other guys. It's degrading and demeaning to me to say that about THEM.
If you don't at least live in awareness of the problems that Muslims cause then I just don't know what to tell you. I just don't hear about these Christian , Buddhist , Jewish , Catholic , white supremacist , nudist , vegan , meat lovers or any other group bombing and decapitating people. Profiling works for a reason. Wake up before it's just too late. Really keeping Muslims out will take the country backward....LMFAO. You do know how they feel about women especially infidel women like you. Right?
It has nothing to do with them being Muslim, any more than it has to do with them being HUMAN. You're grouping people based on their religion. That's inaccurate and not effective. Not to mention it mimics some other pretty unsavory figures and ideologies from the not-so-distant past. That is actually a big reason I can support Clinton. She, and others like her, are not trying to target innocent people because they happen to be of the same religion as other people who are dangerous.
I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. You're just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.

Spot on. The haste with which people try to be offended is getting sickening. Then the hypocrisy of it makes it that much worse.
I'm shocked and kind of disappointed in this. We obviously don't always agree, but one thing I can respect about you is that you have always stood by your principles and never backed down. Voting for Clinton (or Trump) goes against a lot of what you have stated you believe in.
I have not abandoned a single principle. I also am dealing with a variable that I never have had t deal with before. My "principles" are my basis for trying to understand EVERYTHING. I'm looking at this from a triage perspective. After witnessing this man in the last two debates, I see a very serious problem.

This man that the GOP has decided to trot-out to be president is, to me, a powder keg. A self-obsessed powder keg whose ego clouds his judgment on just about everything he ever does. I DO NOT want this man anywhere near the Oval Office, okay? I have self-preservation instincts that can, at times, precede principles. Kind of like; I would never intentionally take another person's life. But, if a person attacked me, or someone else that I felt the need to protect, I would try to save their life and, if in doing so I killed the attacker, then so be it. It was not my intention to kill them. That is how I see Donald Trump's candidacy. So, think of it as Donald Trump is SO BAD that I felt the need to reassess my own principles in order to avert a serious crisis. I want to have a country and social culture where I can retain those principles. That man spreads hate and fear and doubles-down on his own indiscretions. So, it's Defcon 5 here.

I can't name a single world leader that's alive that I respect. They are all pretty bad. Maybe that's why he said that.
Maybe, but I don't believe it. You're not running for President. So, you can draw a blank and I'm okay with that. Johnson has displayed that he is either not serious about his candidacy with his responses and comments, or he lacks the knowledge when it counts. I don't like that risk.
Spot on. The haste with which people try to be offended is getting sickening. Then the hypocrisy of it makes it that much worse.
It's definitely hypocritical do bash Trump for what he said if you engage in it yourself. If you're not offended by the kind of thinking that produces the comments, then that's your choice. I'm not offended by WHAT HE SAID, I am bothered by the kind of mind and attitude that can produce that kind of attitude on a regular basis. The context and the intent is what concerns me. And, those are pretty bad, to me. What is unfortunate is people who have chained themselves to this man are showing either their true colors and actually reflect the same attitudes, or they're too stubborn to show that he's finally gone too far. Probably a little of both.
I have not abandoned a single principle.

Let's go to the tape...

Lesser of two evils is evil. Would you rather have leukemia or melanoma?

And, justifying bad choices because you've seen other bad choices play-out as bad as you thought they would, but it's being packaged with a Red Bow instead of a Blue Bow, is ignorant. But, by all means, enjoy it.

I'm not voting for Sanders (assuming I do) or Johnson because they are the lesser of two evils, and least of all so "the worse guy doesn't win."


The only "flaw" is ignoring the blatant 3rd choice being there... EVERY TIME. It's really ingenious how the people in power maintain their place in the scheme of things.

I have NEVER voted for the "lesser of two evils." I've never had to "hold my nose and pull the lever for______". I've never had to say "Well, I don't like him/her, but that's the nominee." Talk about wasted votes. People who vote for candidates that they don't agree with because they like someone else LESS, are the epitome of wasted votes.

Sure it is. I've spent a lot of time on athletic teams and "in the lockerroom". I've also spent plenty of time at the bar. I've also held jobs on a construction site, landscaping and in the kitchen of a restaurant. And I can assure you that the kind of banter Trump is getting crushed for happens in every one of those places. But no, it's not all guys...just 3 out of every 4. And I'd be willing to bet that 90% of the people you interact with on a daily basis have taken part in such inappropriate discussions. Furthermore, to shut up all these anti-Trump women, y'all are doing it too. If it's not inappropriate comments about sex, it's about race. Or culture. Or speech. Or ability. Every person that you know, including yourself, has made inappropriate comments within earshot of only friends. You're just lucky no one cares enough about you to tape record your conversations. So while I agree that kind of talk is inappropriate, I'll admit to taking part myself and maintain that 90% of the world's population has done or said things that could be considered similar. To think otherwise is naive at best, and disingenuous at worst. With you, I know which way I'm leaning.
You need a better class of friends. I've been in plenty of locker rooms and worked on plenty of job sites with all kinds of tradespeople. I don't recall a single conversation about or claim of sexual assault. And don't give me that line about being consensual...that's total bullshit. He said he just did it and he assumes...because he IS The Donald...that they want him to do it. Hope to God you don't have daughters.

“By the way, your daughter,” Stern said to Trump.

“She’s beautiful,” the brash businessman responded.

“Can I say this? A piece of ass,” Stern asked.

“Yeah,” Trump replied.

Father of the Year right there.
Oh, right...because you said so.
Trump has no path to winning. He can't take the swing states he has to take. Period.
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean. I think you just needed some more beef for your weak poast so you just came up with a purposeless thought and typed it.
Just trying to make sure I covered all the bases.

The credit for this one goes to the Clinton campaign manager(s) I'd have to say. Just absolutely had their way with Trump's team, IMO (I'm assuming that's not too degrading, or un-PC, to say?). If the Trump team kept these debates and ads to strictly policy - they would have been in a much better position. Hillary branded herself as the second coming of Obama. The work was already done for them! They just had to make that a focal point of the discussion.

Instead, Clinton's team got the discussion away from the policies. They brought out all the insensitive, bigotted things they could find on him, knowing they could label him as a real "meanie". If Trump's team takes the high road, without harping on the emails and Wall Street payoffs (which everyone already knew about anyways), then her team comes off as the desperate ones. But they just knew that Trump couldn't back down from that challenge, and let his team dig their own graves.
I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the board thinks you did neither. But I'd also double or nothing that they still all think your poasts are terrible.'ll hurt my feelings talking like that. :)
I have not abandoned a single principle.
Ok, it kind of sounds like it to me because...

So, think of it as Donald Trump is SO BAD that I felt the need to reassess my own principles in order to avert a serious crisis.
You are saying that you are voting for Clinton because Trump is just so bad. You have been saying how crazy it is to vote for a candidate just because you don't like the other candidate. Also...

That man spreads hate and fear and doubles-down on his own indiscretions. So, it's Defcon 5 here.
You are giving into the fear that he is spreading.

So, you can draw a blank and I'm okay with that.
I'm not drawing a blank. I just don't think there are any that are alive today. I could name some dead ones (JFK, Regan, MLK if you consider him a world leader), but I don't think any of todays leaders are worth a damn.
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It's definitely hypocritical do bash Trump for what he said if you engage in it yourself. If you're not offended by the kind of thinking that produces the comments, then that's your choice. I'm not offended by WHAT HE SAID, I am bothered by the kind of mind and attitude that can produce that kind of attitude on a regular basis. The context and the intent is what concerns me. And, those are pretty bad, to me. What is unfortunate is people who have chained themselves to this man are showing either their true colors and actually reflect the same attitudes, or they're too stubborn to show that he's finally gone too far. Probably a little of both.

What he said was wrong. But if I got offended by him, I'd have to get offended by everyone. People have released tapes on him saying (and I guess therefore, thinking) things like that. Just because tapes haven't been released on the thousands of people I walk past every day, doesn't mean the vast majority of them don't have some less than perfect thoughts cross their mind either.

If I got offended by every little thing - life would suck. It boggles my mind that people get joy out of getting offended by anything they possibly can. And if they don't get joy out of being offended - why do they do it so much?
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And, another hypocrisy, or at least a very disturbing point about Donald Trump. His decision to bring those women out before the debate was swimming in guilt on his part. He was USING THEM to deflect from his own indiscretions and improper conduct where he was caught-on-tape doing it. Instead of being apologetic and showing remorse, he decides to use more women to deflect from those actions.

Those women think that they were given that "stage" to further their cause and inform people about men doing what they want to women? Not hardly. They were used as pawns and damaged their cause, if anything. They appeared to be excuses for Mr. Trump. You're going to have a hard time righting a wrong by allying yourself with one of the worst perpetrators of the thing you're angry about, or have been victimized by.
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If I got offended by every little thing - life would suck. It boggles my mind that people get joy out of getting offended by anything they possibly can. And if they don't get joy out of being offended - why do they do it so much?

You have just described a textbook liberal and they do it because misery loves company.
I'm shocked and kind of disappointed in this. We obviously don't always agree, but one thing I can respect about you is that you have always stood by your principles and never backed down. Voting for Clinton (or Trump) goes against a lot of what you have stated you believe in.

I assume this poast is directed towards Ignored Member because I can't see a quote and it doesn't match up with the few poasts preceding it. But if it is, I'm chuckling. I told y'all that dude was a phony.
These are extremists who happen to be Muslim. 95% of Muslims do not condone that just like back in the 50s and 60s Christians did not condone lynching black people even though that group of idiots known as the KKK claimed they were doing this in the name of Jesus (sadly to this day some still believe that even though they aren't killing people like they were).

Jihadists are the problem so let's keep them out.
You better check your math , because it's already been proven that a large % at least support antisemitism.

and don't bother coming back with an article saying 99% wouldn't commit a violent act.
Do you really expect them to admit it?
My other concern is the way his supporters think. They can admit what Trump says is not appropriate, etc but then turn it around and go on and on about how bad Bill is. To me they're equal so if one is horrible then so is the other, period!!

For laughs
Ok, it kind of sounds like it to me because...

You are saying that you are voting for Clinton because Trump is just so bad. You have been saying how crazy it is to vote for a candidate just because you don't like the other candidate. Also...

You are giving into the fear that he is spreading.

I'm not drawing a blank. I just don't think there are any that are alive today. I could name some dead ones (JFK, Regan, MLK if you consider him a world leader), but I don't think any of todays leaders are worth a damn.
Well, this is an extreme case. You are making a good point, and I appreciate the mirror. So, I'll offer this to help explain. To go further into the realization of the debates; I have been impressed by many of Clinton's responses to questions given and was actually impressed. I definitely liked her comments to the Muslim woman on Sunday night. It was concise and direct and made me think "Hey! She DOES get it. That's my thoughts exactly." I like that she wants to concentrate on renewable energy. I do not think fossil fuels are sustainable and I believe we are damaging our planet and our ecosystem. I want someone who believes the same thing! To me, that is progress, and that is looking positive and looking forward. As I understand it, she opposes the TPP. That is my stance as well. To be frank, I'd never looked very closely into her candidacy until I was so alarmed by the lack of understanding exhibited by her opponent. So, he did some good in that sense as well.

I'm not giving in to the fear he is spreading. You know how I can prove that? Because I DON'T SUPPORT HIM! I am acting in opposition to it. I'm not spreading it.

I respect Justin Trudeau and Angel Merkel. If Johnson cannot pull off their names when asked, that bothers me. Those two deserve respect, to me.
Then you WERE offended.

False. I wasn't offended. What he said was wrong to say. Saying 1+1 = 3 is wrong to say - I'm not offended by that either.

It's okay to be offended, dude. It's not okay to think you'll NEVER BE offended! Or, it's not very sane to think that.

Oh I know it's ok to be offended. And I know I'll be offended at various points in my life. I was offended when I was passed over for a job opportunity I was the most qualified for because the department needed to fulfill diversity requirements. I was under the impression one should get jobs based on merit, not on superficial things like race or gender, but I guess I was wrong.

I'm just saying it takes a bit more to get me offended than someone saying something I don't like or agree with.
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You better check your math , because it's already been proven that a large % at least support antisemitism.

and don't bother coming back with an article saying 99% wouldn't commit a violent act.
Do you really expect them to admit it?

After you sit down face to face with them and actually get to know them just refrain from commenting. You obviously do not know the difference between a Muslim and an extremist, which doesn't shock me because neither does that whack job you're in love with! GMAFB
Well, this is an extreme case. You are making a good point, and I appreciate the mirror. So, I'll offer this to help explain. To go further into the realization of the debates; I have been impressed by many of Clinton's responses to questions given and was actually impressed. I definitely liked her comments to the Muslim woman on Sunday night. It was concise and direct and made me think "Hey! She DOES get it. That's my thoughts exactly." I like that she wants to concentrate on renewable energy. I do not think fossil fuels are sustainable and I believe we are damaging our planet and our ecosystem. I want someone who believes the same thing! To me, that is progress, and that is looking positive and looking forward. As I understand it, she opposes the TPP. That is my stance as well. To be frank, I'd never looked very closely into her candidacy until I was so alarmed by the lack of understanding exhibited by her opponent. So, he did some good in that sense as well.

I'm not giving in to the fear he is spreading. You know how I can prove that? Because I DON'T SUPPORT HIM! I am acting in opposition to it. I'm not spreading it.

I respect Justin Trudeau and Angel Merkel. If Johnson cannot pull off their names when asked, that bothers me. Those two deserve respect, to me.
Ok, I can respect that. The reason it really surprised me though is due to her foreign policy. It's pretty clear that she will continue bombing and sending troops over there.
It has nothing to do with them being Muslim, any more than it has to do with them being HUMAN. You're grouping people based on their religion. That's inaccurate and not effective. Not to mention it mimics some other pretty unsavory figures and ideologies from the not-so-distant past. That is actually a big reason I can support Clinton. She, and others like her, are not trying to target innocent people because they happen to be of the same religion as other people who are dangerous.
it has everything to do with being Muslim. If you are trying to infer Hitler? I don't think the jews classified him as an infidel well not until he sent them to concentration camps that is.
You have just described a textbook liberal and they do it because misery loves company.
Since he won't see this.... he's a pot calling a kettle black. He is the most miserable human being I've ever interacted with. He's so miserable that he puts people on ignore he's not strong enough to handle a different viewpoint lol. Weak!
False. I wasn't offended. What he said was wrong to say. Saying 1+1 = 3 is wrong to say - I'm not offended by that either.

Oh I know it's ok to be offended. And I know I'll be offended at various points in my life. I was offended when I was passed over for a job opportunity I was the most qualified for because the department needed to fulfill diversity requirements. I was under the impression one should get jobs based on merit, not on superficial things like race or gender, but I guess I was wrong.

I'm just saying it takes a bit more to get me offended than someone saying something I don't like or agree with.
Okay, but I just agreed with you earlier. What he SAID was not the offensive part. What he said merely revealed the actual origin of the offensive matter. The guy degrades women. If you're not offended by THAT, okay. If you acknowledge something is "wrong" then being offended is included in that conclusion. Being offended doesn't have to include a loud gasp and physical reaction of some kind.

This is what OFFENDS me... people who will continue to defend this man's attitude by trying to downplay it. You're defending the degradation of the female of the species when you do this, okay? You may not see it as such, but it's occurring. This man has frequently degraded women. And, it doesn't matter if you did it too, at some point.. It doesn't matter if Bill Clinton did it at some point. It matters that we recognize it and realize that we need to stop thinking it's acceptable to do it. The guy even degraded the women he paid to show up and sit by his side before the debate. He used them to deflect from his own indiscretions. They got used AGAIN!
Those women think that they were given that "stage" to further their cause and inform people about men doing what they want to women? Not hardly. They were used as pawns and damaged their cause, if anything. They appeared to be excuses for Mr. Trump. You're going to have a hard time righting a wrong by allying yourself with one of the worst perpetrators of the thing you're angry about, or have been victimized by.

Wow, your low opinion of women's intelligence and self-awareness here is alarming. Not offensive to me, but I can see how this comment can be offensive to women.
I believe you when you say you're not sure. It's imperative to try and create a difference for you. You're just another one of these right-wingers who gladly chained yourself to the dead hooker called Donald Trump. That was your choice.

Bill Clinton is not running for president. I've yet to see ANY proof that HILLARY Clinton has "helped smear the women he did it to." Maybe she had a reaction to the situation and called them names, but that is similar to what you're defending Donald Trump for doing all the time.

I'm sure you do it every day. Have I EVER done it? Yes. Until I realized it was damaging to myself and others by engaging in it. I can honestly say, that since I was maybe in high school, I have never engaged in that kind of discussion with other guys. It's degrading and demeaning to me to say that about THEM.
Well, this is an extreme case. You are making a good point, and I appreciate the mirror. So, I'll offer this to help explain. To go further into the realization of the debates; I have been impressed by many of Clinton's responses to questions given and was actually impressed. I definitely liked her comments to the Muslim woman on Sunday night. It was concise and direct and made me think "Hey! She DOES get it. That's my thoughts exactly." I like that she wants to concentrate on renewable energy. I do not think fossil fuels are sustainable and I believe we are damaging our planet and our ecosystem. I want someone who believes the same thing! To me, that is progress, and that is looking positive and looking forward. As I understand it, she opposes the TPP. That is my stance as well. To be frank, I'd never looked very closely into her candidacy until I was so alarmed by the lack of understanding exhibited by her opponent. So, he did some good in that sense as well.

I'm not giving in to the fear he is spreading. You know how I can prove that? Because I DON'T SUPPORT HIM! I am acting in opposition to it. I'm not spreading it.

I respect Justin Trudeau and Angel Merkel. If Johnson cannot pull off their names when asked, that bothers me. Those two deserve respect, to me.
I could support her if it weren't for her Wall Street connections but between her and Trump, we will have less trauma I suppose.

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