Is it time for SC to take down the conf flag?

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Here is a good read. This is only a portion of the letters penned by several of the southern states. You can not argue with the actual original documentation. This is not the letters of secession, but the declaration of clauses. If you take the time to read it, you will find the north used the topic of slavery to pursue its objectives. Also, the south was defending its rights to own slaves. I personally will be reading further on this.
On Aug. 22, 1862, President Lincoln wrote a letter to the New York Tribune that included the following passage: “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.”
As a SC resident, I just got a 3-question survey automated phone call about the flag.

1st question:

Do you think the flag should be removed from the memorial site?
Do you think it should stay just as it is?
Do you think a different flag should be displayed?

2nd question:

Should the State Legislature decide on the flag?
Should some other government agency decide?
Should the decision be made by popular vote from SC citizens?

3rd question:

If your representative voted in opposition to your request for the flag would that...?
1- Not affect your vote to re-elect them
2- Affect your vote in a negative way
3- Affect your vote in a VERY negative way
The only thing I have to add to this thread is the reasons for the civil war are not as simple as either side is trying to make them out to be. Carry on...
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Heres a quote from William Thompson, the designer of the flag on what it represents. Sounds like a neat guy. (The caps at the end are his)

"Our idea is simply to combine the present battle flag with a pure white standard sheet; our southern cross, blue, on a red field, to take the place on the white flag that is occupied by the blue union in the old United States flag or the St. George’s cross in the British flag. As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematic of our cause.… Such a flag would be a suitable emblem of our young confederacy … it would soon take rank among the proudest ensigns of the nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as THE WHITE MAN’S FLAG."
Heres a quote from William Thompson, the designer of the flag on what it represents. Sounds like a neat guy. (The caps at the end are his)

"Our idea is simply to combine the present battle flag with a pure white standard sheet; our southern cross, blue, on a red field, to take the place on the white flag that is occupied by the blue union in the old United States flag or the St. George’s cross in the British flag. As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematic of our cause.… Such a flag would be a suitable emblem of our young confederacy … it would soon take rank among the proudest ensigns of the nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as THE WHITE MAN’S FLAG."

I think almost all flags are usually White Men's symbols anyway.

I mean, even the sports team flags you see on cars... they're usually white people. Not always, just usually. That's been my experience anyway. White people seem to resort to flags to express themselves or identify themselves in groups. Of course, the blacks were a subjugated race on this continent for so long, you'd be hard-pressed to see them decide to start making flags. I guess I'm thinking, historically, the flags and banners were more prominent in European cultures. I'm sure standards and banners existed in Arabic lands and Far East as well. But, were ancient African tribes using flags? Did native American tribes have flags? I know they had SYMBOLS, but I'm not sure about FLAGS. I think flags are a more western/eastern European-derived thing. And, last I checked, the skin color of indigenous people of Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, etc. is typically lighter than most other parts of the world.
Lol strum this guy is claiming a flag used in a war to defend white supremacy is the white mans flag. Surely i dont have to explain the difference.
Lol strum this guy is claiming a flag used in a war to defend white supremacy is the white mans flag. Surely i dont have to explain the difference.
I know what he was explaining. I was saying that flags, in general, are mostly a white man's creation anyway! It doesn't surprise me that a white man made a flag for ONLY white men! I wasn't really implying there was a difference or a point of contention.
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