Jesus Christ . .

No you don’t. If you did you would tell us what you believe and then you would accept what we say we believe and wish us well.

Oh, by the way I’m a Baptist.
That's the point I am making as well. You guys are the ones who keep pushing the argument on christian views of how and who makes it to heaven.

And I am an independent. Nondenominational
So I'm not able to respect others beliefs and be a Christian? Little far reaching I would say.
I guess it depends on what you mean by respect. When it comes to a strict obedience to something like religion- and the belief that your entire salvation after this life, and the current life, in this plane, is at stake- then having respect for OTHER religions is a sort of Catch-22. If someone is of the absolute belief that their way is the ONLY way, then having respect for "other ways" seems unlikely. When put to it, you don't really respect them at all.

Religions aren't really like opinions to the devout followers. They are absolute truths to the devout follower. So, no, it's not far-reaching at all.
You can be religious and have respect for other religions. My father is that way. Having respect doesn't mean that you think they're right. As for me, I really don't know if there is or isn't, but if you put a gun to my head I would probably say "no".
You can be religious and have respect for other religions. My father is that way. Having respect doesn't mean that you think they're right. As for me, I really don't know if there is or isn't, but if you put a gun to my head I would probably say "no".
How about no gun to your head?
I guess it depends on what you mean by respect. When it comes to a strict obedience to something like religion- and the belief that your entire salvation after this life, and the current life, in this plane, is at stake- then having respect for OTHER religions is a sort of Catch-22. If someone is of the absolute belief that their way is the ONLY way, then having respect for "other ways" seems unlikely. When put to it, you don't really respect them at all.

Religions aren't really like opinions to the devout followers. They are absolute truths to the devout follower. So, no, it's not far-reaching at all.
How about this strum, I respect their right to worship as they please. Does this work better for you?
How about this strum, I respect their right to worship as they please. Does this work better for you?
Does it work for you? I'm simply responding to your comments. If something doesn't make sense to me, I'll ask, or point-it-out. I appreciate your responses, I do.
It’s funny watching Christians get defensive.

At the end of the day, most of them believe that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their religion will be tortured for eternity. Yet they think they’re the ones under attack lol
It’s funny watching Christians get defensive.

At the end of the day, most of them believe that anyone who doesn’t subscribe to their religion will be tortured for eternity. Yet they think they’re the ones under attack lol

I agree with you, but that also pertains to Muslims as well. Are you willing to concede that point?
I think it is the case in any “my way or the highway” religion. BTW they are not all like that.
I'm trying to help everyone else that doesn't realize it.

I've been looking for Jesus to save me all day. I'm out of wine but I have plenty of bottled water.
I believe that you have to accept Jesus Christ as you personal lord and savior to go to heaven, and that is the teaching I follow.

The Jesus says in the bible " I am the way the truth and the life and no man come to the father but by me" now I cant 100% stand by my faith and then accept that there might be another way to heaven. I cant have it both ways. If i agreed that there is another way then i have disagreed with everything my faith is based on.

The Bible also says "every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."

So one way or the other we will know one day, if I'm right then every knee shall bow and of I'm wrong we just die. I will take my chances with my faith.

So I hope everyone can find this in their lives but I dont judge anyone its not my place to. So everyone can do as they will.

Like someone else said if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

I think people have a hard time grasping the concept that a loving God would send anyone to an eternity of torment and hell, but I dont believe that God sends anyone to Hell, people have the choice it all depends on what you want to do and what you choose to accept.

At the end of the day my faith is a personal relationship with my Lord and savior, the key word being personal.
I believe that you have to accept Jesus Christ as you personal lord and savior to go to heaven, and that is the teaching I follow.

The Jesus says in the bible " I am the way the truth and the life and no man come to the father but by me" now I cant 100% stand by my faith and then accept that there might be another way to heaven. I cant have it both ways. If i agreed that there is another way then i have disagreed with everything my faith is based on.

The Bible also says "every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."

So one way or the other we will know one day, if I'm right then every knee shall bow and of I'm wrong we just die. I will take my chances with my faith.

So I hope everyone can find this in their lives but I dont judge anyone its not my place to. So everyone can do as they will.

Like someone else said if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

I think people have a hard time grasping the concept that a loving God would send anyone to an eternity of torment and hell, but I dont believe that God sends anyone to Hell, people have the choice it all depends on what you want to do and what you choose to accept.

At the end of the day my faith is a personal relationship with my Lord and savior, the key word being personal.

Good post, I think the important word is “personal”. One size does not fit all.
Let me guess, you think Christian's are ok with or would want this?

Do I think ALL christians are okay with it? Certainly not.

Do I think SOME number of christians are okay with it? Absolutely.

For me, the argument is not about how many christians believe in this sort of nonsense. Its about how monotheism inevitably leads to this sort of moral absolutism.

I've said it before, but I guess its worth repeating. I don't hate all christians, or think they're all crazy. I guess you could say that I "hate the sin but love the sinner."
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Do I think ALL christians are okay with it? Certainly not.

Do I think SOME number of christians are okay with it? Absolutely.

For me, the argument is not about how many christians believe in this sort of nonsense. Its about how monotheism inevitably leads to this sort of moral absolutism.

I've said it before, but I guess its worth repeating. I don't hate all christians, or think they're all crazy. I guess you could say that I "hate the sin but love the sinner."
Was the author a Christian?
Was the author a Christian?

From what I understood, it was the rep who wrote the manifesto and believed that people should be forced to obey biblical law. So I’m assuming it was.

Or did you mean the author of the article?
From what I understood, it was the rep who wrote the manifesto and believed that people should be forced to obey biblical law. So I’m assuming it was.

Or did you mean the author of the article?
No, the author of the manifesto... the representative. He's a US Congressman?