Let's Talk Trump

You mean, Right. The best choice is of no concern or importance to you. "I'll vote against the worst choice." What a contribution!

I'm confused as to why you continue to direct poasts towards me. Do you think I put any stock whatsoever in anything you poast? Are you just trolling?
Actually, FDR died in office in his fourth term. But, they did enact term limits after his death. I'm not sure how much FDR helped the economy himself. I think he was a good leader for the country during the Depression. But, I'm not sure economics was his strong suit.

Sanders is very critical of the Fed and the TBTF banks. I like that about him.

Thanks for the correction. What I should've said is that term limits were enacted as a result of his electoral dominance lol
Yeah, overturning Citizens United vs the FEC, ending the tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations, creating tens of thousands of jobs rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, investing in higher education and renewable energy... All of that sounds horrible...

oh yeah and ending the drug war.[/QUOTE]

Spend spend spend spend. Hell we're only a TRILLION dollars in debt. Whats a few billion more eh?. Meanwhile lets penalize the people providing most of the jobs. Yea thats a great freaking idea. Oh and can imagine this half wit going up against putin or netanyahu or isis? BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What a joke.
So you're just trolling me then?
Am I "trolling you?" If that simplifies it to the point where you feel like you've "won", so your ego remains intact? Sure.

It's really not that difficult to discern. I'm not communicating in hieroglyphics here. But, I will explain this in detail since I love you like I do! And, I want others to realize how full of shit you can be.

You agreed that Trump was unfit but he was "the best choice." That implies, at least in that post, that your emphasis is on the importance of choosing the best candidate that is on the ballot. Now, I knew full well that Trump is not the only choice besides Hillary Clinton. I didn't respond, however. Then, I read where UNCBoy pointed-it-out to you that, in terms of CHOICES, you had many others and Johnson was much more ideal and was a far better choice. You responded "He has no chance." Well, that was harder to pass-up for me. You basically called yourself out as being FOS in the previous assertion of "best choice." You don't care about the best choice at all. All you really care about is seeing what is being advertised as a "Democrat" in these rigged elections LOSE. The "best choice", in terms of most qualified and has the best likelihood of being a productive investment worthy of the vote, is completely irrelevant to you. It always has been. You would be content with anyone or anything, so long as it was pitched to you as NOT being a "Democrat." Not only is that irresponsible, ignorant and wasting your vote. It's dangerous to everyone else because you help perpetuate this Oligarchy we now have.

So, try to keep that in mind when you start to lament how life is so bad for you now and your kids' future. Just tell yourself: "He's just trolling me" and continue to fvck it up.
Am I "trolling you?" If that simplifies it to the point where you feel like you've "won", so your ego remains intact? Sure.

It's really not that difficult to discern. I'm not communicating in hieroglyphics here. But, I will explain this in detail since I love you like I do! And, I want others to realize how full of shit you can be.

You agreed that Trump was unfit but he was "the best choice." That implies, at least in that post, that your emphasis is on the importance of choosing the best candidate that is on the ballot. Now, I knew full well that Trump is not the only choice besides Hillary Clinton. I didn't respond, however. Then, I read where UNCBoy pointed-it-out to you that, in terms of CHOICES, you had many others and Johnson was much more ideal and was a far better choice. You responded "He has no chance." Well, that was harder to pass-up for me. You basically called yourself out as being FOS in the previous assertion of "best choice." You don't care about the best choice at all. All you really care about is seeing what is being advertised as a "Democrat" in these rigged elections LOSE. The "best choice", in terms of most qualified and has the best likelihood of being a productive investment worthy of the vote, is completely irrelevant to you. It always has been. You would be content with anyone or anything, so long as it was pitched to you as NOT being a "Democrat." Not only is that irresponsible, ignorant and wasting your vote. It's dangerous to everyone else because you help perpetuate this Oligarchy we now have.

So, try to keep that in mind when you start to lament how life is so bad for you now and your kids' future. Just tell yourself: "He's just trolling me" and continue to fvck it up.

That pretty much sums it up. People literally think this is some contest. Each side believes they are the better "party" to "rule the kingdom" for he next four to eight years, meanwhile, no matter which puppet gets the throne, that administration seems to basically the same crap that just digs the hole we are in deeper, NEVER addressing the real problems we have that put us in this economic mess further and further. Ego is the demise of humanity.
Am I "trolling you?" If that simplifies it to the point where you feel like you've "won", so your ego remains intact? Sure.

It's really not that difficult to discern. I'm not communicating in hieroglyphics here. But, I will explain this in detail since I love you like I do! And, I want others to realize how full of shit you can be.

You agreed that Trump was unfit but he was "the best choice." That implies, at least in that post, that your emphasis is on the importance of choosing the best candidate that is on the ballot. Now, I knew full well that Trump is not the only choice besides Hillary Clinton. I didn't respond, however. Then, I read where UNCBoy pointed-it-out to you that, in terms of CHOICES, you had many others and Johnson was much more ideal and was a far better choice. You responded "He has no chance." Well, that was harder to pass-up for me. You basically called yourself out as being FOS in the previous assertion of "best choice." You don't care about the best choice at all. All you really care about is seeing what is being advertised as a "Democrat" in these rigged elections LOSE. The "best choice", in terms of most qualified and has the best likelihood of being a productive investment worthy of the vote, is completely irrelevant to you. It always has been. You would be content with anyone or anything, so long as it was pitched to you as NOT being a "Democrat." Not only is that irresponsible, ignorant and wasting your vote. It's dangerous to everyone else because you help perpetuate this Oligarchy we now have.

So, try to keep that in mind when you start to lament how life is so bad for you now and your kids' future. Just tell yourself: "He's just trolling me" and continue to fvck it up.

Ahh, I see. I thought I was confused but it's apparently you that's confused. I think you believe I give a shit what you have to say about my reasons for voting as I do (or anything really). Let me end your confusion. Your opinion is garbage. I couldn't care any less about your thoughts. I treat your thoughts with complete disregard and I think you're full of shit. So when you decide to direct a poast towards me, you're wasting your time and bandwidth on this site.

Now that I've made it crystal clear, I will assume any future poasts directed towards me are in effort to troll. Now GFY.

Warmest Regards,
That pretty much sums it up. People literally think this is some contest. Each side believes they are the better "party" to "rule the kingdom" for he next four to eight years, meanwhile, no matter which puppet gets the throne, that administration seems to basically the same crap that just digs the hole we are in deeper, NEVER addressing the real problems we have that put us in this economic mess further and further. Ego is the demise of humanity.

The only way the two party system ends is a complete collapse of the country - economically and socially - and then to start anew. Until then, this is what we're stuck with. You and others can dream all you want, but I take a more realistic approach. That approach is to vote against the candidate that I feel will do the most harm to the way of life I enjoy. If in the future, a third party candidate becomes a realistic chance, then I will reconsider my position. But I don't envision that happening and until it does, I will continue to vote as I do.
Ahh, I see. I thought I was confused but it's apparently you that's confused. I think you believe I give a shit what you have to say about my reasons for voting as I do (or anything really). Let me end your confusion. Your opinion is garbage. I couldn't care any less about your thoughts. I treat your thoughts with complete disregard and I think you're full of shit. So when you decide to direct a poast towards me, you're wasting your time and bandwidth on this site.

Now that I've made it crystal clear, I will assume any future poasts directed towards me are in effort to troll. Now GFY.

Warmest Regards,

Is that why you make sure to go to great lengths to respond to my "garbage", with great detail about just how garbage-y it is? I love it when you try to pass-yourself-off as not caring about my opinions. I count on it. Because, your actions ALWAYS reveal that your words are complete bullshit! I'm hardly wasting my time directing a post toward you. I know your ego forces you to make sure your "peers" here are sure that gsd is better than strum (I even gave you something there to isolate and quote as a reply). I can make you jump as high or low as I want, whenever I want. In fact, the more detailed the response (like the one above), and the harder you try to push this "I don't care what you think" BS, the more I am certain that I got under that dick-skin, and DEEP! It's not that hard, because your skin is thin.
Is that why you make sure to go to great lengths to respond to my "garbage", with great detail about just how garbage-y it is? I love it when you try to pass-yourself-off as not caring about my opinions. I count on it. Because, your actions ALWAYS reveal that your words are complete bullshit! I'm hardly wasting my time directing a post toward you. I know your ego forces you to make sure your "peers" here are sure that gsd is better than strum (I even gave you something there to isolate and quote as a reply). I can make you jump as high or low as I want, whenever I want. In fact, the more detailed the response (like the one above), and the harder you try to push this "I don't care what you think" BS, the more I am certain that I got under that dick-skin, and DEEP!

The only way the two party system ends is a complete collapse of the country - economically and socially - and then to start anew. Until then, this is what we're stuck with. You and others can dream all you want, but I take a more realistic approach. That approach is to vote against the candidate that I feel will do the most harm to the way of life I enjoy. If in the future, a third party candidate becomes a realistic chance, then I will reconsider my position. But I don't envision that happening and until it does, I will continue to vote as I do.

I believe one way the two party system ends is by allowing independents, green and others join in the discussion nationally on the same stage and be heard.
I believe one way the two party system ends is by allowing independents, green and others join in the discussion nationally on the same stage and be heard.
When the people FORCE the two-party system to allow it, yes.

No break-down or violent revolution necessary.

Until then, the 2-in-1 "party" will gladly shovel the shit it's been shoveling. If we eat it, they'll serve it up.
Yeah, overturning Citizens United vs the FEC, ending the tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations, creating tens of thousands of jobs rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, investing in higher education and renewable energy... All of that sounds horrible...

oh yeah and ending the drug war.

Spend spend spend spend. Hell we're only a TRILLION dollars in debt. Whats a few billion more eh?. Meanwhile lets penalize the people providing most of the jobs. Yea thats a great freaking idea. Oh and can imagine this half wit going up against putin or netanyahu or isis? BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What a joke.[/QUOTE]

Ending tax breaks for the wealthy, and overturning Citizen's United would actually reduce spending, and increase revenue. Less tax breaks means more revenue, and no more corporate welfare means less spending. But nice try on that one. Also is absurd to say that we should just let large corporations get away with murder because "they create the most jobs." They are using massive campaign contributions to buy the favor to rewrite our laws to maximize their profits. That's bullshit.

I'd much rather my taxes go to building roads, bridges and schools instead of endless wars in the middle east that line the pockets of Halliburton and Lockheed Martin.

Half wit? You're just making yourself look bad now. Bernie Sanders is by far the most articulate, and intelligent candidate in the race. And it isn't even close, except for Gary Johnson. But then again you think we're only "a TRILLION dollars in debt." so obviously you aren't very well informed.
Am I "trolling you?" If that simplifies it to the point where you feel like you've "won", so your ego remains intact? Sure.

It's really not that difficult to discern. I'm not communicating in hieroglyphics here. But, I will explain this in detail since I love you like I do! And, I want others to realize how full of shit you can be.

You agreed that Trump was unfit but he was "the best choice." That implies, at least in that post, that your emphasis is on the importance of choosing the best candidate that is on the ballot. Now, I knew full well that Trump is not the only choice besides Hillary Clinton. I didn't respond, however. Then, I read where UNCBoy pointed-it-out to you that, in terms of CHOICES, you had many others and Johnson was much more ideal and was a far better choice. You responded "He has no chance." Well, that was harder to pass-up for me. You basically called yourself out as being FOS in the previous assertion of "best choice." You don't care about the best choice at all. All you really care about is seeing what is being advertised as a "Democrat" in these rigged elections LOSE. The "best choice", in terms of most qualified and has the best likelihood of being a productive investment worthy of the vote, is completely irrelevant to you. It always has been. You would be content with anyone or anything, so long as it was pitched to you as NOT being a "Democrat." Not only is that irresponsible, ignorant and wasting your vote. It's dangerous to everyone else because you help perpetuate this Oligarchy we now have.

So, try to keep that in mind when you start to lament how life is so bad for you now and your kids' future. Just tell yourself: "He's just trolling me" and continue to fvck it up.

He really is the perfect caricature of the American electorate. Astounding arrogance complemented by breathtaking ignorance.
Jesus man, do you enjoy looking stupid? I have already stated on this board that if the election was now I wouldn't vote for any of them. Do you consider people who won't vote for someone a supporter? Guess that means you're a Trump supporter too. Pull the stick out of your ass and get a sense of humor.
Jesus man, do you enjoy looking stupid? I have already stated on this board that if the election was now I wouldn't vote for any of them. Do you consider people who won't vote for someone a supporter? Guess that means you're a Trump supporter too. Pull the stick out of your ass and get a sense of humor.
He enjoys it being there

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