Lock Him Up . . Lock Him Up . .

I don’t like either one as President. But Obama I feel like I could have a beer with. Trump would just berate me as a jealous loser because I didn’t vote for him lol.

Both of them would think of you as a loser, but only Trump would tell you to your face.

Which would you prefer?
It would have to be a diet Coke since he doesn't drink.

Fair enough.

Both of them would think of you as a loser, but only Trump would tell you to your face.

Which would you prefer?

This is getting a bit too hypothetical. I definitely think Obama has an arrogant streak, but Trump is just an egomaniacal bully. There’s no positive spin you can put on that.
He thinks it is a threat. A huge majority of trump supporters have been polled on whether or not they would support suspending the 2020 election if their daddy dotard says the election is rigged. Take a guess what a majority of them said... That’s how dictatorship works in the modern world. First you suspend an election, then you overturn term limits. Then come the sham elections.

The idea that we can’t lose our democracy in this country is naive. Democracy can fall. We are no different.
Going by this thread, I would guess the poll was pretty accurate.
He thinks it is a threat. A huge majority of trump supporters have been polled on whether or not they would support suspending the 2020 election if their daddy dotard says the election is rigged. Take a guess what a majority of them said... That’s how dictatorship works in the modern world. First you suspend an election, then you overturn term limits. Then come the sham elections.

The idea that we can’t lose our democracy in this country is naive. Democracy can fall. We are no different.
We don't live in a democracy. USA is a representative Republic. We can't lose what we never had.
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And how exactly do we elect our representatives?....
You need to take a Poli Sci 101 course.

We elect congress by popular vote. We elect President by electoral college, although at first appointed by congress.
We appoint federal Judges.
Until 1913, the state appointed Senators. The 17th amendment changed it to popular elected. Not what our founders wanted and was a huge mistake to change.
You need to take a Poli Sci 101 course.

We elect congress by popular vote. We elect President by electoral college, although at first appointed by congress.
We appoint federal Judges.
Until 1913, the state appointed Senators. The 17th amendment changed it to popular elected. Not what our founders wanted and was a huge mistake to change.

Voting is a democratic process genius. Maybe you should have paid more attention in political science, then you might know that direct democracy or pure democracy is only one variation of the concept.
Voting is a democratic process genius. Maybe you should have paid more attention in political science, then you might know that direct democracy or pure democracy is only one variation of the concept.
We don't vote for everybody. So not a democracy, genius. Representative republic
We don't vote for everybody. So not a democracy, genius. Representative republic

A representative republic is a form of democratic government. And not electing every member of government has nothing to do with whether or not a government is democratic or not.

Democracy is a political philosophy not a specified form of government. To clarify, there are many different ways a democratic style government can be setup. And a representative republic is one of those forms.
Do you dislike his hatred of the free press . . ? He loves to be flattered, but, can't stand anyone that is critical of him.
He has to have the biggest crowds. He has to have his own military parade because he was jealous of the French for theirs. He is as narcissistic as anyone can possibly be IMO.
He’s not against free press, he’s against the press making stuff up out of whole cloth, citing “unnamed sources”. You have Fox which presents the Conservative opinion and every other channel which presents a Liberal version. The main stream media is heavily biased towards the left. When Trump called them out on it early on, they became even more so and have done everything in their power to ruin him.

As for being narcissistic and egotistical, Obama was every bit as much so. It seemed every other word out of his mouth was “I”.

I get it, you hate him. You’re certainly entitled to do so. But when hate becomes so visceral that it doesn’t allow one to see anything other than what one wants to see... I disliked Obama and detested most of his Socialistic policies, but I tried to at least keep an open mind.
Nothing screams socialist like giving a multi billion dollar bailout to the major banks, and using tax payer dollars to pay their executives a bonus AFTER they crashed the economy in 2008.
Or like ramming socialized medicine down our throats without a single Republican vote, all the while knowingly lying and repeatedly saying “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”. Or “If you like your doctor, you can keep him”. Or “The average family will see their premiums reduced by $2500 per year”.
Or like ramming socialized medicine down our throats without a single Republican vote, all the while knowingly lying and repeatedly saying “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”. Or “If you like your doctor, you can keep him”. Or “The average family will see their premiums reduced by $2500 per year”.
No one rammed that down anyone's throat. That was on the table for years and it was voted-on and resisted by the Republicans. It is hardly socialized medicine. It's mandatory insurance.

I doubt this country ever gets Socialized medicine. The Corps that own this place make far too much money off of people's infirmities for that. Between the Pharma and Insurance industry, the people got a smelly watered-down version of something that might have once resembled something like Socialized Healthcare.
Or like ramming socialized medicine down our throats without a single Republican vote, all the while knowingly lying and repeatedly saying “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it”. Or “If you like your doctor, you can keep him”. Or “The average family will see their premiums reduced by $2500 per year”.

The rate of change for the increase in family premiums went down from 4.1% annually to 3.7% annually after the ACA was implemented.

If you seriously think healthcare legislation that includes private insurance is "socialized medicine" then you clearly don't understand the definition of the word socialism.

Its actually hilarious that you picked another example of Obama being a corporatist and lining the pockets of the wealthy elite.
No one rammed that down anyone's throat. That was on the table for years and it was voted-on and resisted by the Republicans. It is hardly socialized medicine. It's mandatory insurance.

I doubt this country ever gets Socialized medicine. The Corps that own this place make far too much money off of people's infirmities for that. Between the Pharma and Insurance industry, the people got a smelly watered-down version of something that might have once resembled something like Socialized Healthcare.

Its been on the table since FDR. Definitely not a new idea for us. And its hilarious they say he "rammed it down their throats" when it had to go through congress just like any other bill. Republicans will shamelessly boast that if you don't like their laws that's tough because they won congress, but as soon as they lose it they want to whine about how Democrats are "shoving laws down their throats."

Conservative politics is a wonderful tautology. You can get a position in government, and then build a career around the idea that government is ineffective. All while you sabotage it from the inside. Its actually brilliant. Do they ever actually cut spending? lol of course not. Or do they ever try to diminish the role of government in people's social lives?... Again, of course not. The small government crap is just a cheap way of arguing for the government only doing what THEY want the government to do. Everything else is socialism.
You want an example of legislation rammed down our throats? That TARP shit bill that was voted DOWN the first time- due to a loud response from Americans to their representatives- and they wouldn't allow that, so it went through the Senate and then the House and forced into law. I'm not blaming Republicans for that, it was a fairly covert operation and the Fed Chairman and Hank Paulson and Co. trying to find some way to bail-out every greedy financial entity that hijacked the whole economic structure. GWB was ready to sign it as soon as it could reach his desk.

THAT was rammed-down our throats. And, the subsequent Obama administration's parachute made it even more raw for our asses.
You want an example of legislation rammed down our throats? That TARP shit bill that was voted DOWN the first time- due to a loud response from Americans to their representatives- and they wouldn't allow that, so it went through the Senate and then the House and forced into law. I'm not blaming Republicans for that, it was a fairly covert operation and the Fed Chairman and Hank Paulson and Co. trying to find some way to bail-out every greedy financial entity that hijacked the whole economic structure. GWB was ready to sign it as soon as it could reach his desk.

THAT was rammed-down our throats. And, the subsequent Obama administration's parachute made it even more raw for our asses.

Another great example would be the president arbitrarily ordering his AG to order the separation of parents from their children at the border without actually passing any law.
UNCBoy is just killing this thread while stomping the sh!t out of the tRumpanzees trying to defend Dotard.

This is now a 7 star thread because of it, the very first in OOTB history.

Kudos, good sir . .

I won't argue that people stupidly taking loans they couldn't afford didn't play a role. But you can't realistically expect people to not take loans when the banks will give them to them. The average person can't balance their own checkbook, much less calculate compounding interest. BUT it wasn't reckless consumers that bundled subprime mortgages. That was all on the banks. They knew what was going to happen all along, and they knew that as long as they kept cutting the checks to Washington, then they would be able to get away with the profits.

And the problematic government policies involved a lack of oversight for this lending. Those policies were in place as a result of the same lobbying that kept the bank execs out of prison. So it all kind of blurs together. If the banks are writing the policy, then they're still responsible for that too.

Campaign finance reform should be issue #1 for every American IMHO
He thinks it is a threat. A huge majority of trump supporters have been polled on whether or not they would support suspending the 2020 election if their daddy dotard says the election is rigged. Take a guess what a majority of them said... That’s how dictatorship works in the modern world. First you suspend an election, then you overturn term limits. Then come the sham elections.

The idea that we can’t lose our democracy in this country is naive. Democracy can fall. We are no different.
Careful, you're going to hyperventilate
He thinks it is a threat. A huge majority of trump supporters have been polled on whether or not they would support suspending the 2020 election if their daddy dotard says the election is rigged. Take a guess what a majority of them said... That’s how dictatorship works in the modern world. First you suspend an election, then you overturn term limits. Then come the sham elections
Careful, you're going to hyperventilate
He’s not against free press, he’s against the press making stuff up out of whole cloth, citing “unnamed sources”. You have Fox which presents the Conservative opinion and every other channel which presents a Liberal version. The main stream media is heavily biased towards the left. .

"Not conservative" does not equal "Liberal".

Fox has programmed most conservatives to believe this "main stream media" BS. For 25? years they've done nothing but preach "We are fair, the rest are biased" and lo and behold conservatives bought it hook line and sinker.

I've not gotten information from all the sources in this chart:
but based on what I have seen, this chart seems fairly accurate.

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Then you should get that info. The person who put that together is just using her own opinion for the most part and interpreting the data based on her opinion. There are better sources than some random person doing this as a hobby.

True but I meant the media sources on the chart. Alex Jones is insane. I've also read DailyKos and it is very partisan. Several others also seem correct. That is what I meant by sources.


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