Selma . . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
The wife's sister was in town yesterday for a sister's visit and she wanted to go see this movie. My wife made it home around 10:45 last night and I had already drifted off to sleep, but, we chatted about it for a few minutes. She was non-stop in the admiration she had for this film, and how great David Oyelowo was in his portrayal of MLK . .

There's been some discussion on the radio and TV since the nominations came out as to how the director of this movie was snubbed for a best director choice, as well as Oyelowo not being included in actor nominations.

This flick is getting a 99% rating on RottenTomatoes, with an audience approval at 89% . .

Has anyone here on OOTB gone to see this one . . ?

There are several very good movies currently being aired in the theaters at this time.

The Imitation Game


Big Hero 6



The Theory of Everything
Sounds like a GREAT movie. I was stationed in Memphis when MLK was shot. Tense time to say the least.

ALWAYS some movie-Actor-Actress-Director going to get snubbed at those things even though they are extremely liberal.
I haven't seen the movie yet, Billy, but of course the controversy prior to the Oscar snubs and still ongoing is the mishandling of the facts relating to LBJ.

We all know about taking creative license, but I firmly believe that when you are dealing with real people and real events, especially from recent history, you should not be fudging the facts simply for the purpose of adding depth or drama to the story. In this case, President Johnson -- who was a champion for civil rights -- and his depiction in the film is a slap in the face to his legacy.

Other than that, the reviews of the film are consistently good.
Heels Noir,

It's good to see you posting, I've noticed that you have stopped by from time to time, but, not always to post.

Hope all is good with you & yours, my man.

I actually tried to talk my wife into seeing this movie last Friday, but, she had her heart set on seeing 'Into the Woods' for some reason or another . . movie was okay, but, it is a big-time Disney musical. Our internet and cable was out for 3 days last week here in Reston, so any movie was pretty much better than looking at 4 walls and a refrigerator. LOL
Originally posted by BillyL:

There are several very good movies currently being aired in the theaters at this time.

The Imitation Game


Big Hero 6



The Theory of Everything
Possible spoilers...but I don't think there are any:

The only one I've seen is Wild. Good flick but it just seemed a little flat. The acting was great but the story just seemed really incomplete. My wife read the book and said there was a ton of backstory that wasn't in the movie which is understandable but what made it to screen just didn't pull me in. Strayed had hit absolute rock bottom on drugs and anonymous sex and, on a whim, decided to hike the PCT even though she had never hiked a day in her life. I didn't get a feel for that from the movie. I would recommend reading the book before seeing the movie based on what my wife said - she got more out of it than I did.

If nothing else, Witherspoon does some nude scenes..and she looks mahvelous!
I have not seen any of these movies. Heard a lot of people say that Clint Eastwood got snubbed as director of American Sniper. Hope people are not saying race is a factor. Not in Hollywood!!???

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