Sexual Harassment

Or you could just sit there and shut-up about what you think of @Grayhead's beliefs. You don't always have to let your opinion be known.
But if he didn't, we'd never know how wrong we are.

There are well over 1500 species in addition to humans that engage in homoerotic behavior and/or form homosexual partnerships. If something occurs in nature, then it is natural.

The vast majority of sex in the animal kingdom is not consensual. The biggest strongest male/female (depending on the species) usually forces themselves on as many partners as possible to maximize their progeny. Human beings like every other animal are inclined to reproduce at the genetic level. Rape is horrible and disgusting, but it is not unnatural if you understand genetics and sexual selection.

The problem is people try to moralize what is or isn't "natural." Islam doesn't just claim that rape is natural. It actually claims that rape is morally just. So does christianity.
The killing and eating of each other amongst the species is also ‘perfectly natural’. How about a science experiment, let’s all just revert to perfectly natural behavior, and let’s see who survives. I’ll bet I last longer than you do fruitcake.
along with the death pool, we need a sexual harassment pool at this point...i just read the matt lauer story on the variety website and it’s unbelievably disgusting.

and now garrison keillor was just scooped
Lindsay Graham my #1 pick for the pool. That dude/dudette has some serious issues.
Joel Osteen and Pat Robertson would have to be my top picks.
I'm surprised that there haven't been many rock stars being accused of sexual assaults by aging groupies (even though they were most likely very consenting at the time).

I'm sure most who poast on this board haven't heard of Jesse Lacey, but he's the frontman of Brand New, which was/is a really, really influential band within the music scene(s) I listened to growing up. He's a big deal to most under 30 who listened to non-Top 40 growing up.
I wonder if anyone is going to start accusing women. Let's be honest, this isn't a male thing this is a power thing. I'm sure there have been plenty of women in power who have done something that would be considered harassment.
I wonder if anyone is going to start accusing women. Let's be honest, this isn't a male thing this is a power thing. I'm sure there have been plenty of women in power who have done something that would be considered harassment.
A couple of women have sexually harassed me before.

I'm pissed it hasn't happened more often :(