So . . . Whatja Grilling this Wknd . . . ?

Well, you were the one coming to a manly thread asking about accepting smores. A challenge was made to its validity. You passed, no harm no foul. But if you want to sit by a perfectly good fire and eat smores by yourself then go for it. I won't judge (too hard):cool:
Making family time memories counts a lot in my book . . so yes it counts.
Would just like you turds to know that I will be grilling a big ol fat cornhusker ribeye tonight for me and the Mrs. You may now carry on.
Would just like you turds to know that I will be grilling a big ol fat cornhusker ribeye tonight for me and the Mrs. You may now carry on.

Can someone forward this message to 'Slinger and 71-00 . . ?


Bought one of these last Friday from an elderly lady in Dunn. It's called the Char-Grill Big Easy. Her recently deceased husband had bought it and never got around to using it. It's supposed to be a smoker, grill and greaseless fryer. I don't need it but when I saw her ad I did a little research and found myself intrigued so I gave her eighty bucks for the thing. I'm glad I did...I think I'm in love.

I used it yesterday to smoke/roast a 4 lb. rib roast that turned out to be as close to perfect as I've ever come. I cooked the roast until it hit 130 degrees and then yanked it, wrapped it and let it set for 20 minutes.The look of total devastation on my moo alum neighbor's face when that little slice of Heaven crossed his taste buds was absolutely priceless, lol.

Here's the kicker; from the time the roast hit the cooker until it came off was 42 minutes. That's it. I'm amazed. It's simple to use, easy to clean and works like a charm. Do yourselves a favor and check it out.

Bought one of these last Friday from an elderly lady in Dunn. It's called the Char-Grill Big Easy. Her recently deceased husband had bought it and never got around to using it. It's supposed to be a smoker, grill and greaseless fryer. I don't need it but when I saw her ad I did a little research and found myself intrigued so I gave her eighty bucks for the thing. I'm glad I did...I think I'm in love.

I used it yesterday to smoke/roast a 4 lb. rib roast that turned out to be as close to perfect as I've ever come. I cooked the roast until it hit 130 degrees and then yanked it, wrapped it and let it set for 20 minutes.The look of total devastation on my moo alum neighbor's face when that little slice of Heaven crossed his taste buds was absolutely priceless, lol.

Here's the kicker; from the time the roast hit the cooker until it came off was 42 minutes. That's it. I'm amazed. It's simple to use, easy to clean and works like a charm. Do yourselves a favor and check it out.

Awesome purchase, Jim . . you got a steal on that bad boy, brand new at less than half price.

Did you go with hickory chips . . ?

Unfortunately, for me, I'm the only one in the family that loves a smoked meat . .
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Awesome purchase, Jim . . you got a steal on that bad boy, brand new at less than half price.

Did you go with hickory chips . . ?

Unfortunately, for me, I'm the only one in the family that loves a smoked meat . .

I used about half hickory, half oak. Here's the actual cooker with the roast about to be pulled out. Great bark for 42 minutes and I was amazed at how much smoke the cut actually took in so short a time.

This thing works using infrared heat to cook the meat instead of normal convection allowing the meat to retain all it's juices for the most part. There's no wicking away of moisture due to moving air. Hell, I had the top open for 35 minutes of the cook.


Just put a 15lb beef brisket and a ham on the smoker. Will be finished at 7am tomorrow morning. We have homecoming tomorrow. Also diced 10 lb of red potatoes, scallions, onions, for that as well.
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We're suffering enuf as it is, you start loading up pics and we'll all be going full envy.
If it helps, I'm cutting up "arsh" potatoes for home fries, Texas toast, and a couple of cowboy Angus rib eyes for supper.

Arsh potatoes are really Irish potatoes. A little NC slang for a cool Saturday afternoon
If it helps, I'm cutting up "arsh" potatoes for home fries, Texas toast, and a couple of cowboy Angus rib eyes for supper.

Arsh potatoes are really Irish potatoes. A little NC slang for a cool Saturday afternoon

Do you need a gardener, someone to cut the grass, edge the driveway, mulch the flower beds . .

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Apparently, what I am, matters to you . . and it bothers you that I am Mexican.

You're the typical Trump loving POS that I love to despise.

Wait, are you being serious or is a joke going over my head? I'm married to a half Mexican and I didn't even vote for Trump.