Ted Cruz: 'Republican donors actively despise our base' ... Duh!


Hall of Famer
Oct 1, 2010
Even when you think you're electing people who reflect your views... you're really getting people who intend to implement the donors' wishes... which may be averse to your views.

Thanks Ted!

Sen. Ted Cruz drew a stark contrast between Democratic donors and Republican donors during a floor speech late Monday.

Democratic donors, Cruz said, don't hate the liberal base, but Republican donors "actively despise" conservatives.

By contrast, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate continued, "Republican donors actively despise our base, actively despise the men and women who showed up and voted you and me into office."

"I can tell you when you sit down and talk with a New York billionaire Republican donor — and I have talked with quite a few New York billionaire Republican donors, California Republican donors, their questions start out as follows," Cruz said. "First of all, you've got to come out for gay marriage, you need to be pro-choice, and you need to support amnesty. That's where the Republican donors are. You wonder why Republicans won't fight on any of these issues? Because the people writing the checks agree with the Democrats."'

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