THUG who killed NYPD officer.....

I suck d*ck for beer money. But, it's easy since I haven't drank alcohol since 1988.

Even with the grammatical error, I believe you.

So, to recap, you haven't dedicated your professional life to helping people in your community like I have for approximately 20 years. Well, that's ok. Surely you volunteer at numerous organizations in your area, right? I mean, you display such a wealth of information on the needs of struggling Americans. You obviously have connected deeply with them through your volunteer experiences. Please share.
I suck d*ck for beer money.
I'm sorry, I must have missed it,...what kind of helping profession are you in again?
Seriously, I teach kids how to not have to self-aggrandize themselves by trumpeting their alleged charities on internet message boards to inflate their ego even further.
No... I really do that!

Ok, so I'll just take that as "I don't really do shit to improve my community". Which is what I thought. You like to run your mouth and talk a big game but there's no action.

Thank you....for being exactly what I thought you were - F.O.S.

I'm through with you now.
Ok, so I'll just take that as "I don't really do shit to improve my community". Which is what I thought. You like to run your mouth and talk a big game but there's no action.

Thank you....for being exactly what I thought you were - F.O.S.

I'm through with you now.
You think what you want. You will anyway. I don't feel a need to "compete" with others regarding what I do to help others.

I'm through with you now.

If I were only so lucky!
. One day you won't need to promote yourself doing it. You'll just do it.

You mean like I have been for the last 20 years? It wasn't until I wanted to expose you as full of shit that I made mention of it. You didn't know it before hand despite me posting here for the last 12 years.

You're struggling now. You're flailing around and reaching for anything at this point. It's embarrassing.
You mean like I have been for the last 20 years? It wasn't until I wanted to expose you as full of shit that I made mention of it. You didn't know it before hand despite me posting here for the last 12 years.

You're struggling now. You're flailing around and reaching for anything at this point. It's embarrassing.
Dude, don't lie! PLEASE don't lie! You have been pushing your "valiant contributions to humanity" on here DOZENS and DOZENS of times! For YEARS! Please don't lie like that.

That was the whole point of me mentioning the self-aggrandizing. You are always pinning a medal on yourself for your altruism "in your community" on here. You must do it nocturnally.
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Why would that piss anyone off? Everyone here has agreed she is in the wrong too. I literally pointed out this straw man argument like half an hour ago and you're already running back to it.

Let me try to spell this out one more time. Nobody is saying the girl was in the right and the officer was in the wrong. We've all said the girl was in the wrong, but the officer mishandled the situation. Enough with the straw man arguments already

I dont think u understand how a straw man argument works. I was just making a point on how i woulda reacted as a parent regardless.
I dont think u understand how a straw man argument works. I was just making a point on how i woulda reacted as a parent regardless.

You're implying that anyone who criticized the officers would defend the girl and not punish her. That is ridiculous and its a typical conflation we hear every single time the issue of police violence comes up. Every. Single. Time. Faux news likes to paint anyone on who calls out cops as being soft on crime, or even condoning it and its just plain silly. The two are not even remotely equivalent
You're implying that anyone who criticized the officers would defend the girl and not punish her. That is ridiculous and its a typical conflation we hear every single time the issue of police violence comes up. Every. Single. Time. Faux news likes to paint anyone on who calls out cops as being soft on crime, or even condoning it and its just plain silly. The two are not even remotely equivalent
I don't think heelman was implying that when he mentioned his daughter.
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I don't think heelman was implying that when he mentioned his daughter.

Then why lead with the remark about pissing people off?

Its not a personal attack on heelman, its been all over this thread since the beginning. Its very clear that one side has repeatedly equated any criticism of police officers to condoning criminal behavior. Which is just silly imo
Then why lead with the remark about pissing people off?

Its not a personal attack on heelman, its been all over this thread since the beginning. Its very clear that one side has repeatedly equated any criticism of police officers to condoning criminal behavior. Which is just silly imo
That is silly, I agree.
So if its warranted how do u remove a student from class when they refuse to get up from their desk? Would the cop be okay if he had drug her out more politely? Those of u that r teachers please weigh in on whats the policy.

I think a better scenario would have been to get more people involved. If a teacher or school system employee was going to do that then there would definitely need to be more people there. That is the accepted plan for those situations. I assume it is the same for an officer. It sucks that this girl can disrupt the class this way but that would be a better way to handle it. The girl should face some pretty serious consequences by the school for her actions. The officer needed to wait. Like some have said though, it is a decent argument that there wasn't really a peaceful way this was going down if we agree she should be removed. I mean, I've had to deal with similar situations with Kindergarten kids and it would probably look terrible as well when in truth the kid was never in any danger of being hurt, which is important. In a removal situation, more people need to be there though. That is definitely a mistake that was made. None of this excuses that just like none of this excuses her actions either. It seems these cases are only made national in certain situations. There were two kids tazed not long ago for fighting but that never made the news. I have a feeling what happened was exactly what she wanted to happen.
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as a father of teenage girls, I can assure you that they do not think that far ahead.
Look, the girl obviously had her little attitude driven by social media and her mother. I'm sure this will come across wrong with some of you but I doubt there's a dad.
Most likely, that's true too.

I agree. Which is why I wish, for everyones sake, that they had tried to intimidate her further by verbally reprimanding her, instead of the cop throwing her around the classroom. There were a ton of ways that this could have been handled and unfortunately, it was handled in the worst possible way.
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Look, the girl obviously had her little attitude driven by social media and her mother. I'm sure this will come across wrong with some of you but I doubt there's a dad.

All teenage girls have attitudes and usually, the mother is the cause.
My mom is awesome but a crazy mom will do a lot of damage to a teenage (or younger) girl. I've certainly seen that from time to time, as I'm sure we all have. Heck, if I could go back and do the whole dating thing all over again the first thing I would find out about a girl would be whether or not her mom is crazy. If so, no thanks.
You're implying that anyone who criticized the officers would defend the girl and not punish her. That is ridiculous and its a typical conflation we hear every single time the issue of police violence comes up. Every. Single. Time. Faux news likes to paint anyone on who calls out cops as being soft on crime, or even condoning it and its just plain silly. The two are not even remotely equivalent

If u read that into my comment thats your prob.
I found it very interesting to see my wifes reaction tonight. I had not said anything to her about it. Cnn leads with the 5sec of video showing the cop tossing the kid. Nothing about the conversation he had with her or why he was there. She went ballistic. Cnn then interviews some crack head who alleges the cop beat him up 15 yrs ago but his lawyer screwed him
Over after aliens abducted him yadda yadda and my wife is now ready to drive to columbia herself and kick the cops ass. Meanwhile cnn has shown the 5 sec clip at least a dozen times while this nut case is blathering and has still yet to mention anything about what the girl did. My wife goes to take a shower and to bed. She'll get up tomorrow knowing nothing more than some pos cop threw a girl for no reason.
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I found it very interesting to see my wifes reaction tonight. I had not said anything to her about it. Cnn leads with the 5sec of video showing the cop tossing the kid. Nothing about the conversation he had with her or why he was there. She went ballistic. Cnn then interviews some crack head who alleges the cop beat him up 15 yrs ago but his lawyer screwed him
Over after aliens abducted him yadda yadda and my wife is now ready to drive to columbia herself and kick the cops ass. Meanwhile cnn has shown the 5 sec clip at least a dozen times while this nut case is blathering and has still yet to mention anything about what the girl did. My wife goes to take a shower and to bed. She'll get up tomorrow knowing nothing more than some pos cop threw a girl for no reason.

My wife is a teacher. Her reaction was not that strong, haha.
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I'm pretty sure a few of the people in here wouldn't blame a cop for anything no matter the circumstances. He could've pulled out his gun and shot the girl, and the kid with the camera, and some of you would say they were asking for it by having a phone out in class.