Transfer portal - the rich get richer


Hall of Famer
Oct 8, 2001
Ohio State - Justin Fields - a transfer
LSU - Joe Burrows - ""
Okla - Jalen Hurts - ""

Jake Bentley is apparently grad transferring to Utah (who graduates Huntley this yr).
Utah State's Jordan Love is apparently grad transferring to Okla (who graduates Hurts this yr).

At the most important position on the field, it seems the rich programs are getting bolstered. Maybe middling and weak teams are helped by the transfer portal too, but it seems the super power teams have one less chink in their armor since they can so easily fill voids from the portal.

Cam Kelly would certainly have helped if he didn't get injured, so maybe i'm mistaken about the impact, but it feels like the super power teams rarely lose starters, only gain. Meanwhile we can't keep a true frosh backup QB like Cade Fortin. KJ Sails made the PFF all american honorable mention NATIONALLY, outplaying any of our corners based on their evaluations.
The transfer portal has basically created free agency for college sports. And as they create more ways for guys to get waivers to not sit out a year, it's only going to become more prevalent.

I think they should either make everyone sit out or let everyone go. The hardship waiver was a nice idea, but it created situations where one player's hardship is accepted while another isn't. And if coaching changes are now considered hardships, it's all over.
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And the idea of schools being able to block kids from transferring to certain schools absolutely needs to end. If they are student athletes who shouldn't be paid, then they should be able to pursue a degree at any school of their choosing like everyone else.

The NCAA can't have it both ways.
I like how it worked out for Kelly Bryant. He actually improved his passer rating in his final yr, rather than ride the pine behind Lawrence.

KJ Sails not only got to be closer to his family, but he had an awesome yr on the field.

The kids should have plenty of choice and freedom (there are 130 P5 teams to choose from if they aren't happy at their current school), but there needs to be ways for choice & freedom while not putting the super teams at big advantages.
Hurts handled his situation with Tua at Alabama with a lot of class. I know he eventually transferred to OU, but he never publicly complained about losing is starting job or did anything to become a distraction for the team while he was still there.
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The NCAA is always talking about how these kids are students first. Well, if that's true then treat them like students and let them transfer whenever and wherever they want without having to sit. If a band student is on a scholarship and they transfer schools, they can still play in concerts immediately. Why should athletes be any different if they are supposed to be just like other students?

I also think they should be allowed to transfer without sitting if a coach is fired. Most of these kids commit to schools because of the coach. The school itself is secondary. If the school gets rid of the reason why the kid committed, then there is no reason the kid should be punished by having to sit if he transfers.
The NCAA is always talking about how these kids are students first. Well, if that's true then treat them like students and let them transfer whenever and wherever they want without having to sit. If a band student is on a scholarship and they transfer schools, they can still play in concerts immediately. Why should athletes be any different if they are supposed to be just like other students?

I also think they should be allowed to transfer without sitting if a coach is fired. Most of these kids commit to schools because of the coach. The school itself is secondary. If the school gets rid of the reason why the kid committed, then there is no reason the kid should be punished by having to sit if he transfers.

I think both Fields and Tate Martell transferred and got waivers based on coaching changes. If this continues, the process of sitting out a year will be done.
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Correction, Fields left because of lack of playing time behind Fromm. But I think Martel left because of Meyer's retirement.
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I think both Fields and Tate Martell transferred and got waivers based on coaching changes. If this continues, the process of sitting out a year will be done.
Which is fine with me honestly. If the NCAA wants to keep making some of them sit out then they need to give up this charade of them being treated like students. The hypocrisy of the NCAA is what irritates me more than anything. Just admit these guys aren't regular students or treat them like regular students.
Which is fine with me honestly. If the NCAA wants to keep making some of them sit out then they need to give up this charade of them being treated like students. The hypocrisy of the NCAA is what irritates me more than anything. Just admit these guys aren't regular students or treat them like regular students.

This is my issue as well. Either they are students who don't get paid but can transfer whereever they want without without any restrictions, or they are paid athletes with transfer rules they have to follow.

The NCAA can't have everything their way. This isn't Burger King.
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The NCAA is always talking about how these kids are students first. Well, if that's true then treat them like students and let them transfer whenever and wherever they want without having to sit. If a band student is on a scholarship and they transfer schools, they can still play in concerts immediately. Why should athletes be any different if they are supposed to be just like other students?

I also think they should be allowed to transfer without sitting if a coach is fired. Most of these kids commit to schools because of the coach. The school itself is secondary. If the school gets rid of the reason why the kid committed, then there is no reason the kid should be punished by having to sit if he transfers.
The difference is the money involved. That always will matter.

I think that if you graduate with sports eligibility, you should be allowed to go anywhere you get admitted and play immediately. I think that if the HC or coordinator on your side of the ball leave for any reason, then should be able to go and play immediately.
limitation shouldn't be on the kids, it should be on the programs. Let a kid go anywhere anytime, but make the schools be limited to X number of transfers in a rolling window of X years.
limitation shouldn't be on the kids, it should be on the programs. Let a kid go anywhere anytime, but make the schools be limited to X number of transfers in a rolling window of X years.

But that still effectively limits the kids. If someone wants to transfer to another school that has already hit their limit then that eliminates that school as an option for them.

There’s always going to be a huge gap between top programs and everyone else in terms of talent. Restricting transfers won’t change that
I didn't know Stanford had that many players transferring. Does anyone know what's happening there?
Wow - I don't think Arkansas has a new OC. Starkel might be exactly what the new offense staff wants.

I'm sure he didn't want to wait to see who Pittman hires as OC. It will be interesting to see where he goes and whether he can get a waiver if he applies for it.
Ohio State - Justin Fields - a transfer
LSU - Joe Burrows - ""
Okla - Jalen Hurts - ""

It feels like the super power teams rarely lose starters, only gain.
Not sure I agree with the premise of your argument. Fields came from Georgia, Burrow came from Ohio State, and Hurts came from Alabama. Those are all examples of super power teams losing exceptional talent. In fact, it's entirely possible that super power teams lose more players because it's harder to crack their two-deep. I'd like to see somebody with enough free time to do a transfer analysis for all FBS schools.
Correction, Fields left because of lack of playing time behind Fromm. But I think Martel left because of Meyer's retirement.

Thought there was a story about fields getting the waiver due to some discriminating remarks made by another student athlete I could be wrong though
We better be using the portal to try to get rich. We could use a 5th year SR on the OL. And if the worst case scenario comes true and neither Evan nor Murphy enroll, we desperately will need help on the DL.
We better be using the portal to try to get rich. We could use a 5th year SR on the OL. And if the worst case scenario comes true and neither Evan nor Murphy enroll, we desperately will need help on the DL.

What’s the deal with Evan and Murphy? Grades I assume. Great what good is a class if the most important parts don’t show.
I haven’t heard anything about Murphy but I did hear grades could possibly be an issue with Evans. We need those two, especially after Simpson’s decision.
Not sure I agree with the premise of your argument. Fields came from Georgia, Burrow came from Ohio State, and Hurts came from Alabama. Those are all examples of super power teams losing exceptional talent. In fact, it's entirely possible that super power teams lose more players because it's harder to crack their two-deep. I'd like to see somebody with enough free time to do a transfer analysis for all FBS schools.
Good pt, that they lose more, but they have so much talent already that it's just a drop in the bucket.

Bama, uga and OSU lost potential Heismans yet they are still top 10. I guess they'd be even better w excellent backups (if the coaches could handle the drama).

LSU would not be in the playoff without Joe burrows.

But if top teams are just treading water and trading parts while staying top ten, then maybe my case is pointless though.
Stanford QB K.J. Costello enters the transfer portal.
He threw for 3500 yards and 29 TDs as a starter in 2018, and played mostly off the bench in 2019. He will be eligible immediately. He could be a gem for somebody
I'm probably the only one who feels this way, so go ahead and flame away. But IMO this "Transfer Portal" has made a further mockery of the term "student athlete."
Most of these kids who transfer are simply saying, "we don't want to be students, we just want to play ball." Why have we had so much trouble admitting that? Now, I'm not talking about graduate transfers - that is a different animal and perfectly acceptable. But all these undergrads moving around seemingly at will - commitments, LOIs etc. apparently mean nothing anymore. I'm sure many die hard sports fans, and the kids, probably love it. To me, it speaks of severely misplaced values.
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I'm probably the only one who feels this way, so go ahead and flame away. But IMO this "Transfer Portal" has made a further mockery of the term "student athlete."
Most of these kids who transfer are simply saying, "we don't want to be students, we just want to play ball." Why have we had so much trouble admitting that? Now, I'm not talking about graduate transfers - that is a different animal and perfectly acceptable. But all these undergrads moving around seemingly at will - commitments, LOIs etc. apparently mean nothing anymore. I'm sure many die hard sports fans, and the kids, probably love it. To me, it speaks of severely misplaced values.
I'm assuming you feel the same way about the music student who transfers or the art student or any other student who transfers, correct? The issue is you don't want to see these kids treat a game you like as a way to get employment. You go to college to prepare you and help you get a job. If you want to work for google you go to a college with a great tech school, if you want to work for ESPN you go to the college with the best journalism school, if you want to play in the NFL you go to the school that can get you there. That's how being a student works.

But while we are on the subject of misplaced values, what about the coach that leaves their players to go to a school for more money? The same coach that said he would help those players for four years. How about the school that gets rid of the coach that those students committed to? Where are their values? Should we hold an 18-22 year old to a higher standard than a bunch of grown adults?
As I said, I was prepared for disagreement. Just expressing an opinion, not looking to start a feud. Yours is another viewpoint.
I'm probably the only one who feels this way, so go ahead and flame away. But IMO this "Transfer Portal" has made a further mockery of the term "student athlete."
Most of these kids who transfer are simply saying, "we don't want to be students, we just want to play ball." Why have we had so much trouble admitting that? Now, I'm not talking about graduate transfers - that is a different animal and perfectly acceptable. But all these undergrads moving around seemingly at will - commitments, LOIs etc. apparently mean nothing anymore. I'm sure many die hard sports fans, and the kids, probably love it. To me, it speaks of severely misplaced values.
I'm glad you made it clear that you omit the grad transfers from your complaint. I think a guy who graduates with eligibility left should get to play where he wants and can get admitted. He earned the degree.

I think the main reason so may other players are transferring is that fewer players today have patience. And they are more fickle about most things, with changes in preferences that can happen very quickly.
The NCAA has to be careful about how they handle the waiver process and decisions. In the past, pretty much everyone had to sit out a full year before becoming eligible to play on the new team. Now, more and more kids are getting waivers to play right away.

The problem is the NCAA seems to be making these decisions on an individual basis. Justin Fields was granted a waiver due to racist comments directed at him when he was still at Ohio State. I believe there is evidence that the incident happened, so that's a reasonable waiver.

Tate Martel also got a waiver to play right away at Miami, and unless I'm missing information from his story, I believe Meyer's sudden retirement was used as the reason. Again, I don't know all the facts here. But if the NCAA allow kids to play immediately due to coaching changes, then why would anyone need to sit out a year?

I know Tom Izzo was upset that one of his incoming transfers had to sit while another athlete with a similar reason is able to play this year. No one really knows what's going on.