Trump & Hillary

I'm beginning to think we are arguing with my grandpa who had no clue about the Federal reserve and how our dollar and inflation really worked, who knew nothing about the GDP national debt other than what the other old folks told him in the church he preached at. It would be a waste of our time to try and further educate you two old fellas. I'm done with it. I will pray tonight that I am wrong and Trump will really win this election JUST to prove a BIG point to all of you who are conditioned to think that he is our answer. If watching that little video above on him wasn't enough to convince you that you are being snowed over with a bunch of BS, then I cannot help you. I'll pray for you though.

Really? I knew about the FED and their machinations most likely before you were born. The issue here is you don't know. Yes, there are some conspiratorial aspects of the FED and international banking system.

But the FED is not driving up the national debt. Congress and the president are via deficit spending.
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No, he is absolutely correct. I looked at the graph either you or Archer posted in that link and then I decided to find other links with that information and lo and behold there are several with slightly different results, depending on which side you look at. The one neutral site had several with different charts showing other ways to look at it and that consider several other things that cause the data to show slightly higher or lower and obviously if you are on the right and have a website, you are going to go with the data that shows the left causing the problems and vice versa.

Strum is 100% correct in stating the DEBT WILL NEVER, EVER GO DOWN because you know why????? IT CANNOT EVER GO DOWN. I doubt we could take every extremely wealthy man/woman's money, combine it allllllll together and still get it down because whatever minute amount it would go down, within weeks it would be trailing right back up again, defeating the whole purpose.

The national debt or GDP should never even come into play when discussion presidents because that is just a null point. We could stop the war, pull out the military completely and do away with it, take all the billionaire's money, take every penny from wall street, and pay 100% taxes, it will NOT go down. PERIOD!

AND @HeelFan58 THAT is why I rely on Strum so much. He does know what he is talking about! We both learned a lot from Ron Paul apparently! (He more than I, of course lol)
YOU have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
I never graduated college and I know exactly what the word is and means. I know lots of 50-cent words. I'm like Trump- "I know all the good words." I also know how to spot when people use words on here in order to appear to be smarter than they really are. It's entertaining.
pot meet kettle
Really? I knew about the FED and their machinations most likely before you were born. The issue here is you don't know. Yes, there are some conspiratorial aspects of the FED and international banking system.

But the FED is not driving up the national debt. Congress and the president are via deficit spending.

For the hundredth time, I said the Fed makes the debt unpayable, not that it causes the debt. It causes it to never be able to be paid because of the printing of useless money, it causes the value of the dollar's decline to be nearly worthless.

I know the debt comes from other places.
But the FED is not driving up the national debt. Congress and the president are via deficit spending.

Well, technically, no, it's not. The Fed is what created the whole rigged system. To be absolutely specific, the DEBT is driving up the debt. Interest on a trillion dollars is pretty high! The way the monetary system works, through the Fed as a central bank, DEBT is unavoidable! That was intentional. The debt is still irreversible.

You claim you know a lot about the Fed, but you've yet to display any of that knowledge. No one is arguing that spending frivolously isn't helping and that Congress needs to be much more thrifty. So what? They don't have to be thrifty! They haven't had to do that for 103 years now. 18 trillion dollars didn't come from frivolous spending alone.

I'm not sure how this can be any MORE clear. Every bond the US Treasury "sells" to the Fed, the Fed sells back to the US treasury WITH INTEREST! So, I don't care how much you cut spending. Cut it OFF, if you want. It won't matter when every Dollar (Federal Reserve Note) in circulation represents DEBT! That's not debatable, it's not a philosophical opinion. It's an absolute fact. You can cut every government program. You can get rid of welfare, get rid of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, Social Security, and everything else. As long as we use the Fed as a money source, we're in debt. And, the debt will never "get smaller" than it is. The meter is running, and it stays running.
For the hundredth time, I said the Fed makes the debt unpayable, not that it causes the debt. It causes it to never be able to be paid because of the printing of useless money, it causes the value of the dollar's decline to be nearly worthless.

I know the debt comes from other places.

Except it doesn't. I agree that the FED has not been fully audited and probably most of the criticism of the FED.

But the FED is not increasing the national debt. It just isn't. Congress and the president do that.
Yes, the FED can and have printed up trillions of dollars with the stroke of a computer notation and actually some of that is paid to the Treasury.
Thing is that has absolutely nothing to do with the increase in the debt. That's wholly due to deficit spending.

And as far as printing money and creating inflation, that actually makes the debt more payable. Yes, they are inflating the money. That helps debtors, not creditors. I'd like to see something different but please, let's quit talking stupid stuff. The inflationary aspects of the FED help the government to increase debt. They don't cause it. They may enable it but it's Congress and the president that create it and saddle us with debt, not the Fed.
Except it doesn't. I agree that the FED has not been fully audited and probably most of the criticism of the FED.

But the FED is not increasing the national debt. It just isn't. Congress and the president do that.
Yes, the FED can and have printed up trillions of dollars with the stroke of a computer notation and actually some of that is paid to the Treasury.
Thing is that has absolutely nothing to do with the increase in the debt. That's wholly due to deficit spending.

And as far as printing money and creating inflation, that actually makes the debt more payable. Yes, they are inflating the money. That helps debtors, not creditors. I'd like to see something different but please, let's quit talking stupid stuff. The inflationary aspects of the FED help the government to increase debt. They don't cause it. They may enable it but it's Congress and the president that create it and saddle us with debt, not the Fed.
You are amazing. You see the Fed as Alejandro Sosa and Congress as Tony Montana. Coke addicts everywhere... and you think if you get rid of Tony Montana, then Sosa disappears, and everyone stops snorting coke.

Just for kicks... Do you actually bullshit yourself into believing that Republicans DON'T saddle us, only the Democrats do?
Except it doesn't. I agree that the FED has not been fully audited and probably most of the criticism of the FED.

But the FED is not increasing the national debt. It just isn't. Congress and the president do that.
Yes, the FED can and have printed up trillions of dollars with the stroke of a computer notation and actually some of that is paid to the Treasury.
Thing is that has absolutely nothing to do with the increase in the debt. That's wholly due to deficit spending.

And as far as printing money and creating inflation, that actually makes the debt more payable. Yes, they are inflating the money. That helps debtors, not creditors. I'd like to see something different but please, let's quit talking stupid stuff. The inflationary aspects of the FED help the government to increase debt. They don't cause it. They may enable it but it's Congress and the president that create it and saddle us with debt, not the Fed.

For the TWO HUNDREDTH time (see how I went from 100th to200th in just two post? Interest caused it! lol)....the FR makes it unpayable because of the freakin interest! I did not say it causes the debt and you seem to think that I am saying that. I am not. Go back to Strum's credit card example. If you charge $10,000 on a credit card with say 10% interest and only pay the minimum payment, you will accrue about as much as you're paying and will never get it paid off, making it essentially UNPAYABLE!!!!!

Obviously you don't know what you're talking about, chief!
YOU have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

Here's what is really going on... you older fellas, while I have no doubt have experiences I could never match and knowledge about things I have no knowledge of, on this issue of the FED, it really sounds like you believe what you were taught to believe about it. That is not the truth though.

My children were in high school not that long ago, 2008, and brought home a pamphlet they gave all the students on "what they need to know about the Federal Reserve." At that time, I was working with Ron Paul, Rand Paul and others like them and we were all appalled at how much information they were teaching was completely incorrect. I may still have that pamphlet around here somewhere. I will try and find it.

So just know, I absolutely believe that you believe what you have been told about the FED but it might do you guys some good to take another look at it. I do not think one of you are dumb or not intelligent at all, I just think a bit misinformed, perhaps.
For the TWO HUNDREDTH time (see how I went from 100th to200th in just two post? Interest caused it! lol)....the FR makes it unpayable because of the freakin interest! I did not say it causes the debt and you seem to think that I am saying that. I am not. Go back to Strum's credit card example. If you charge $10,000 on a credit card with say 10% interest and only pay the minimum payment, you will accrue about as much as you're paying and will never get it paid off, making it essentially UNPAYABLE!!!!!

Obviously you don't know what you're talking about, chief!

Except you won't accrue. The principal will stay the same.
Well I guess it won't be from natural causes.
You know what, if you don't like this free country we live in that allows us to respond on threads like this, MOVE! No one asked either one of you to hop in here and join us, so if you don't like what we are saying go harass Dook fans or something like you normally do! Geez! smh
You seem tense.
You seem tense.

No, actually I am not, quite the opposite. Just get tired of you guys always telling me basically that what I have to say is not important. It may not be to you and if so, there really is no reason to respond unless I direct something at you specifically.

I am having a wonderful work day, I got a big promotion, got a cutie for a date coming up this week and life is really, really good right now. I just have a low tolerance for those who discount others because they see things differently. I don't agree with most of you on here but I absolutely respect your opinions even when I don't understand it and would just hope we could all try and learn something from each other over these stupid political issues that honestly we can do zero about but......
No, actually I am not, quite the opposite. Just get tired of you guys always telling me basically that what I have to say is not important. It may not be to you and if so, there really is no reason to respond unless I direct something at you specifically.

I am having a wonderful work day, I got a big promotion, got a cutie for a date coming up this week and life is really, really good right now. I just have a low tolerance for those who discount others because they see things differently. I don't agree with most of you on here but I absolutely respect your opinions even when I don't understand it and would just hope we could all try and learn something from each other over these stupid political issues that honestly we can do zero about but......

you know what we get tired of? You showing up, telling us we are doing everything wrong, telling us how and how not we should poast- in short, acting like everyone's ex-wife.

And yes, you come off as tense. You respond to every poast in about 10 minutes and always disagree (unless Strum). And what is worse is about 90% of the time, you don't know what the thread is really about.

However, it looks like you have found your sweet spot in this thread- you, Rand and Strum should see if you can run this one to 50 pages.
Just get tired of you guys always telling me basically that what I have to say is not important. It may not be to you and if so, there really is no reason to respond unless I direct something at you specifically.
LOL. First of all, that's not how message boards work. Sometimes we just jump into a thread to clown it. Also, why do you think it was directed at you? Maybe I was addressing randman, who was the poast right before mine. But I wasn't addressing anyone in particular, by the way.
LOL. First of all, that's not how message boards work. Sometimes we just jump into a thread to clown it. Also, why do you think it was directed at you? Maybe I was addressing randman, who was the poast right before mine. But I wasn't addressing anyone in particular, by the way.

Then perhaps don't click respond to a specific post and just post something at the bottom.
you know what we get tired of? You showing up, telling us we are doing everything wrong, telling us how and how not we should poast- in short, acting like everyone's ex-wife.

And yes, you come off as tense. You respond to every poast in about 10 minutes and always disagree (unless Strum). And what is worse is about 90% of the time, you don't know what the thread is really about.

However, it looks like you have found your sweet spot in this thread- you, Rand and Strum should see if you can run this one to 50 pages.

LOL and my poor ex-husband.... he will call and call me begging me to give him another chance and I don't even bother arguing with him... I hang up.... IF I even bother answering the phone LOL

Well, '92, you're gonna get your wish. I'll leave... would not want to ruffle your panties any more! I've learned enough here to confirm what I suspected all along anyway. ;) bye
Then perhaps don't click respond to a specific post and just post something at the bottom.
I responded to GSD's poast. You're the one who responded to me, remember?

Also, it would behoove you to stop telling other people here what they can and cannot poast. You've done it to me twice now.

The irony, by the way, is that I don't even disagree or agree with you. I don't pretend to know jack squat about the Fed so have nothing to offer on the topic. Yet you interpreted my poast as some sort of personal attack.

Julez is right, you're a teepee.
Funny, I think the same thing about you and a few others around here. smh
My Daddy always told me when you think you are the only one that's crazy then you are fine , But if you think you are sane and everybody else is crazy then need to think about that when you post or parrot strum.
LOL and my poor ex-husband.... he will call and call me begging me to give him another chance and I don't even bother arguing with him... I hang up.... IF I even bother answering the phone LOL

Well, '92, you're gonna get your wish. I'll leave... would not want to ruffle your panties any more! I've learned enough here to confirm what I suspected all along anyway. ;) bye
is he sadistic?
LOL and my poor ex-husband.... he will call and call me begging me to give him another chance and I don't even bother arguing with him... I hang up.... IF I even bother answering the phone LOL

Well, '92, you're gonna get your wish. I'll leave... would not want to ruffle your panties any more! I've learned enough here to confirm what I suspected all along anyway. ;) bye
You call me out about this and I haven't said a thing? So whose panties are ruffled? Once again you are all over the place, swinging wildly. Well hell, don't let the door hit ya. And if you can really stay gone this time we promise not to call you and beg you to come back.
Well I say she should stay. This way I can get up in the morning, read her god-awful musings, and be reminded just how lucky I am to have such a wonderful wife.

That only works for a while, then you just want her (Chick) to either get a clue or just go away.
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you know what we get tired of? You showing up, telling us we are doing everything wrong, telling us how and how not we should poast- in short, acting like everyone's ex-wife.

And yes, you come off as tense. You respond to every poast in about 10 minutes and always disagree (unless Strum). And what is worse is about 90% of the time, you don't know what the thread is really about.

However, it looks like you have found your sweet spot in this thread- you, Rand and Strum should see if you can run this one to 50 pages.
Where was she telling you how you should or shouldn't respond? I didn't catch that. I guess I'm not as bothered by the chick's participation because we do usually seem to agree and I don't have an ex-wife.

And, what difference does it make how long the thread goes? Threads meander off-topic all the time.
Where was she telling you how you should or shouldn't respond? I didn't catch that. I guess I'm not as bothered by the chick's participation because we do usually seem to agree and I don't have an ex-wife.

And, what difference does it make how long the thread goes? Threads meander off-topic all the time.
jim dandy to the rescue.
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