You guys see this shiz in the handshake line?...

I thought it was Gaelic, or ghey-lick, or something like that.
I can still remember when Johnny Dawkins was a assistant at Duke and he walked right by Matt Doherty without shaking his hand. Talk about ZERO class or sportsmanship.

Was that the game where Doh got in Collins's face and about killed the man?
To their credit, several posters on the dook site have admitted that K looked bad doing what he did. I wasn’t a bit surprised by his blow by handshake, I’ve come to expect that kind of behavior from him.
I'm not at all surprised that K rats attitude. He is through with the hard job of coaching now he is dependent solely upon recruiting one and Dones and letting them play. Yesterday it was obvious that Duke what's playing one-on-one
...from the interwebs:

Roy tells K he hopes Zion is ok and Rat just blows him off.
Guarantee if dook had won K would've done that condescending chest-pat thing.
He probably just had to change his tampon give him a break
Well now I've seen it all. We have the entire gamut on here: Idiocy, sophomoric name calling, racism, and the worst offense-closet pukism!

I would have enjoyed piling on Rat Bastich about his classlessness, but instead we decided to take it to another level!

BTW:coach rat and puke sux!

I bet you’re fun at parties eh, alphabet soup?
Not sure what was going through K's mind with his little blow by at the end with Roy. This was a loss that he had an easy excuse for with Zions injury. Be pleasant, then walk into the presser and almost declare it a non-game because of the incident and the effect it had in his team and game plan. A cop out, yes. But would have been believable under the circumstances. But I think beyond the whole Zion deal that K was embarrassed. He built that program on the solid base of playing defense. And his team on Wednesday night looked like they hadn't even practiced defense giving up layup after layup. Duke basically looked like they have evolved into the team that just rolls the balls out, and because they have better players, will just outscore you. And he got lucky. If UNC hadn't going through their usual silly turnover spell, and hadn't gotten happy with shooting three's that they couldn't throw in the ocean last Wednesday, Everytime they built a workable lead, that could easily have been a 30 point loss for Duke. I think K knew it and just wanted out of there as quick as possible

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