OOTB's Political Thread . ..

One minute you guys are calling Biden a senile old man who is too decrepit to put two logical sentences together. Then he says something stupid like this and you're trying to equate that with the Trump oeuvre of idiotic comments? Yeah, right.
let's see. A clear-headed individual in full control of his mental faculties who occasionally says stupid things, or a derelict political has-been who has lost control of both his mental faculties and his bowels and occasionally does NOT say stupid things while running the country amuck. You're right, there's not much comparison. I'm still going with Trump, oeuvre and all, especially since Harris is even worse in the 'says stupid things' department..

New word 'oeuvre' though, had to look that one up. It said 'word used mostly by 'fruitcakes' '. And of course by 'fruitcakes', I'm sure that means only in the weirdo sense of the word.
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2025 recruiting....

When you may who is that….


That’s just 4 off the top of my head…I really can’t think of that many when you consider how many teams play D1 basketball..KU has yet to get a commitment in the 25 class…I think UNC is having the same problems that many are having in this new day and age…
Mullins went to UCONN for substantial less NIL than IU offered, per my IU insider friend. He also stated Carolina offered more than UCONN, for what it's worth.
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OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Every single Trump voter is evil.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa... seriously? These politicians are out for power, and getting the lobby more wealth, and that makes "every single Trump voter" evil? That's a pretty big stretch. Straight to EVIL, huh? If you say so. I disagree. I know quite a few and none of them are evil, by my standards. I don't agree with their choice for president. But, evil? No, they're not evil.
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OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It's relatively close. The lawsuit wasn't just military. It's also if you were living abroad.

Ah, that might well skew it the other way. If so, that could explain why Rs want to suppress those voters.

The few people I know living abroad have a relatively poor assessment of the US, and especially of Trump.

Preseason Rankings: AP vs Pomeroy

don't try to tell me that everything I just wrote isn't true.
OK, I won't. But since you are a top influencer here, I will offer others one example.

If Pomeroy's ratings are worthless or no good then that will be easy to test. Just do this thought experiment...

1. Create a ratings list of all 364 teams by selecting them at random.
2. Get Pomeroy's ratings.
3. Compare the random list with Pomeroy's list at different points throughout the season.
4. The null hypothesis is that neither will be appreciably better at predicting reality.

I'll bet on Pomeroy. Who's betting Pomeroy is no better than random?

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

That's sort of puzzling. Isn't it generally thought that servicemen tend to skew right?

Maybe he has numbers on PA that show otherwise.
It's relatively close. The lawsuit wasn't just military. It's also if you were living abroad.

Preseason Rankings: AP vs Pomeroy

No one is arguing that the ratings won't be better after we've seen a bunch of games.

What some seem to be saying, though, is that preseason ratings have no value at all, no matter how well-thought-out. That's clearly wrong.
Sorry, but it is no such thing, and as we are seeing as we speak, this preseason frivolity creates narratives that will influence decision-makers --- who are inherently and humanly prone to confirmation-bias --- all damn season. And that causes certain conferences to be overvalued (or vice versa), and deserving teams to be left out of the Dance.

So look, if folks want to entertain themselves with stat sites, go ahead, but don't try to tell me that everything I just wrote isn't true. As for me, I'll wait for the actual games and evaluate from there.
