not patting myself on the back here but who not long ago pointed out the despicable practice of OUR OWN LEGISLATORS' 'holding hostage' needed and targeted funding in order to sneak through all manner of unrelated fatburgers, and then blaming the repubs for the fallout when they shitcan the bill.
I'm not saying republicans aren't complicit, but this is a well-worn dem device. I only wish
@blazers was here to point out how wrong I he tried to do the last time when the original, attempted so-called border bill was foisted on us.
If I was allowed to tweak our governments structure, I would add a sort of liaison between us and those who represent us, such that their actual doings were made known to us (and not in a useless, self-serving C-span sort of way) in non-political or at least politically balanced terms....and that said liaison would have a voice in the legislature to give feedback and make demands on our behalf like term limits and legislator bennies and stand-alone, plainly addressed bills only with no riders. With such a large population, it's far too cumbersome to expect an organized constituent voice to form out of thin air, especially with social media turning out to be somewhat of a bad joke.