I guess that's what I'd say if I was constantly getting my ass kicked by someone here.
When one poses an opinion or tries to state a fact, he knows that there is always the probability that an opponent will rely on rhetoric. or wordplay or the unstated to counter him. That's you. Just because I didn't say there are exceptions, you choose to point out the exceptions. Just because I didn't point out that I was talking about our area, the area where Dean Smith's leanings would be more likely to be known, you choose to show your idiotic pictures that aren't applicable. .The exceptions prove the rule, and you're pretty much just a dumb, disingenuous, one-way POS.
I was around at that time, and fully aware of what was going on. You couldn't help but be aware. I witnessed base racism that would sicken one, but it was all words. I never saw any action taken against any individual. Segregation was hard to give up simply because it was an institution. People knew what was right, and they in general did NOT sympathize with groups like the Klan or the rural characters who wallowed in their own ignorance. But it's hard to give up what you're used to and to face drastic change.
The foolish who were NOT there read an article here and there and think they know what they're talking about, and they almost always try to insinuate some evil involved. My small school was integrated while I was there and no one whatsoever raised a hand in protest. Some kids made friends and others just just kept to themselves. But no one tried to harass or make the new black students unwelcome.
I heard Jesse Helms when he remarked that they ought to put a fence around Chapel Hill because it was a leftist zoo. I scoffed at him then, but let me see a show of hands of those who agree with that sentiment now. EXCLUDING those holding extreme views, no one at that time would call someone a communist simply because they promoted integration and opposed the death penalty. That is NOT saying that communists were not involved in stirring things up. It's irrelevant that communists were trying to stir things up because stirring things up is what commies do...DUH. That commies were involved in protests and in general stirring things up actually HURT the cause of integration, simply because what people actually hated and feared was communism...DUH again.
I am for the death penalty, but I don't think of someone as a communist because they oppose it. I just think they are stupid....like you. Too bad you aren't intelligent enough to understand that your intelligence has limitations. In your case, severe ones.