2025 recruiting....

WWJD, this is the best post I’ve ever seen from you and one of the best on the entire topic.

I admit I severely dislike the current player bidding wars, and do not see how it is sustainable… but time will tell on that.

You’ve hit the nail on the head suggesting UNC might be better off targeting non-NBA ready players because these players have been the best for UNC over the last 25 yrs: May, Felton, McCants, Hansborough, Lawson, Ellington, Berry, Jackson, Hicks, Meeks, Bacot, RJ were all highly rated high schoolers but had flaws which kept them from being OAD.

The truth is, talent is needed…. But more necessary, is talent that sticks around.
Except for the past 18 months we are losing every recruitment we've been in for the 5-stars that fit the Felton, May, McCants, Hansbrough, Lawson, Ellington, Berry, Jackson, Hicks, Bacot mold.
May, Felton, McCants, Lawson, Ellington, Hansbrough, and Jackson were all ranked in the top 10 of their respective classes. They would be receiving massive NIL offers in the current era. They absolutely could have been one-and-done if they wanted to.

These attempts to rewrite history to make excuses for the current recruiting struggles are just sad.

Pretty much every jersey hanging in the Dean Dome rafters is a high ranked recruit who would be subject to a bidding war if they were a current high school senior.
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Every one of these players: May, Felton, McCants, Hansbrough, Lawson, Ellington, Berry, Jackson, Hicks, Meeks, Bacot, RJ would command bidding wars if they were high school seniors today.

Carolina can get in the game or get left behind. It’s their choice.
People who haven’t taken a second mortgage out on their house to give to UNC for NIL aren’t doing enough. Don’t expect others to pony up all that money. You do it if it’s so important to you.
People who haven’t taken a second mortgage out on their house to give to UNC for NIL aren’t doing enough. Don’t expect others to pony up all that money. You do it if it’s so important to you.
It’s clearly not my money and I’ve said that before. They can do as they see fit, but we need to learn to live with sub par classes if the program isn’t going to ramp up NIL efforts. We’re just trying to discuss the reality of today’s culture and unfortunately this is reality. You might want to seriously consider unfollowing college basketball if this climate offends you.
People who haven’t taken a second mortgage out on their house to give to UNC for NIL aren’t doing enough. Don’t expect others to pony up all that money. You do it if it’s so important to you.
I bought a couple NIL boxes. That should get me a Paxton Wojick for a few games...🤪
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Winning a Natty in basketball will not be about how much you can pay a OAD, it will be about what you can pay to retain your player another year, and what you will pay an experienced transfer.

Someone mentioned the Hans, Felton, McCants we had. Besides Hans non of these guys as "freshmen" where worth big money!

With current transfer rules. Felton, McCants, and that crew would have transferred after freshmen year (They all wanted out if you recall).
Winning a Natty in basketball will not be about how much you can pay a OAD, it will be about what you can pay to retain your player another year, and what you will pay an experienced transfer.

Someone mentioned the Hans, Felton, McCants we had. Besides Hans non of these guys as "freshmen" where worth big money!

With current transfer rules. Felton, McCants, and that crew would have transferred after freshmen year (They all wanted out if you recall).
Good points. And I think you’re on to something here… I don’t believe in big money for freshmen but I’d be more comfortable with UNC forking out for established players, either as returning or transferring in.
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Now we are getting somewhere! I would never trade flash for substance! I couldn't care one whit less about how many stars a player has...I am way more concerned with his embracing our Family culture; being willing to work toward development; and becoming a true unit that is greater than the sum of its parts! The formula for winning isn't really that hard to figure out IMO!

Thank God UNC and especially Hubs have already got it down! UNC will never bow to pressure and compromise the Carolina Way! (and as long as this is true, I will be one of their staunchest fans!)
Winning a Natty in basketball will not be about how much you can pay a OAD, it will be about what you can pay to retain your player another year, and what you will pay an experienced transfer.

Someone mentioned the Hans, Felton, McCants we had. Besides Hans non of these guys as "freshmen" where worth big money!

With current transfer rules. Felton, McCants, and that crew would have transferred after freshmen year (They all wanted out if you recall).
Hey 57 I like it, and what would be wrong with contracts with conditions. Heck yeah we’ll give you 5 mil but you’d better deliver such and such. If it’s all about winning and paying them to do it, then schools should hold kids accountable too. Or just make it flat out performance based.
Want to make 8mil? Win your college a chip. Oh you got put out in the first round? Here’s a scholarship and free shoes. lol PUT THIS CRAP SHOW IN THIER LAPS.
I'm inclined to agree.

The other side of NIL is that we keep some fine players longer. Maybe not the future NBA stars, but excellent collage players like Armando and RJ. Without NIL some of these guys would enter the draft and, if not drafted, would be playing overseas.

Most top NIL players are still going OAD if they can, I assume, but the pressure to move on is lower knowing they can earn a whole lot if they stick around. A decade ago, sticking around got them an education. Today it can get them 5 figures, maybe more.

Roy often seemed to land high-rated players who needed development. Whereas coaches like K and Cal often ended up with players who were only in college because the NBA wasn't drafting straight from HS. So top UK and Duke players were soon in the NBA, while our top guys would join them a couple of years later.

I think that distinction still exists. There are the top players who are NBA-ready and top players who need development. The NBA read ones are the ones getting the obscene NIL deals.

If Roy could win with unpaid guys who stuck around for a few years, surely Hubert can win with well-paid guys who stick around for a few years.

Which is to say that I don't think we need the players who command these absurd NIL payoffs.

The big difference from the Roy era is that Roy would sometimes get the OAD. Because why not? If the guy wanted to play here, absolutely welcome him on board. But these days even if the guy wants to play here, if he can get double the money elsewhere he's unlikely to pick us.
I think it's really hard to compare apples to apples with this.

Today, is it realistic that you can get Ed Davis and Tyler Zeller like talents to be ok with coming off the bench as freshmen? I'm not all that sure. Even the rookies that were 5* and didn't play like Isiah Hicks... I'm not sure if that's all that relatable today. Maybe playing for UNC still means that much, but I have my doubts.

The other thing that needs to be considered is the NBA rookie wage scale. In 2006, the #1 overall pick was making less than $4M/year on their rookie deal. The last pick in the 1st round was making less than $800K/year on their rookie deal.

The 2004-25 rookie NBA wage scale has the #1 pick making $11M/year and the last pick in the 1st round is making just over $2M/year. And yes, that far exceeds inflation and far exceeds the purchasing power if you convert 2006 money to 2024. There is much more value in NBA contracts today and that obviously becomes even more significant if the NBA players are able to get second longterm contracts.

It's really hard to compare Roy's days to today.

For Hubert, it will come down to a few pretty easy things. If he's a good evaluator of talent and a good developer of talent, then he will have more margin for error for the type of player he can bring in. He can be more stubborn for lack of a better word. If he isn't, then he will need to pay for more talented players.
Now we are getting somewhere! I would never trade flash for substance! I couldn't care one whit less about how many stars a player has...I am way more concerned with his embracing our Family culture; being willing to work toward development; and becoming a true unit that is greater than the sum of its parts! The formula for winning isn't really that hard to figure out IMO!

Thank God UNC and especially Hubs have already got it down! UNC will never bow to pressure and compromise the Carolina Way! (and as long as this is true, I will be one of their staunchest fans!)
This sounds great on a motivational pamphlet and is probably true to a degree. But you need a baseline of talent if you want to accomplish something in major competitive sports. Also, getting a bunch of 5* recruits isn't "flash" whenever it happens. I would rather get class after class of 5* recruits and take my chances that their talent will result in substance. Sometimes it flops but I'm guessing if UNC ever got a recruiting class of all 3* players, it wouldn't look too good either.

And when's the last UNC team where it was a "sum of its parts?" The 2017 team was the least talented of the post 2000 title teams and they still had major talent up and down the roster. They had an NBA 1st round pick come off the bench. The 2009 and 2005 teams were absolutely loaded. Then their 2 elite 8 teams literally had 5 1st round picks in their starting lineup at one time.

Certainly those teams developed and they got older together. But those teams were absolutely stacked. And in UNC's post-2000 history, it has required a lot of talent to be in the Final Four/National Championship picture.

For me, a big part of the "Carolina Way" is getting big time talent.
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Today, is it realistic that you can get Ed Davis and Tyler Zeller like talents to be ok with coming off the bench as freshmen?
You mean like Rob Dillingham, Reed Sheppard, and Aaron Bradshaw were doing for Kentucky a few months ago?

Or like Kon Knueppel and Isaiah Evans will be doing for the dookies in November?
The Carolina Way has not one thing to do with big time talent! This shows you have absolutely no understanding of what the Family really means! The Carolina Way deals with a way of carrying oneself and treating others. It is an ethos requiring one to be the best one can be as a person! The great news is when you focus on being the best person you can be, this includes things like work ethic, team first, caring for team mates; putting the name on the front before the name on the back, coachability, character, grit, etc and these things often translate to success on AND off the court!
Secondly, "Greater than the sum of its parts" also means one can't simply play video game logic and say put these great talents on the floor and voila wins come! Sometimes peeps have to sublimate their games. Sometimes they have to play positions that might not be optimal; sometimes they have to do the dirty work and allow others to shine; sometimes I have to be a pass first PG not the scoring phenom I was in HS. We have to stop with the shallow perusal of peeps' statements and actually think about the substance!
Thirdly, trying to put together a team full of 5*s is certainly looking for Flash! And I never said anything about fielding a team full of 3*s. Yeah our successful teams had talent BUT they also had glue guys/vets that participated and provided that edge in practice or stepped up when needed!
UNC builds teams with intent; puke throws talent together and hopes for the best!
Concentrating on "potential" 2nd round draft picks in the transfer portal with NIL money is something we might want to consider. It makes financial sense for those guys to take NIL money, and UNC gets more exposure than a development league.

UNC is one of the top Journalism schools in America, UNC like Colorado football needs to start letting internet be a way of attracting talent. Not fan of CU football, but I can name all there receivers and DBs because of how they internally cover themselves. Recruits look at that stuff.

If UNC wants the top recruits again, we need to make UNC basketball cool again. We already have "Carolina Blue" going for us. I am not a marketing major, but UNC basketball could use a remodel to appeal to this generation.

Or we can keep developing our guys and winning games with older players.
I think it's really hard to compare apples to apples with this.

Today, is it realistic that you can get Ed Davis and Tyler Zeller like talents to be ok with coming off the bench as freshmen? I'm not all that sure. Even the rookies that were 5* and didn't play like Isiah Hicks... I'm not sure if that's all that relatable today. Maybe playing for UNC still means that much, but I have my doubts.

The other thing that needs to be considered is the NBA rookie wage scale. In 2006, the #1 overall pick was making less than $4M/year on their rookie deal. The last pick in the 1st round was making less than $800K/year on their rookie deal.

The 2004-25 rookie NBA wage scale has the #1 pick making $11M/year and the last pick in the 1st round is making just over $2M/year. And yes, that far exceeds inflation and far exceeds the purchasing power if you convert 2006 money to 2024. There is much more value in NBA contracts today and that obviously becomes even more significant if the NBA players are able to get second longterm contracts.

It's really hard to compare Roy's days to today.

For Hubert, it will come down to a few pretty easy things. If he's a good evaluator of talent and a good developer of talent, then he will have more margin for error for the type of player he can bring in. He can be more stubborn for lack of a better word. If he isn't, then he will need to pay for more talented players.
You make some good points. So why do I feel like I wrote and essay on "the sky is blue" and you responded "you're wrong, the grass is green"?

I stand by my claim that the sky is blue.