That pic brings back bad memories for me. Quick story (or as quick as I can be):
When I was 18 years old, I was running a YMCA camp. We took a trip to Roanoke (from Lynchburg) to go to the Mill Mountain Zoo. They had a miniature train that circled the park. One of my co-workers (hot girl that I dated that summer) was the lead counselor for the girls. She, another counselor and about 20 kids boarded the train for a ride around the park. The driver of the train was going too fast into the tunnel and the train jumped the track and wrecked. The girl I was dating had her leg broken in two different places. None of our kids got any more banged up than just scratches and bruises. But one man, a dad with his family, fell out of the train and got his leg pinned underneath it. I ran into the tunnel to try and help and I saw this fella with his leg almost severed - bleeding profusely.
It was quite an ordeal and I know that the zoo had to settle lawsuits and the train went away. But just 3 years later, the train was operating again.