Governor Cuomo of New York ordered the needle on WTC-1 to be lit up in pink for celebration of the passing of the "abortion up to delivery" bill in New York state. Previously abortion was illegal in New York state after 24 weeks from conception. People are working to get avowed Catholic Cuomo excommunicated from his church. Catholics are called to defend life at any stage.
The legislators and onlookers in New York capitol cheered loudly upon passing of this bill. To each their own, but it makes me personally ill, discouraged, to see people cheer what amounts to a new bill legalizing the termination of a viable human life, if this life were separated (removed from) the mother.
An important distinction in this bill and in many abortion bills is the allowing of abortion to protect the life OR HEALTH of the mother. Saving a mother's life is objective, but what constitutes the mother's (emotional, psychological, financial) health can be quite subjective. And - I believe the New York bill removed the requirement that the person providing the abortion be a licensed doctor.
I totally understand that nobody sets out hoping to get an abortion, and few if any ever feel good about having an abortion. There are many cases of sorrow and depression after abortions. I also understand that late term abortions are rare compared to early term abortions. But any one life saved, and given over to one of so many families awaiting adoption, seems like a wonderful outcome for all involved.
I just believe there are TWO lives with individual rights (to life) - referred to as endowed upon us by a Creator in the Declaration of Independence and protected under our Constitution.
If there is only ONE life (the mother) in the discussion, and if the fetus / baby is not a life, and therefore has zero right to life until outside the womb, then I agree with the "abortion at any stage" argument. If the fetus/baby is not a protected LIFE - we should think of it no differently than the mother choosing to remove a tumor. Women should certainly control the right to remove this blob of cells, or whatever they call it. If its not a life, if there is only one (mother's) life in question, no argument against abortion from me.
A group named Heartbeat International recently posted quotes from 3 licensed OB/GYNs each with 30+ years of experience, and collectively they've delivered thousands of babies. Their consensus medical statement of fact: NO medical condition exists (or have they ever experienced) that requires a late-term abortion to save the life of the mother. None. There are rare conditions that require DELIVERY of the baby late-in-term to save the LIFE of the mother, but never a late term abortion to save the life of the mother. (Dr. Lawrence Koning, Dr. Omar Hamada, Dr. David McKnight)