I started watching an episode that weeks back. Based on what I saw, she learned it from her dad. He smacked the snot out of her for not doing what he said. A different period for television to be sure.
I started watching an episode that weeks back. Based on what I saw, she learned it from her dad. He smacked the snot out of her for not doing what he said. A different period for television to be sure.
On this day in 1864, Federal Major General John Sedgwick was mortally wounded at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia. Sedgwick's Sixth Corps was probing skirmish lines ahead of the left flank of Confederate defenses while he was directing artillery placements. Confederate sharpshooters were about 1,000 yards away, and their shots caused members of his staff and artillerymen to duck for cover. Sedgwick strode around in the open and was quoted as saying, 'What? Men dodging this way for single bullets? What will you do when they open fire along the whole line?' Although ashamed, his men continued to flinch and he said, 'Why are you dodging like this? They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance.' He was shot moments later under the left eye and fell down dead.