Celebrity Death Pool - Round 11

Seriously? You didn't have a TV in the '90s?

Actually, for much of it I didn't. Well, we'd have it for a month or so and then we wouldn't have it for a month or so. Then we'd have it again, then we wouldn't. Seriously, through the last 2-3 years of college, my idiot roommate would only pay bills when he felt like it. Our apartment was without cable, electricity and water at different times. But I was rarely there so I didn't care all that much. But I did care when he skipped town with a warrant for his arrest and owing bills of several hundred dollars.

I really don't remember Miss Cleo. I probably saw it at some point and just never really paid any attention to it.
Actually, for much of it I didn't. Well, we'd have it for a month or so and then we wouldn't have it for a month or so. Then we'd have it again, then we wouldn't. Seriously, through the last 2-3 years of college, my idiot roommate would only pay bills when he felt like it. Our apartment was without cable, electricity and water at different times. But I was rarely there so I didn't care all that much. But I did care when he skipped town with a warrant for his arrest and owing bills of several hundred dollars.

I really don't remember Miss Cleo. I probably saw it at some point and just never really paid any attention to it.
Wish I'd gotten in on this 'cause I'd be all over some Dick Van Dyke and a few others.
Don't do that, RH. I appreciate it but I don't want to interrupt anything. You guys have at it.

It wouldn't interrupt anything at all. In fact, we've already had a couple drop out from the beginning, so getting some new entrants would be great to balance it out. And this is the perfect time to do it, right at the end of a round.

Plus, the more people that are "on the board" the quicker the turnover is from round to round. Which - given the patience of some members here - can only be a good thing.

I've updated the OP so you can see who is taken - if you wanna come up with 5 new names, you're in. $10 a round to the "winner".
He should probably opt out because he's a mod. An issue arose for a similar contest a few years ago on Blitz that still pisses me off. :mad: Let's just say it's best for him to take a pass.

OK thats fine as well. Once we confirm that everyone has paid you, and that everyone wants to stick around for a 3rd round, we'll get the next round started.

I guess you can make your replacement pick whenever you want.
Thank you, @UNC '92. Thank you, @Hark_The_Sound_2010. I guess the rest of you are waiting until you get paid on Friday.

Hey Hark, my replacement pick is Vera Lynn (queue the Pink Floyd music). So are we officially on round 3?

I'm not sure how we should handle it. If there were people that were looking to get out after round 2 I want to give them the chance to do so. If they send you money and don't express their interest in bailing in this thread, I think it's fair to count them in for round 3.

But obviously we can't let this purgatory period extend for a month, cuz one of our people could kick the bucket in that time which would make things confusing.

Everyone in the contest has poasted somewhere on the site since you tagged them - so I think it's fair to say we can move to round 3 with everyone committed again.
Thank you, @UNC '92. Thank you, @Hark_The_Sound_2010. I guess the rest of you are waiting until you get paid on Friday.

Hey Hark, my replacement pick is Vera Lynn (queue the Pink Floyd music). So are we officially on round 3?
Just sent it to you. My bad on the delay. I needed to make sure I had $10 left over after a weekend of hookers and blow.
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Just checked this thread for the first time in a while. I'll get it to you tomorrow night.