Where are you going with this? I wasn’t referring to you specifically when talking about favoritism.
It is true I have my concerns about lack of NBA star power and lack of as many high school 5 stars. I also fully realize that’s not all that makes a great college team. Roy has done a good a job as I’ve ever seen him do these past few years. We are exceeding expectations despite not clearing the recruiting trail as well as dook or Kentucky.
Lastly, I do not claim to be any kind of expert. Merely a fan with observations. But I try to be as balanced as I can, because as much as I love UNC, being objective is also just as important.
I'm not trying to go anywhere with it, just stating how I feel & why many fans may not agree with those who are so obsessed with high school 5* players & those who are destined for the NBA. Neither automatically equal championships in college basketball. That has been proven many times by teams winning the championship without being loaded with 5* recruits. Some teams have no 5* recruits, but a lot of experience. Naturally, I hope all of our players play for money & succeed in life, but most fans are concerned about the Tar Heels, which are a college team. The obsession with 5* players shows a lack of understanding of college basketball. Some people refuse to accept that & constantly malign our recruits due to their ranking. That gets old.
If many people agree that your (or anyone's) balance comes off as criticism the majority of the time, you have to wander how balanced your opinions are. Honestly, a true fan isn't expected to achieve balance. There's an inherent bias that most people understand. Striving to constantly achieve balance shows a lack of dedication to any team.