Comey . .

BillyL, what a "coward-in-chief" we have sitting in the white house. sTrumpet doesn't even have the balls to fire Comey face to face, let alone pick up the phone and call him - no he allows him to travel all the way to the west coast and read his dismissal across a scroll bar on tv. Despite a few missteps by Comey didn't his years of experience and body of work with the FBI warrent a little more integrity in his firing?
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He could have probably handled this in a better way, but I don't think coward or P*ssy even begins to describe him...he's going after the fabric of DC head-on, and he's singlehandedly going after global threats that prior administrations bowed down to.
Well, watching the spin from both sides is fun. Both sides have called for him to be fired at some point in the last year, but of course opinions have changed all of a sudden. One thing is for sure, DC is never boring.
BillyL, what a "coward-in-chief" we have sitting in the white house. sTrumpet doesn't even have the balls to fire Comey face to face, let alone pick up the phone and call him - no he allows him to travel all the way to the west coast and read his dismissal across a scroll bar on tv. Despite a few missteps by Comey didn't his years of experience and body of work with the FBI warrent a little more integrity in his firing?

The timing of this action is what is so strange. The purported reasons for his letting Comey go make little sense to me, as not a lot has changed since Inauguration Day, firing the investigator that is investigating you gives all the wrong appearances . .
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Well, watching the spin from both sides is fun. Both sides have called for him to be fired at some point in the last year, but of course opinions have changed all of a sudden. One thing is for sure, DC is never boring.

Isn't it? 5 months ago to Dems, Comey was the scum of the earth and the sole reason Trump had defeated Clinton and deserved to be lynched. Now, when he's actually fired, they come running to his defense because it's an opportunity to bash Trump.

Just the opposite with Republicans. He was a beacon of truth immediately following the election, and now is completely incompetent.
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he's going after the fabric of DC head-on
Is that what he's doing? He must have his eyes closed. I hope he's wearing a helmet. Wait... no I don't...

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I think he probably deserves to be fired (though a phone call or something would have been respectable). Like someone said, firing someone as they are looking into you is a terrible look though.
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The Russian investigation will go on with or without Comey. He didn't fire the whole FBI. Comey should have been fired anyway. The July 5 debacle was truly amazing when he laid out the entire case against Clinton and then decided not to recommend charges even though he said laws were violated. All the DC elite(R's and D's) are untouchables.
Everyone is so upset that Russia meddled in our election, what about Obama and Israel or Frances elections?
Isn't it? 5 months ago to Dems, Comey was the scum of the earth and the sole reason Trump had defeated Clinton and deserved to be lynched. Now, when he's actually fired, they come running to his defense because it's an opportunity to bash Trump.

Just the opposite with Republicans. He was a beacon of truth immediately following the election, and now is completely incompetent.

He should have been fired on November 9th -- the very next day after the inauguration. How do you stand up there last July and rant on for 20 minutes about someone's criminal activity, but then end with (basically) we aren't pursuing this further? Guaranteed -- the tarmac meeting with Clinton and Lynch influenced him and he was probably ordered to stand down. In large part, I think Comey has been cornered on both sides in a lose / lose position. But once his integrity was compromised, his fault or not, he should have been replaced. Firing him is absolutely the right call...the timing is the issue.
He should have been fired on November 9th -- the very next day after the inauguration. How do you stand up there last July and rant on for 20 minutes about someone's criminal activity, but then end with (basically) we aren't pursuing this further? Guaranteed -- the tarmac meeting with Clinton and Lynch influenced him and he was probably ordered to stand down. In large part, I think Comey has been cornered on both sides in a lose / lose position. But once his integrity was compromised, his fault or not, he should have been replaced. Firing him is absolutely the right call...the timing is the issue.
Only thing about the timing is the report sent out from the Deputy Attorney General, whom Obama appointed, saying he needed to go.
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Are we still talking about the CNN made up Russian conspiracy? Comey was compromised...needed to go! Trey Gowdy will come in and show what a real FBI Director is supposed to look and act like!!!
Are we still talking about the CNN made up Russian conspiracy? Comey was compromised...needed to go! Trey Gowdy will come in and show what a real FBI Director is supposed to look and act like!!!
A lobbyist-loving, pandering politician? Is that what FBI directors act like? I can see how they'd LOOK like Gowdy (or Comey). Hollowed-out white guys who have burned-away their conscience in order to feign superiority over the rest of law enforcement... that's what they look like. At least Hoover knew how to dress-up in women's clothes and give it some flair!

It's hilarious watching partisans try to dodge their allegiance. They all loved Comey when his actions benefited their preferred outcome. As far as Russia goes; are people really that naive to think that powerful people don't try and influence the elections of other countries? America has been doing that shit for damn near a century!
A lobbyist-loving, pandering politician? Is that what FBI directors act like? I can see how they'd LOOK like Gowdy (or Comey). Hollowed-out white guys who have burned-away their conscience in order to feign superiority over the rest of law enforcement... that's what they look like. At least Hoover knew how to dress-up in women's clothes and give it some flair!

It's hilarious watching partisans try to dodge their allegiance. They all loved Comey when his actions benefited their preferred outcome. As far as Russia goes; are people really that naive to think that powerful people don't try and influence the elections of other countries? America has been doing that shit for damn near a century!


White privilege...albeit hollowed out

founder of transgendered feminism

more like bobbing and weaving

Putin is buff isn't he!!!!
he's going after the fabric of DC head-on

lol wut.... You'd have to be laughably naive to actually believe that, especially after he appointed more billionaires and lobbyists to his cabinet than any president in the history of this country.

Are we still talking about the CNN made up Russian conspiracy? Comey was compromised...needed to go! Trey Gowdy will come in and show what a real FBI Director is supposed to look and act like!!!

Kinda weird that the FBI would still be investigating something that CNN just "made up." Your boy is going to end up in federal prison for treason.
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The irony...
He stated a fact. There are now more connected corporate shills, who have lobbied the federal government themselves, in the White House than ever before.

Eleven of his 19 Cabinet and Cabinet-level appointments announced so far have sat on the boards of corporations or organizations that have lobbied the federal government, spending a total of $497.5 million. (Most of that comes from Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, who headed ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute and was a member of the Business Roundtable when those groups spent a combined $368.4 million on lobbying.)
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Your boy is going to end up in federal prison for treason.
No way, no day... NEVER!

Just like Hillary, or any other politician on that level, they are NEVER going to find themselves anywhere near a situation like that. Short of a French Revolution-type thing (which isn't going to ever happen either), those people are impervious to such a thing.

Just like "Big Ern", they are ABOVE THE LAW!

No way, no day... NEVER!

Just like Hillary, or any other politician on that level, they are NEVER going to find themselves anywhere near a situation like that. Short of a French Revolution-type thing (which isn't going to ever happen either), those people are impervious to such a thing.

Just like "Big Ern", they are ABOVE THE LAW!


Normally I'd agree with you. But if he's impeached under suspicion of collusion with a foreign state (treason) then pardoning him would be political suicide for Pence. If he manages to hang on until 2018 there will be so many people ready to see him gone that liberals may actually show up in the midterms for once.
"4th of May be with you" #StarWars Day

It staggers the imagination. I didn't believe it was possible... but, it was.
He stated a fact. There are now more connected corporate shills, who have lobbied the federal government themselves, in the White House than ever before.

Eleven of his 19 Cabinet and Cabinet-level appointments announced so far have sat on the boards of corporations or organizations that have lobbied the federal government, spending a total of $497.5 million. (Most of that comes from Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, who headed ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute and was a member of the Business Roundtable when those groups spent a combined $368.4 million on lobbying.)

When you hire any position in a business -- do you typically shoot for someone who has a good track record and an impressive list of accomplishments?

In short -- in order to fix our economy, would it not be semi-intelligent to collect a group of people who actually know what the hell they are doing? JMHO
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The Russian investigation will go on with or without Comey. He didn't fire the whole FBI. Comey should have been fired anyway. The July 5 debacle was truly amazing when he laid out the entire case against Clinton and then decided not to recommend charges even though he said laws were violated. All the DC elite(R's and D's) are untouchables.
Everyone is so upset that Russia meddled in our election, what about Obama and Israel or Frances elections?

I would assume it is because people don't care that much about Israel or France.
When you hire any position in a business -- do you typically shoot for someone who has a good track record and an impressive list of accomplishments?

In short -- in order to fix our economy, would it not be semi-intelligent to collect a group of people who actually know what the hell they are doing? JMHO

The point is, he promised to drain the swamp and attributed lobbying as the culprit... then loads his cabinet with the lobbyists.
The point is, he promised to drain the swamp and attributed lobbying as the culprit... then loads his cabinet with the lobbyists.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on the principle of our perspectives just being completely opposite one another. Sometimes, I honestly think you and a few others would criticize a fish for swimming.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on the principle of our perspectives just being completely opposite one another. Sometimes, I honestly think you and a few others would criticize a fish for swimming.
I'm just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy in his statements and actions. You can ignore that to maintain your "principle of perspective" if you want.

Most people who have chained themselves to this joke of a president have relegated to the same choice. Obama lovers did the same thing.

I love this interview. This shows exactly how this asshole knows the problem and admits to being a part of the problem. Then... he fills his cabinet with more of the problem.

His entire campaign and his entire presidency was and is literally built on getting revenge and getting exposure for himself and helping the people who helped him get in office. People eat this guy's bullshit up. Well, some people do.

I love this interview. This shows exactly how this asshole knows the problem and admits to being a part of the problem. Then... he fills his cabinet with more of the problem.

His entire campaign and his entire presidency was and is literally built on getting revenge and getting exposure for himself and helping the people who helped him get in office. People eat this guy's bullshit up. Well, some people do.
I don't have a problem with what he says here. Hell he's more honest about it than the rest of them in DC.
Maybe we should get a bunch of poor, homeless people and academics who've never ran anything in there to fix this country.
I don't have a problem with what he says here. Hell he's more honest about it than the rest of them in DC.
Maybe we should get a bunch of poor, homeless people and academics who've never ran anything in there to fix this country.
He's honest about being part of the poisonous rot in our political/economic structure. YAY!
Maybe he should lie about it like the rest of them. Would that make you feel better?
I'm not being critical of his honesty. I'm pointing out his hypocrisy. I've seen Trump "be honest" about things that he knows are detrimental, and then try and justify it as being necessary. He even moved in that direction with Cooper in the video. He begins by being critical of lobbyists and their relationships with politicians. He implies that they and the reasons they're lobbying, are harmful to our society. Which... I agree. Then, Cooper exposes how Trump was, for all intents and purposes, a lobbyist. Then he begins to justify it and calls it "working the system." Well, if it is working the system, why are you so opposed to lobbyists and insisting that you're going to drain the swamp? He's not doing that at all.

You make it sound like being honest about something that you've done somehow clears you of the potential damage or conflict those actions and behaviors created. So, basically, if people who murder other people would just admit to it, then our attitude toward what they did would seem less offensive.
I'm not being critical of his honesty. I'm pointing out his hypocrisy. I've seen Trump "be honest" about things that he knows are detrimental, and then try and justify it as being necessary. He even moved in that direction with Cooper in the video. He begins by being critical of lobbyists and their relationships with politicians. He implies that they and the reasons they're lobbying, are harmful to our society. Which... I agree. Then, Cooper exposes how Trump was, for all intents and purposes, a lobbyist. Then he begins to justify it and calls it "working the system." Well, if it is working the system, why are you so opposed to lobbyists and insisting that you're going to drain the swamp? He's not doing that at all.

You make it sound like being honest about something that you've done somehow clears you of the potential damage or conflict those actions and behaviors created. So, basically, if people who murder other people would just admit to it, then our attitude toward what they did would seem less offensive.
Wouldn't make it better but would save a lot of tax $$$$$$. Even more if we executed them right away.
The man has been in office just over 100 days and you just can't handle it. Like every other president I'm going to see how this shakes out. He's our POTUS for 3.5 more years at least.
You piss and moan about everything but never offer your own solutions to any of the issues this country faces.
Wouldn't make it better but would save a lot of tax $$$$$$. Even more if we executed them right away.
The man has been in office just over 100 days and you just can't handle it. Like every other president I'm going to see how this shakes out. He's our POTUS for 3.5 more years at least.
You piss and moan about everything but never offer your own solutions to any of the issues this country faces.
Well, see you were focusing on what they said, not what they DID. Now, you've switched to what they did because of my comparison. Make up your mind. Is it doing the thing and then lying about it, or doing it and being honest about it? Which is it? If you're ready to execute them, regardless, fine. But, then you'd have to accept Trump as being a blatant hypocrite and be accountable for that. OUCH! There's that ego taking a hit. That just won't do!

If you want to ignore the man's hypocrisy, be my guest. "Seeing how this shakes out" is a cop-out. You're only going to look for ways to defend whatever he does because you believe yourself to be "conservative." And, whatever is considered "liberal" is something you want to NEVER be affiliated with. It doesn't matter what is actually being discussed, or the consequences, or even the substance of the matter. Once the lines have been drawn, the critical thought part is over. There was no critical thought except waiting for your orders. The priority for most is maintaining their affiliation. They define themselves by their associations, because those account for most of our identities nowadays.

The solution is found in correcting what doesn't benefit us. That is an ongoing process. I'm not sure you can define what doesn't benefit you (or us) at this point. You're preoccupied with defending Donald Trump because you have basically adopted Trump as part of your identity.
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Well, see you were focusing on what they said, not what they DID. Now, you've switched to what they did because of my comparison. Make up your mind. Is it doing the thing and then lying about it, or doing it and being honest about it? Which is it? If you're ready to execute them, regardless, fine. But, then you'd have to accept Trump as being a blatant hypocrite and be accountable for that. OUCH! There's that ego taking a hit. That just won't do!

If you want to ignore the man's hypocrisy, be my guest. "Seeing how this shakes out" is a cop-out. You're only going to look for ways to defend whatever he does because you believe yourself to be "conservative." And, whatever is considered "liberal" is something you want to NEVER be affiliated with. It doesn't matter what is actually being discussed, or the consequences, or even the substance of the matter. Once the lines have been drawn, the critical thought part is over. There was no critical thought except waiting for your orders. The priority for most is maintaining their affiliation. They define themselves by their associations, because those account for most of our identities nowadays.

The solution is found in correcting what doesn't benefit us. That is an ongoing process. I'm not sure you can define what doesn't benefit you (or us) at this point. You're preoccupied with defending Donald Trump because you have basically adopted Trump as part of your identity.
Lot's of words in your essay but I saw no solutions.

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