
So yeah, you aren't taking the new jabs because people like me, and my doctor by the way, were right all along, but you can't admit it because you aren't man enough to admit when you were wrong.
I’ve never been wrong about one fuking thing re Covid. I’ve never told anyone whether or not to get vaxxed nor have I ever made any claims as to its effectiveness, safety or lack. So gfy
I’ve never been wrong about one fuking thing re Covid. I’ve never told anyone whether or not to get vaxxed nor have I ever made any claims as to its effectiveness, safety or lack. So gfy
You just defended Fauci and others who told people to get the vax and it was "safe effective."

Same difference except maybe you never pressured anyone personally. If you say so, I'll grant you that but ridiculing skeptics of the vax is a way of claiming it was safe and effective when it was actually neither.
You just defended Fauci and others who told people to get the vax and it was "safe effective."

Same difference except maybe you never pressured anyone personally. If you say so, I'll grant you that but ridiculing skeptics of the vax is a way of claiming it was safe and effective when it was actually neither.
I’ve never defended fauci nor ridiculed anyone for merely being skeptical. I said how fuking stupid you are to claim trump should have imprisoned him. And it is stupid. No president can imprison someone you flaming dumbass. What I have done is I’ve ridiculed LIARS like you and that is in no way shape or form making a claim on the vaxx. It’s making a claim on YOU
I’ve never defended fauci nor ridiculed anyone for merely being skeptical. I said how fuking stupid you are to claim trump should have imprisoned him. And it is stupid. No president can imprison someone you flaming dumbass. What I have done is I’ve ridiculed LIARS like you and that is in no way shape or form making a claim on the vaxx. It’s making a claim on YOU
Oh my goodness! LOL. I think you know what I meant.

1. Fauci should have been fired. You don't put the prime suspect in charge of the investigation.

2. He should have been detained, imho, and questioned as a matter of national security and as a possible enemy combatant, and yes presidents can do that. Fauci was funneling money for GOF in Wuhan, China and moreover, not disclosing that to the WH. That right there is enough for considering him to be taking part in creation of WMDs, perhaps treason, an act of war against the USA and mass murder.

3. Regardless of point 2, all his emails and communications should have been seized, and with what we now know, that would lead to his arrest, indictment and likely conviction. The first communications are public property and so the president could have seized those without even a warrant, and they would have shown his guilt.
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Gender affirming "care"? I don't think so. Mutiliation of vulnerable people for profit is a more apt description.

More than half of trans women who have ‘bottom’ surgery are in so much pain a year later they need medical attention, a study suggests.

Up to a third of patients also struggled to use the toilet or suffered sexual issues 12 months after the operation, which sees patients transitioning from male to female given a surgically constructed vagina.

Researchers from the Women’s College Hospital (WCH) in Ontario, Canada, analyzed the medical records of 80 patients who sought care from the clinic between three months and five years after having the operation.

The most common symptoms reported by post-op patients were pain (53.5 percent), bleeding (42.5 percent) and dilation issues (46.3 percent)."

Gender affirming "care"? I don't think so. Mutiliation of vulnerable people for profit is a more apt description.

More than half of trans women who have ‘bottom’ surgery are in so much pain a year later they need medical attention, a study suggests.

Up to a third of patients also struggled to use the toilet or suffered sexual issues 12 months after the operation, which sees patients transitioning from male to female given a surgically constructed vagina.

Researchers from the Women’s College Hospital (WCH) in Ontario, Canada, analyzed the medical records of 80 patients who sought care from the clinic between three months and five years after having the operation.

The most common symptoms reported by post-op patients were pain (53.5 percent), bleeding (42.5 percent) and dilation issues (46.3 percent)."

Your fixation with transgender is getting in the way of your fixation with Covid 19.
None of your fuking business dip shit.
"none of your business" .... kind of like "WEAR A MASK!!!" (mind your own business) ... "PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING!!" (mind your own business) .... "get your vaxx or you cannot work here" (mind your own business) ... "get vaxxed and boosted if you care about other people!!" (mind your own business).
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"none of your business" .... kind of like "WEAR A MASK!!!" (mind your own business) ... "PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING!!" (mind your own business) .... "get your vaxx or you cannot work here" (mind your own business) ... "get vaxxed and boosted if you care about other people!!" (mind your own business).
None of which I’ve ever advocated mandates for. I do respect the wishes of people and businesses who want to do those things.
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None of which I’ve ever advocated mandates for. I do respect the wishes of people and businesses who want to do those things.

On one hand, you seem to be rationally disagreeing with much of Fauci's guidance regarding the pandemic. But on the other hand, you appear willing to step in front of a train to protect Fauci's good name from slander. Kind of odd.
If the people in-the-know are aware that they will eventually get caught, why would they do it? First and foremost, THEY won’t necessarily get “caught.” The efficacy and the safety of the vaccines will be proven wrong. But with so many people involved in this, everyone will be pointing fingers at anyone but themselves. Eventually, they’ll all point their fingers at Donald Trump and blame Operation Warp Speed. This is the point where his most fervent fans will chastise me for blaming him, but I’m not. The powers-that-be will blame him. Pfizer will blame him. China will blame him. The CDC will blame him. Anthony Fauci will blame him. They’ll all say that they wanted to do longer testing but he demanded the jabs be available before the 2020 election so they rushed it and made mistakes.

As I’ve said for a long time, Trump has had ample opportunity to get ahead of the coming accusations by declaring that his advisors like Fauci, Mike Pence, and Deborah Birx lied to them (which they’ve all admitted to some degree) and that he was misled into pushing things forward. Then, he needs to acknowledge that based on current data it seems that the lies were intended to go after him while harming the American people. It would start a war, of course, but this is a war he can win if he comes out immediately and disavows the jabs. If he continues to be firmly planted in the “Team Vaxx” camp, he’s setting himself up to be the scapegoat."

On one hand, you seem to be rationally disagreeing with much of Fauci's guidance regarding the pandemic. But on the other hand, you appear willing to step in front of a train to protect Fauci's good name from slander. Kind of odd.
It’s all or nothing with you. Black or white. Repub or dem. You seem to have zero capability of understanding independent thought. Newsflash: I can disagree with fauci in hindsight without feeling he needs to be imprisoned for treason as your cuddle bug @randman1 thinks. He did nothing I’m aware of that rises to a crime. I don’t think he had any nefarious intentions as the rw nut jobs think.
It’s all or nothing with you. Black or white. Repub or dem. You seem to have zero capability of understanding independent thought. Newsflash: I can disagree with fauci in hindsight without feeling he needs to be imprisoned for treason as your cuddle bug @randman1 thinks. He did nothing I’m aware of that rises to a crime. I don’t think he had any nefarious intentions as the rw nut jobs think.

The bolded sentence is where you and I disagree.

As far as independent thought, I'm clearly capable of it. Trump, who I supported and still support, told me to get vaccinated. I did not.

Back to Fauci though, do you believe his decisions and guidance has had terrible repercussions for Americans? And if you do believe that, then can you understand why those of us that believe he had nefarious motives feel so strongly about him getting some comeuppance?
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The bolded sentence is where you and I disagree.

As far as independent thought, I'm clearly capable of it. Trump, who I supported and still support, told me to get vaccinated. I did not.

Back to Fauci though, do you believe his decisions and guidance has had terrible repercussions for Americans? And if you do believe that, then can you understand why those of us that believe he had nefarious motives feel so strongly about him getting some comeuppance?
You give him too much credit. He was an advisor. Are you talking about the effect he had on governors or something? How would that be criminal?
It’s all or nothing with you. Black or white. Repub or dem. You seem to have zero capability of understanding independent thought. Newsflash: I can disagree with fauci in hindsight without feeling he needs to be imprisoned for treason as your cuddle bug @randman1 thinks. He did nothing I’m aware of that rises to a crime. I don’t think he had any nefarious intentions as the rw nut jobs think.
Nothing? Really? How about funding the bioweapon in Wuhan, China, and taking our bioweapon tech from here to there?

Or convening a hurried meeting of scientists and virologists dependent on funding from Fauci to go out and lie to the whole world and claim it stemmed from nature? We know he did that because we now have the emails showing that. Is that not a crime?

How about suppressing cures for Covid leading to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying?

Or pushing remdesivir, knowing it's toxicity and that it doesn't even work or help at all?
Nothing? Really? How about funding the bioweapon in Wuhan, China, and taking our bioweapon tech from here to there?

Or convening a hurried meeting of scientists and virologists dependent on funding from Fauci to go out and lie to the whole world and claim it stemmed from nature? We know he did that because we now have the emails showing that. Is that not a crime?

How about suppressing cures for Covid leading to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying?

Or pushing remdesivir, knowing it's toxicity and that it doesn't even work or help at all?
Like I said….nothing
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I’m no fan of “big pharma” but that doesn’t answer my question as it relates to Covid. How did his recommendations and advice rise to the level of criminality?

Maybe it did and maybe it didn't. The point is that Fauci is a piece of shit who has manipulated the system in the past. Couple that with his guidance almost ruining American families and the economy and I just don't get why you're going to bat for him. Why not just stay silent and let those of us that want to shit on him shit on him?
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If anyone wants to go deep into the weeds and check out DOD contracts, a whole different scenario takes shape.

For example, has any media reported Pfizer/BioNTech has a third party to the deals which include sharing of all data related to the vaccines which presumably could entail all of the personal health data of those who took the vaccine.

Take a guess. It's the CCP via their pharma company Fosun.

If anyone wants to go deep into the weeds and check out DOD contracts, a whole different scenario takes shape.

For example, has any media reported Pfizer/BioNTech has a third party to the deals which include sharing of all data related to the vaccines which presumably could entail all of the personal health data of those who took the vaccine.

Take a guess. It's the CCP via their pharma company Fosun.

Deep in the weeds... well said.

Some guy invents the optical mouse, suddenly he's an epidemiologist. Yay!
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Why is the National Security Council in charge of the Covid response? Note that our public health agencies are listed as "operations."
Maybe it did and maybe it didn't. The point is that Fauci is a piece of shit who has manipulated the system in the past. Couple that with his guidance almost ruining American families and the economy and I just don't get why you're going to bat for him. Why not just stay silent and let those of us that want to shit on him shit on him?
Well once again I think you give him way too much credit for influencing Americans but have at it
Conservative estimates are 50 million Americans afflicted with heart damage from the vax. My guess it's much higher.

Note how the FAA had to change the standards for pilots.

Conservative estimates are 50 million Americans afflicted with heart damage from the vax. My guess it's much higher.

Note how the FAA had to change the standards for pilots.

Your guess ain’t worth 50 cents with two quarters attached to it
“My guess is it’s much higher”

So uh….when you say “my” that means it’s yours liar-man
The 50 million is someone else's conservative estimate. Are you saying you agree with that estimate but my guess for being much higher is off-base?
Fauci and co did horrible job of trying to murder everyone via vax

Looks pretty bogus since plenty of others have charted UK data showing the higher all-cause mortality for the vaccinated. There is also the issue of end of life situations where the vaccine would not be given due to the weakness of the patient. That skews the numbers but even there, vaxxed are dying at higher rates.
The 50 million is someone else's conservative estimate. Are you saying you agree with that estimate but my guess for being much higher is off-base?
Fauci has probably murdered a billion of people. Most of them haven't even been born yet. And, how cool to hit such a big number right on-the-dot!
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Safe and effective? Really?

" In a footnote, however, Powell acknowledged a far more somber factor: an estimated 400,000 unexpected deaths among working age people.


Why would healthy young and middle-age people suddenly begin dying in large numbers in 2021 when they’d navigated 2020 with relative success?"

I know many will not care for the source, but the article contains links to the study for further reading on your own. Basic conclusion, masks don't even have a modest impact on covid transmission.