
Are they saying the cause of problems was all the rampant covid infections? Or making fun of the fact that heart disease was leading cause of death pre-covid?
Just look at the numbers. Heart disease and including in populations where it is normally very rare like young, healthy athletes, did not explode with Covid. It exploded after the shots.

Moreover, real scientists from all over the world and doctors said this would happen and loudly advertised it. Fauci and company do not follow the real science and quite on purpose I should add.
Here's a liberal who set out to debunk the claims of an alarming 40% increase in deaths of those aged 18-65 which are not Covid related and coincide with the vaccine roll-out.

He concludes:

Therefore, the alleged claim by Scott Davison, echoed by the Center Square and Dr Malone is TRUE.


" A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.


Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths,"

" A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.

“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.

Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.

Why don't you give ALL the quotes from CEO Scott Davison, like this one:

“CDC data indicates that 65% of 3Q excess deaths can be directly attributed to COVID,” Davison said. “Our own claims data is consistent with that as well. Based on the data and our analysis, we believe that a significant portion of the remaining excess deaths are driven by deferred medical care and individuals who recover from COVID but later die from the toll COVID has taken on their bodies.”

So thanks for bringing this article and this insurance CEO's statements which say recently we've had a massive increase in excess death which is due to covid.
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Here's a liberal who set out to debunk the claims of an alarming 40% increase in deaths of those aged 18-65 which are not Covid related and coincide with the vaccine roll-out.

He concludes:

Therefore, the alleged claim by Scott Davison, echoed by the Center Square and Dr Malone is TRUE.


Yes, he found it true that "deaths are up". He doesn't comment on the cause, but the CEO that everyone is quoting says the cause is COVID.
Heart disease and including in populations where it is normally very rare like young, healthy athletes, did not explode with Covid.
Rates of problems bumped up when people started getting covid. Plenty of athletes got covid and had to miss time due to things like Myocarditis.
It exploded after the shots.
And they've continued, but the rates of problems have been commensurate with problems due to the virus (largely due to waves of mutations which bypass immunity from prior infection or vaccines). There is zero evidence that vaccines are causing problems.
Rates of problems bumped up when people started getting covid. Plenty of athletes got covid and had to miss time due to things like Myocarditis.

And they've continued, but the rates of problems have been commensurate with problems due to the virus (largely due to waves of mutations which bypass immunity from prior infection or vaccines). There is zero evidence that vaccines are causing problems.
Not according to the insurance companies or any data base out there. And your zero evidence claim is typical 100% gas-lighting and bs.

Even those most insisting the vaccines are "safe and effective" like the corrupt CDC admit the vaccines cause heart problems and clots. They just gas-light and claim it's "very rare" when it isn't.

So your 0 evidence claim is absurd.
@randman disinformation is a business model. All media is about making money. Whether they're owned by Rupert Murdoch or Ted Turner or WB, or whatever. This includes small-time media with tiny websites like the ones you keep posting.

People are trying to get subscribers & user-clicks for money (and social media status) and contrarianism is a big driver.

Buyer beware.
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Not according to the insurance companies or any data base out there. And your zero evidence claim is typical 100% gas-lighting and bs.

Even those most insisting the vaccines are "safe and effective" like the corrupt CDC admit the vaccines cause heart problems and clots. They just gas-light and claim it's "very rare" when it isn't.

So your 0 evidence claim is absurd.
Dude... you are the epitome of a victim of gaslighting!
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Not according to the insurance companies or any data base out there. And your zero evidence claim is typical 100% gas-lighting and bs.

Even those most insisting the vaccines are "safe and effective" like the corrupt CDC admit the vaccines cause heart problems and clots. They just gas-light and claim it's "very rare" when it isn't.

So your 0 evidence claim is absurd.
My bad, you are right, me saying "zero evidence" without more context or elaboration is wrong. To clarify, there is a risk of myocarditis from the mRna vaccines, but is minimal -- miniscule -- way lower than the risk of myocarditis from COVID infection. Furthermore, myocarditis that the rare, teeny few have gotten from the mRna vax hasn't been deadly.
My bad, you are right, me saying "zero evidence" without more context or elaboration is wrong. To clarify, there is a risk of myocarditis from the mRna vaccines, but is minimal -- miniscule -- way lower than the risk of myocarditis from COVID infection. Furthermore, myocarditis that the rare, teeny few have gotten from the mRna vax hasn't been deadly.
Up to 25,000 cases per million officially from a pre-vax level of 4 million, and this is likely grossly understated. Most likely everyone that takes the jab has at least some experience with myocarditis.

Note the tweet incorrectly stated pre-Covid.

" Dr Peter McCullough explains that latest analysis shows Myocarditis now running at 25,000 per million and we're still relatively early days."

My bad, you are right, me saying "zero evidence" without more context or elaboration is wrong. To clarify, there is a risk of myocarditis from the mRna vaccines, but is minimal -- miniscule -- way lower than the risk of myocarditis from COVID infection. Furthermore, myocarditis that the rare, teeny few have gotten from the mRna vax hasn't been deadly.
Also, nope. The risk is far higher and much more deadly from the vax than Covid itself.
" If the estimate Mansanguan study is confirmed or anywhere close to the approximately 25,000/million finding, that means a million young Americans could have sustained heart damage from COVID-19 vaccination and some of them will be at risk for cardiac arrest and future heart failure. These data suggest we should not be surprised by rising rates of sudden death in young persons with sports and during daily life including sleep."

" Esteemed British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra went on GB News to blow the whistle about how he had been contacted by another researcher from a prestigious British Institution who told him that research done by his department has found similar results, saying they too had found a link between the inflammation of coronary arteries and the experimental mRNA vaccines during their own imaging studies.
Unbelievably, the whistleblower says the institution has decided not to publish the findings, opting instead to hide the results over fears that the institution would lose its research funding.

Malhotra explained that the whistleblower – who is remaining anonymous for his safety – was furious about the decision to bury the findings, especially considering the fact that the latest health data from the UK shows there has been a substantial increase in the number of cardiology-related deaths in the country since the time the experimental vaccine was made available. "

I still don’t know of one person that died from COVID. And I know a lot of people. And here we are almost 3 years later. And I still only know of one person who had to be hospitalized with it. And remarkably, he was doing very poorly until his son started sneaking ivermectin smoothies to him.

Also, you might be a supreme douchebag if you use the words “disinformation” or “misinformation” more than once per year.
Are they saying the cause of problems was all the rampant covid infections? Or making fun of the fact that heart disease was leading cause of death pre-covid?
not sure ... call and make an appointment and find out. i'm sure you'd be a sheeple case study.
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I still don’t know of one person that died from COVID. And I know a lot of people. And here we are almost 3 years later. And I still only know of one person who had to be hospitalized with it. And remarkably, he was doing very poorly until his son started sneaking ivermectin smoothies to him.

Also, you might be a supreme douchebag if you use the words “disinformation” or “misinformation” more than once per year.
So you don't know anyone who was vaccinated?
I wish he placed Fauci into custody in January of 2020 and preceded with trials on charges of mass murder, treason, creation of weapons of mass destruction among other charges..
I wish he did too. Then we could add it to the heaping pile of mind numbingly idiotic blunders he’s committed that makes him and people like you look like the complete deluded morons that you are.
I wish he did too. Then we could add it to the heaping pile of mind numbingly idiotic blunders he’s committed that makes him and people like you look like the complete deluded morons that you are.

I take this poast to mean that you support the guidance that Fauci has provided since COVID began. Is that accurate?
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So are up to date on your vaccinations/boosters or afraid they may not be as safe as advertised?
None of your fuking business dip shit. But I will say What I’ve decided is based on medical advice from a trusted medical professional familiar with my history as opposed to you who puts idiotic political conspiracy theories and nut job delusional web sites ahead of medical science and common sense.
None of your fuking business dip shit. But I will say What I’ve decided is based on medical advice from a trusted medical professional familiar with my history as opposed to you who puts idiotic political conspiracy theories and nut job delusional web sites ahead of medical science and common sense.
To be fair, he often qualifies his offerings with statements like "... anyone with half a brain knows..." He's working with half a brain, so, cut him a little slack.
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To be fair, he often qualifies his offerings with statements like "... anyone with half a brain knows..." He's working with half a brain, so, cut him a little slack.
lol, not surprising that someone with half a brain would want to cut someone with half a brain some slack.

And speaking of having half a brain, I believe you missed the mark here....that's my pet phrase. Anyone with even half a brain would know that.
None of your fuking business dip shit. But I will say What I’ve decided is based on medical advice from a trusted medical professional familiar with my history as opposed to you who puts idiotic political conspiracy theories and nut job delusional web sites ahead of medical science and common sense.
So yeah, you aren't taking the new jabs because people like me, and my doctor by the way, were right all along, but you can't admit it because you aren't man enough to admit when you were wrong.
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