Funny how people who claim to be Christians actually know very little about the actual teachings of Christ. Why is this? Mainly, they are lazy and refuse to read God's Word. Pretty simple.
Bottom line: This guy should have helped a fellow human being, and by doing so he would have given powerful witness to the Love of God as embodied by Christ. Pretty simple concept. And, he should have been ready to give an answer to this fellow human being as to how and why he was so willing to help someone who had such different world view if given the opportunity. But, if that person was offended or refused the help because this man was openly Christian or was otherwise offended by his testimony, then he should move on and not waste any time doing so. This is where the part about "abandoning" comes in. You don't waste any more time with the person, but you attempt to render assistance nevertheless... Especially if it is in line with your duties in your job...
But that isn't what he did. So he 'abandoned' her first. That is the question that is asked that is sort of being twisted here into something else by some. I agree many Christians know little about the actual teachings of Christ. It isn't because they are lazy and don't read God's Word. It is because they don't understand it. They have their minds made up before they read based on their biases and views. They certainly do not understand context. For example, moving on to a different town a couple of thousand years ago is not the same as abandoning someone today because they are offended. That is lazy and definitely not what Jesus could call for in today's climate. Jesus didn't just speak to crowds that were begging for a drink. He doesn't expect that from us either. That is just an excuse to remain comfortable.