Umm, I don't think you know what you're talking about and it appears you're getting all riled up.
There are NPOs out there offering the same services. There are two in my town, one of which I've financially supported (albeit modestly). I'm the E.D. of a NPO and we're United Way partners, as are the other orgs I'm citing. So they absolutely exist. And they could exist elsewhere on private funding. And honestly, I feel all human services should be provided by privately funded NPOs - very, very little govt funding.
I don't pretend anything of the sort. The ugly baby killing is just that - ugly. But probably more so, I simply don't want my tax dollars going into a service that provides abortions. Yes, yes, we all know that our tax dollars aren't directly paying for it. We've heard you and the other excitable liberals say that over and over. But the service is offered by PP. So I want no connection to it whatsoever. And as I stated above, I want government out of the helping professions all together. Let communities support their own communities. That's how it should be.
But there is another curiosity I have, why do we need PP with Obamacare?