Fiorina Strikes Back At Pro-Abortion Critics

fascism (noun) : an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Only in your fantasy land is fascism a product of the left. Again proving you don't actually know anything about the political ideologies you love to insult
Probably because that question is stupid. Those NPO's don't exist, and they certainly don't have facilities, personnel or equipment on the ground in the places where women desperately need reproductive health care.

Umm, I don't think you know what you're talking about and it appears you're getting all riled up.

There are NPOs out there offering the same services. There are two in my town, one of which I've financially supported (albeit modestly). I'm the E.D. of a NPO and we're United Way partners, as are the other orgs I'm citing. So they absolutely exist. And they could exist elsewhere on private funding. And honestly, I feel all human services should be provided by privately funded NPOs - very, very little govt funding.

Its funny that you pretend your interest has anything to do with protecting human life when you would callously deny millions of women healthcare just to advance your own political agenda.

I don't pretend anything of the sort. The ugly baby killing is just that - ugly. But probably more so, I simply don't want my tax dollars going into a service that provides abortions. Yes, yes, we all know that our tax dollars aren't directly paying for it. We've heard you and the other excitable liberals say that over and over. But the service is offered by PP. So I want no connection to it whatsoever. And as I stated above, I want government out of the helping professions all together. Let communities support their own communities. That's how it should be.

But there is another curiosity I have, why do we need PP with Obamacare?
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Okay you are fully delusional.

Since the discovery of human embryonic stem cells, scientists have had high hopes for their use in treating a wider variety of diseases because they are “pluripotent,” which means they are capable of differentiating into one of many cell types in the body.
However, the acquisition of human embryonic stem cells from an embryo can cause the destruction of the embryo, thus raising ethical concerns. In 2006, researchers introduced an alternative to harvesting embryonic stem cells called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. They provided evidence that it was possible to send a normal adult cell back to an undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cell state by introducing genetic material (“outside” DNA) into the cell, a process that alters the original state of the cell.

To avoid the use of embryonic stem cells, other researchers have focused more on the use of adult stem cells, but the use of these cells is limited because, unlike embryonic stem cells that grow into any type of mature cell, adult stem cells can only grow into certain cell types.
Now, researchers from Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), in collaboration with the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Japan, have demonstrated that any mature adult cell (a “somatic” cell) has the potential to turn into the equivalent of an embryonic stem cell. In an article to be published in the Jan. 30 issue of Nature, researchers demonstrate, in a preclinical model, a novel and unique way that cells can be reprogrammed, a phenomenon they call stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency (STAP). Importantly, this process does not require the introduction of new outside DNA, the process commonly used to induce adult cells back into a state of pluripotentency.
“It may not be necessary to create an embryo to acquire embryonic stem cells. Our research findings demonstrate that creation of an autologous pluripotent stem cell — a stem cell from an individual that has the potential to be used for a therapeutic purpose without an embryo — is possible. The fate of adult cells can be drastically converted by exposing mature cells to an external stress or injury. This finding has the potential to reduce the need to utilize both embryonic stem cells and DNA-manipulated iPS cells,” said senior author Charles Vacanti, chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and director of the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine at BWH. “This study would not have been possible without the significant international collaboration between BWH and the RIKEN Center,” he added.
fascism (noun) : an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Only in your fantasy land is fascism a product of the left. Again proving you don't actually know anything about the political ideologies you love to insult
You are a product of progressive indoctrination, one of the main tenent of which is socialism and eugenics. You obviously are still in junior high school and have yet to evolve from definitions provided by your 7th grade social studies indoctrinator...
There are approx. 95 PP centers in the US...most in poor neighborhoods. There are 10,000 community health centers around the US. The $$$$$$$$$ that is being sent to PP could easily be sent to these centers.
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You are a product of progressive indoctrination, one of the main tenent of which is socialism and eugenics. You obviously are still in junior high school and have yet to evolve from definitions provided by your 7th grade social studies indoctrinator...

Indoctrination? Dude have you looked in the mirror lately? Only one of us still believes in the fairy tales we were taught as children...

Progress on the other hand, clearly scares you. You seem to think of the word progressive as some kind of insult.
There are approx. 95 PP centers in the US...most in poor neighborhoods. There are 10,000 community health centers around the US. The $$$$$$$$$ that is being sent to PP could easily be sent to these centers.

And then people would complain about those centers instead of Planned Parenthood. Why would sending the money to a different organization that provides the same services be in any way beneficial?
Umm, I don't think you know what you're talking about and it appears you're getting all riled up.

There are NPOs out there offering the same services. There are two in my town, one of which I've financially supported (albeit modestly). I'm the E.D. of a NPO and we're United Way partners, as are the other orgs I'm citing. So they absolutely exist. And they could exist elsewhere on private funding. And honestly, I feel all human services should be provided by privately funded NPOs - very, very little govt funding.

I don't pretend anything of the sort. The ugly baby killing is just that - ugly. But probably more so, I simply don't want my tax dollars going into a service that provides abortions. Yes, yes, we all know that our tax dollars aren't directly paying for it. We've heard you and the other excitable liberals say that over and over. But the service is offered by PP. So I want no connection to it whatsoever. And as I stated above, I want government out of the helping professions all together. Let communities support their own communities. That's how it should be.

But there is another curiosity I have, why do we need PP with Obamacare?

I phrased that poorly but my original point was that those NPO's don't exist in many of the communities that need them most. Who is going to provide the healthcare services during the transition? What happens if the private contributions slow down or stop altogether?
Indoctrination? Dude have you looked in the mirror lately? Only one of us still believes in the fairy tales we were taught as children...

Progress on the other hand, clearly scares you. You seem to think of the word progressive as some kind of insult.

Yep, I'm a Christian, not ashamed of it. I would have been one of those that stood up yesterday and got capped in the head for the testimony of Christ.

Number of 20th Century Deaths Attributable to So-Called Progressive Policies (read, Socialism) = Nazism 80 million = Communism 94 million = 174 million

That's a HUUUUUUUGE problem and indictment against "progressives", their tactics, and their policies...
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I phrased that poorly but my original point was that those NPO's don't exist in many of the communities that need them most. Who is going to provide the healthcare services during the transition? What happens if the private contributions slow down or stop altogether?

Those NPOs could exist where there would be a need. Many communities don't have them because they don't need them because PP is picking up the slack. Do away with PP and those NPOs could thrive based off of need. That's how the charitable world works. And I don't get paid to figure out how to plan for the transition. But I feel certain that something could be done. As far as what happens if contributions slow down, that's a good question. I know my organization has to scale back when that happens to us. So maybe that's what it means. But like my last posts asked, wasn't Obamacare supposed to handle these issues?
Yep, I'm a Christian, not ashamed of it. I would have been one of those that stood up yesterday and got capped in the head for the testimony of Christ.

Number of 20th Century Deaths Attributable to So-Called Progressive Policies (read, Socialism) = Nazism 80 million = Communism 94 million = 174 million

That's a HUUUUUUUGE problem and indictment against "progressives", their tactics, and their policies...

If you seriously think fascism was an indictment of progressives you are actually insane.
I find it amusing the video that started this entire discussion has already been completely discredited yet people are still citing it as if its legitimate evidence...
If you seriously think fascism was an indictment of progressives you are actually insane.
No, I'm quite sane... ask anyone...
In all seriousness, you really need to educate yourself on the genesis of the "progressive" movement, going all the way back to influences of George Bernard Shaw on this specific issue of abortion, eugenics, and genetic social engineering... You really need to graduate beyond your 7th grade indoctrination...
I find it amusing the video that started this entire discussion has already been completely discredited yet people are still citing it as if its legitimate evidence...
No, it hasn't been discredited. Fiorina scares the crap out of the HRC/'boy crowd, and it's funny watching them try to tear her down, just as her family's closest legal advisors are counseling her to lawyer up...
No, it hasn't been discredited. Fiorina scares the crap out of the HRC/'boy crowd, and it's funny watching them try to tear her down, just as her family's closest legal advisors are counseling her to lawyer up...

Actually if you would stop suckling the Faux News teet you would know that video has been completely discredited as fake. It was staged for this exact reason, because simple minded morons will fall for this kinda crap, and the Republicans know that they have virtually no chance of winning the White House without pandering to the religious right.

Its amusing watching you endlessly try to connect me with Hillary Clinton. Obviously you cant read or you'd know that I despise her.
No, I'm quite sane... ask anyone...
In all seriousness, you really need to educate yourself on the genesis of the "progressive" movement, going all the way back to influences of George Bernard Shaw on this specific issue of abortion, eugenics, and genetic social engineering... You really need to graduate beyond your 7th grade indoctrination...

Well if someone asked me I would most definitely say you are insane. WTF are you even talking about? Eugenics and genetic social engineering? Where have you ever seen me mention anything about eugenics or genetic social engineering? Its pathetic watching you attack this caricature of progressives or liberals instead of getting to know their actual ideas.
Well if someone asked me I would most definitely say you are insane. WTF are you even talking about? Eugenics and genetic social engineering? Where have you ever seen me mention anything about eugenics or genetic social engineering? Its pathetic watching you attack this caricature of progressives or liberals instead of getting to know their actual ideas.
"Where have you ever seen me mention anything about eugenics or genetic social engineering?"
Exactly. You have no clue about how progressives initiated eugenics which has lead to abortion, genetic engineering, and mass induced infertility among various demographic groups in this nation and abroad. That is why you need to get educated and lose your 7th grade indoctrination.

"...getting to know their actual ideas."
I have come to know them all to well. That is why I reject them. "Progressivism" is nothing but Orwellian double-think. Progressivism gave us Socialism, Communism, National Socialism, eugenics policies of abortion, policies aimed at population control of certain demographics at home and abroad, and some of the most grotesquely REGRESSIVE chapters in human history with unimaginable death and destruction...
Actually if you would stop suckling the Faux News teet you would know that video has been completely discredited as fake. It was staged for this exact reason, because simple minded morons will fall for this kinda crap, and the Republicans know that they have virtually no chance of winning the White House without pandering to the religious right.

Its amusing watching you endlessly try to connect me with Hillary Clinton. Obviously you cant read or you'd know that I despise her.
Provide a credible independent assessment that demonstrates the videos are a fraud. If you had one you would have linked it, but you don't so to talk out your ass.
Orwellian Double-Think?

Nuke, putting these labels aside might help.

"Progress" is the path of life. Period. It goes forward and it adapts and changes. That is what LIFE does- it evolves and progresses.

I'm not sure who or what (or why) a group could claim sole proprietorship of "Progressive" because, to me, that's never valid. It reminds me of how people must be one thing or the other all the time. Liberal or Conservative. It's like society imposes "This" or "That" for people. Never is it allowed to be a little of both, or each, or all. It forces a duality that never truly exists. If I'm comfortable, then I'm usually never hot or cold, I'm a balance of both! Manic people are super elated, or suicidal.

Balance, Daniel-San. You musta find a balance!
"Where have you ever seen me mention anything about eugenics or genetic social engineering?"
Exactly. You have no clue about how progressives initiated eugenics which has lead to abortion, genetic engineering, and mass induced infertility among various demographic groups in this nation and abroad. That is why you need to get educated and lose your 7th grade indoctrination.

"...getting to know their actual ideas."
I have come to know them all to well. That is why I reject them. "Progressivism" is nothing but Orwellian double-think. Progressivism gave us Socialism, Communism, National Socialism, eugenics policies of abortion, policies aimed at population control of certain demographics at home and abroad, and some of the most grotesquely REGRESSIVE chapters in human history with unimaginable death and destruction...

You seem to have this idea in your head that you get to define people's political beliefs for them. Its getting old. I dont mention eugenics or genetic social engineering because I don't support those programs. But guess what? I'm a progressive. Get the F&%$ over it. Sorry we don't all agree that mankind would be best off if we retreated back into the caves and worshiped fire (which still wouldn't be as bad as christianity...)
Provide a credible independent assessment that demonstrates the videos are a fraud. If you had one you would have linked it, but you don't so to talk out your ass.

That video is a hoax. Sorry. I'm a bit shocked that people even attempt to call it an abortion video. They've never seen an abortion if they think that still born fetus is from an abortion.
Lets be honest Nuk has no idea what doublethink is, because he's probably never even read 1984. Ironically enough, Orwell is a hero to many of the liberals and progressives Nuk loves to hate.
Lets be honest Nuk has no idea what doublethink is, because he's probably never even read 1984. Ironically enough, Orwell is a hero to many of the liberals and progressives Nuk loves to hate.
That's why I was surprised he used Orwell as a reference.
You seem to have this idea in your head that you get to define people's political beliefs for them. Its getting old. I dont mention eugenics or genetic social engineering because I don't support those programs. But guess what? I'm a progressive. Get the F&%$ over it. Sorry we don't all agree that mankind would be best off if we retreated back into the caves and worshiped fire (which still wouldn't be as bad as christianity...)
Eugenics and genetic social engineering are around your heads as much as the Confederate flag is around the necks of racist in the south... Educate yourself on your religion, progressivism, and you may get over it...
Lets be honest Nuk has no idea what doublethink is, because he's probably never even read 1984. Ironically enough, Orwell is a hero to many of the liberals and progressives Nuk loves to hate.
I read 1984 in junior high, have you read it yet in your 7th grade indoctrination?
This is straight up psycho babble. Sorry but the numbers are out there and the vast majority of the services they provide have nothing to do with abortion. Those ultrasound machines aren't being bought so they can free up funds to go toward abortions. They're being bought to provide women with healthcare. Get this through your damn head. NO FEDERAL FUNDS CAN BE USED FOR AN ABORTION. Pretty sad that you let one video make up your mind on an issue that affects millions of women. If you really think that's whats going on at every PP clinic then you have serious issues and should probably seek out your own kind of clinic

Well u can kiss my fking ass. I'll respond how i damn well please. If u or anyone isnt disturbed by the callous disregard for life shown in that UNEDITED version of the video then YOU need treatement and YOU are the one blabbering. I dont know what happens at all pp clinics. And what percentage of their work is abortions is ireelevant to my point. I know what the VIDEO shows happened in these instances. What ACTUALLY HAPPENED you know. Not what YOU CLAIM HAPPENS. I can weigh that against your opinion and guess what....? Idgaf what u think. Get this through YOUR damn head jack ass. Feel free to attack my opinion as you will but if u wanna make it personal then gth.
Well u can kiss my fking ass. I'll respond how i damn well please. If u or anyone isnt disturbed by the callous disregard for life shown in that UNEDITED version of the video then YOU need treatement and YOU are the one blabbering. I dont know what happens at all pp clinics. And what percentage of their work is abortions is ireelevant to my point. I know what the VIDEO shows happened in these instances. What ACTUALLY HAPPENED you know. Not what YOU CLAIM HAPPENS. I can weigh that against your opinion and guess what....? Idgaf what u think. Get this through YOUR damn head jack ass. Feel free to attack my opinion as you will but if u wanna make it personal then gth.

That video is a hoax, genius.
Its already been conclusively proven by others. Its not my responsibility to educate you

Not true - we only know that the particular video on that PAC ad was not an abortion.

You do not know whether or not Fiorina saw a video as she described. Prove that she did not. Prove that such a video does not exist.

I myself don't need to see it. Based on what I have heard the PP admins and docs say on those recent videos, I have no doubt that what Fiorina described does happen. Even if someone gave me such a video, I wouldn't be able to watch as it would make me sick.
Not true - we only know that the particular video on that PAC ad was not an abortion.

You do not know whether or not Fiorina saw a video as she described. Prove that she did not. Prove that such a video does not exist.

I myself don't need to see it. Based on what I have heard the PP admins and docs say on those recent videos, I have no doubt that what Fiorina described does happen. Even if someone gave me such a video, I wouldn't be able to watch as it would make me sick.

PP does not perform abortions beyond the first trimester. I'm tired of hearing this crap about fully developed fetuses being aborted or sold. Kinda convenient though that when the republican party is nearly dead and buried, they suddenly start a war on PP and just so happen to stumble across videos of things no intelligent human being would ever say out loud much less on camera.

This is nothing but pandering to the religious right because that's the only hope the republicans have of winning the white house.
PP does not perform abortions beyond the first trimester. I'm tired of hearing this crap about fully developed fetuses being aborted or sold. Kinda convenient though that when the republican party is nearly dead and buried, they suddenly start a war on PP and just so happen to stumble across videos of things no intelligent human being would ever say out loud much less on camera.

This is nothing but pandering to the religious right because that's the only hope the republicans have of winning the white house.

Yeah, except you are full of shit. Here is the Planned Parenthood webpage where they discuss 1st Trimester abortions and Abortions after the First Trimester.

Maybe you should do a little bit of checking before espousing the Democratic party bullshit. And as far as PP admins and docs saying stuff on camera, well, Google, not Elizabeth Warren, is your friend here.

Oh, and here is the pricing schedule from the PP clinic in Chapel Hill:

Prices and Payment Information
Price ranges for our abortion services are:

  • in-clinic abortion
    • up to 12 weeks - $325
    • 13-14 weeks - $475-$555
    • 15-16 weeks - $655
    • 17-18 weeks - $1005-$1055
    • 19 weeks - $1555
- See more at:

Now I am no math major, but I feel like 19 weeks is a little bit past the first tri-mester.
Apparently they vary from state to state. I wasn't aware of that. In SC they do not perform abortions after the first trimester.

I'll still take a woman's right to choose over a fetus's rights every day of the week. This can't even be a moral argument so long as the legislation the religious right are pushing continues to attempt to deny women the right to an abortion even in the event of a fallopian tube pregnancy which has zero chance of being a viable fetus, and will almost certainly kill the mother. Same for rape. Same for incestuous rape.

One day the religious right will figure out that you can't legislate morality. Or maybe they wont. Who knows...
That video is a hoax, genius.

I'm not even talking about the fiorina claim GENIUS and btw noone has proven it to be a hoax LIAR!. I'm talking about the manner in which the trade/barter/sell/recompensation or whatever the FUK U WANNA CALL IT of BODY PARTS is discussed in the video (as well as prior ones) Which is...once again...and i'll type real slow for ya jethro...with a callous disregard for human life. I find that deeply disturbing. If u dont you're just a sick pos.
Apparently they vary from state to state. I wasn't aware of that. In SC they do not perform abortions after the first trimester.

I'll still take a woman's right to choose over a fetus's rights every day of the week. This can't even be a moral argument so long as the legislation the religious right are pushing continues to attempt to deny women the right to an abortion even in the event of a fallopian tube pregnancy which has zero chance of being a viable fetus, and will almost certainly kill the mother. Same for rape. Same for incestuous rape.

One day the religious right will figure out that you can't legislate morality. Or maybe they wont. Who knows...

One day the atheist left will figure out that the religion of worshipping yourself creates more bigotry, hate, and hypocrisy than any other. Or maybe they wont. Who cares.
Religion of worshiping yourself? Actually its the religious who are obsessed with the idea that the universe was designed with them in mind