Fiorina Strikes Back At Pro-Abortion Critics

Atheists have an organized belief system with their own leaders, they have their own philosophical methodology, they promote their beliefs on websites, billboards, blogs, face book pages, and tv commercials and they disparage and ridicule those who disagree with their beliefs

They are EVERY BIT AS RELIGOUS as anyone. Gtfoh with that bullsheet that they arent.
And oh yea, they hve their own political action committee as well as pol party and pres candidate. Not religous? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not that theres anything wrong with atheism or free thought. I firmly support everyones right to believe what they will. Everyone has their own "absolute truth". But they are just insulting my intelligence with their "its not what we believe, its what we dont believe" nonsense. Its a religion, own it.

Mobile-friendly - Full Definition of RELIGION. 1. a : the state of a religious<a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.
Atheists have an organized belief system with their own leaders, they have their own philosophical methodology, they promote their beliefs on websites, billboards, blogs, face book pages, and tv commercials and they disparage and ridicule those who disagree with their beliefs

They are EVERY BIT AS RELIGOUS as anyone. Gtfoh with that bullsheet that they arent.
UNCBoy, it may be hard for you to admit here, but heelman has a point.

Atheism is basically a belief system like every other religion that claims "our way is the only way to God. Now, granted, Atheism tries to imply that there is no God. But, all it's really able to accomplish is that God is not the ancient God that floats in the sky and all the other mythologies found in ancient religions. Atheists do believe in God. They just don't believe the same way as traditional religious sects believe. Atheism rejects the "Man In The Sky" basically. But, they cannot deny a belief in God. None of us can, no matter how hard we try. God is not really up for debate. To view ancient religions as mythologies and superstitions doesn't make you exempt from believing in God. Your understanding just goes beyond the ancient mythologies. You'll probably still find yourself pitted against religious people, but try not to exhibit superiority over them. In fact, I'd advise not trying to pit yourself against them at all. You're not better, or smarter... just different. It would benefit them to consider the same toward you. I'm sure I appear as a heretic to religious people, too. My understanding of God goes way beyond a book that human beings wrote that tells me how I am supposed to believe in God. They mean well, and I appreciate that. But, I'm my own soul and my own soul says "go further." So, I do.
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Do you not know what the definition of religious is? Actually atheists are the opposite of religious
Do you not know what the definition of religious is? Actually atheists are the opposite of religious
Oh, you're religious alright... In many ways, you have more faith than many Christians. It takes more faith and blind devotion to be an atheist - or, as 'boy asserts to be an anti-theist (a distinction without a difference, I would add) - these days than it takes to have faith in God.
Actually atheism is not at all a belief system. It is the refutation of a belief. Without religion there is no context for atheism, and therefore it doesn't stand to reason that you can call it an independent belief system.

And I actually find it extremely easy to not believe in any god in any form.

"Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color." Its absurd and illogical
Oh, you're religious alright... In many ways, you have more faith than many Christians. It takes more faith and blind devotion to be an atheist - or, as 'boy asserts to be an anti-theist (a distinction without a difference, I would add) - these days than it takes to have faith in God.

Blind devotion to what exactly? You are insane

If you were born in Iraq you'd be one devout Muslim. People like you fly planes into buildings.
Actually atheism is not at all a belief system. It is the refutation of a belief. Without religion there is no context for atheism, and therefore it doesn't stand to reason that you can call it an independent belief system.

And I actually find it extremely easy to not believe in any god in any form.

"Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color." Its absurd and illogical

Yea i've heard that before. From your spiritual advisor Don Hirschberg.

You can throw all the atheist scriptures out there u like. They're crap. Atheists claim to rely on free thought and logic yet defy common sense in defining their existence in a desperate panic to avoid being called out for the very thing they claim to be against.
Yea i've heard that before. From your spiritual advisor Don Hirschberg.

You can throw all the atheist scriptures out there u like. They're crap. Atheists claim to rely on free thought and logic yet defy common sense in defining their existence in a desperate panic to avoid being called out for the very thing they claim to be against.

Its a quote. I would never take someone's words as "scripture"

Calling atheism a religion is a nonsense argument. Sorry
Dont be sorry. I enjoy the futile hypocritical attempts at justifying the bigotry and elitism atheists spew.

You call someone out for bigotry by labeling an entire group of diverse people as bigots. You cant make this stuff up... lol
Blind devotion to what exactly? You are insane

If you were born in Iraq you'd be one devout Muslim. People like you fly planes into buildings.
You are blindly devoted to atheism. Pretty clear cut and simple. OBTW, people like you create an environment that facilitates Muslims flying planes into buildings.
Yea i've heard that before. From your spiritual advisor Don Hirschberg.

You can throw all the atheist scriptures out there u like. They're crap. Atheists claim to rely on free thought and logic yet defy common sense in defining their existence in a desperate panic to avoid being called out for the very thing they claim to be against.
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You call someone out for bigotry by labeling an entire group of diverse people as bigots. You cant make this stuff up... lol

Kinda like how u label other religous people maybe??!! Like in here perhaps??


Nope u cant make this stuff up!

Heh heh heh
Atheism is a belief system of deriding and denigrating believers of ancient mythologies in an attempt to better understand our existence, and to deride the choice that religious people have found that works for them in explaining the very same thing. Atheism is opting-out, rather lazily, and then feel the need to feign superiority over everyone else, when, they're not at all superior. They're not IN-ferior either, but they lack humility. If anything, Atheism is like an extremist form of Agnosticism. At least Agnostics have the humility to say "I don't know." They stop there, usually. There's no need to condemn or ridicule people who embrace religion. Maher has even done that quite a few times. He waivers between agnostic and atheist. He goes full-blown atheist when he's making a living denigrating religious people for claiming they know exactly how we got here and why we're still here and how we'll no longer be here when this body fails. He does it moreso when the religious people insist that their religion is the only "correct" religion. And, I agree with him that thinking like that is potentially dangerous to the rest of us.

Atheism is a theory, too. I think Atheists have a problem with the use of the term "God." To say "God" makes them recoil and they think they've fallen back into an ancient religion... which they spend their off hours ridiculing. I don't ridicule religion. I'm critical of it. But, I'm only critical of it when the subscribers insist that their religion is the ONLY "correct" religion. If religious people could show more humility, we'd get along better. If all people(myself included) could show more humility, we'd get along better!
Ahh yes another of your ultra religous spiritual advisors. Lol. U just keep proving my point!!!!!

Bill Maher is a journalist. I've never heard him claim to know what happens after you die. Stop with the "I know you are but what am I" arguments, its just pathetic.
Atheism is a belief system of deriding and denigrating believers of ancient mythologies in an attempt to better understand our existence, and to deride the choice that religious people have found that works for them in explaining the very same thing. Atheism is opting-out, rather lazily, and then feel the need to feign superiority over everyone else, when, they're not at all superior. They're not IN-ferior either, but they lack humility. If anything, Atheism is like an extremist form of Agnosticism. At least Agnostics have the humility to say "I don't know." They stop there, usually. There's no need to condemn or ridicule people who embrace religion. Maher has even done that quite a few times. He waivers between agnostic and atheist. He goes full-blown atheist when he's making a living denigrating religious people for claiming they know exactly how we got here and why we're still here and how we'll no longer be here when this body fails. He does it moreso when the religious people insist that their religion is the only "correct" religion. And, I agree with him that thinking like that is potentially dangerous to the rest of us.

Atheism is a theory, too. I think Atheists have a problem with the use of the term "God." To say "God" makes them recoil and they think they've fallen back into an ancient religion... which they spend their off hours ridiculing. I don't ridicule religion. I'm critical of it. But, I'm only critical of it when the subscribers insist that their religion is the ONLY "correct" religion. If religious people could show more humility, we'd get along better. If all people(myself included) could show more humility, we'd get along better!

Atheism is not a theory. It is the refutation of a theory. There is no positive claim made by atheism. Atheism does not say there is no god, it says there is no evidence to suggest that there is a god.
Atheism is not a theory. It is the refutation of a theory. There is no positive claim made by atheism. Atheism does not say there is no god, it says there is no evidence to suggest that there is a god.
Atheism is your religion. Period.
You are blindly devoted to atheism. Pretty clear cut and simple. OBTW, people like you create an environment that facilitates Muslims flying planes into buildings.


I'm not blindly devoted to anything. If the evidence presented itself I would change my opinion. However there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of a god, so I have no reason to believe there is one. If you really think that secularists are responsible for jihad you are legitimately insane.
Atheism is your religion. Period.

Aww, look at you getting all riled up. Atheism is the lack of religion, yet its a religion... Lol no wonder you were so easily sold on a fairy tale. Again, atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position.

Ever wonder why religions have to pound these ideas into the heads of children before they're old enough to think for themselves?
I'm not blindly devoted to anything. If the evidence presented itself I would change my opinion. However there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of a god, so I have no reason to believe there is one. If you really think that secularists are responsible for jihad you are legitimately insane.
'boy, you'll no sooner drop your atheist religion than I would renounce Christ as Lord and Savior, regardless the evidence provided that God indeed exists. You would call that insane. Fine, I am happy to be insane.

OBTW, if you had any clue about the origins of jihadist movements in the Middle East we are now facing, you would find that the brutality of secular Muslim dictators fueled radical Islam more than anything else. The most recent example being Assad.
Aww, look at you getting all riled up. Atheism is the lack of religion, yet its a religion... Lol no wonder you were so easily sold on a fairy tale. Again, atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position.

Ever wonder why religions have to pound these ideas into the heads of children before they're old enough to think for themselves?
I'm not riled. I'm stating a fact.
Atheism is not a theory. It is the refutation of a theory. There is no positive claim made by atheism. Atheism does not say there is no god, it says there is no evidence to suggest that there is a god.
Okay, but you still have a belief in that "idea"... better? That definition you gave of "there is no evidence to suggest that there is a god" is something you believe/believe in. Whatever it is requires a belief in the statement being put forth.
Okay, but you still have a belief in that "idea"... better? That definition you gave of "there is no evidence to suggest that there is a god" is something you believe/believe in. Whatever it is requires a belief in the statement being put forth.

All beliefs are not created equal. That's the premise you're trying to establish. Believing the sun will come up tomorrow and believing there is a tea cup orbiting Jupiter at just the right angle so we can't see it are not equally valid ideas.

I don't say there is no god. If I did, that would be a belief. If there was a god I would have no possible way of knowing, just like every other human being I've ever met. However I believe there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of any of the gods worshiped by different peoples around the world, or any kind of divine creator for that matter. The refutation of an idea, is not itself an idea. Is skepticism a religion too? You cant just attach the the word religion to any system of thinking you want. Science is not a religion, atheism is not a religion, and skepticism most certainly is not a religion.
Also I find it amusing that every person on this thread probably opposes gun laws because ownership of a gun is a constitutional right. However, so is a woman's right to an abortion... Funny how people only bring up the constitution when its convenient to their argument.
Also I find it amusing that every person on this thread probably opposes gun laws because ownership of a gun is a constitutional right. However, so is a woman's right to an abortion... Funny how people only bring up the constitution when its convenient to their argument.

Where do I find the right to abortion in the Constitution?
All beliefs are not created equal. That's the premise you're trying to establish. Believing the sun will come up tomorrow and believing there is a tea cup orbiting Jupiter at just the right angle so we can't see it are not equally valid ideas.

I don't say there is no god. If I did, that would be a belief. If there was a god I would have no possible way of knowing, just like every other human being I've ever met. However I believe there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of any of the gods worshiped by different peoples around the world, or any kind of divine creator for that matter. The refutation of an idea, is not itself an idea. Is skepticism a religion too? You cant just attach the the word religion to any system of thinking you want. Science is not a religion, atheism is not a religion, and skepticism most certainly is not a religion.
Fair enough. I'm not trying to insist atheism is a "religion" necessarily. There are beliefs involved that not all people share. But, we all have things we put our trust in.

I don't believe God wants or needs worshiping, by the way! Humans, on the other hand...
Bill Maher is a journalist. I've never heard him claim to know what happens after you die. Stop with the "I know you are but what am I" arguments, its just pathetic.

Maher is not a journalist. And what happens after death is irrelevant to defining a religion. U can be religous about card collecting or atheism. Just as u are. You are def the most religous poster in here. Quit denying the obvious, its just pathetic.
All beliefs are not created equal. That's the premise you're trying to establish. Believing the sun will come up tomorrow and believing there is a tea cup orbiting Jupiter at just the right angle so we can't see it are not equally valid ideas.

I don't say there is no god. If I did, that would be a belief. If there was a god I would have no possible way of knowing, just like every other human being I've ever met. However I believe there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of any of the gods worshiped by different peoples around the world, or any kind of divine creator for that matter. The refutation of an idea, is not itself an idea. Is skepticism a religion too? You cant just attach the the word religion to any system of thinking you want. Science is not a religion, atheism is not a religion, and skepticism most certainly is not a religion.
Of course, atheism is a religion!
All beliefs are not created equal. That's the premise you're trying to establish. Believing the sun will come up tomorrow and believing there is a tea cup orbiting Jupiter at just the right angle so we can't see it are not equally valid ideas.

I don't say there is no god. If I did, that would be a belief. If there was a god I would have no possible way of knowing, just like every other human being I've ever met. However I believe there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest the existence of any of the gods worshiped by different peoples around the world, or any kind of divine creator for that matter. The refutation of an idea, is not itself an idea. Is skepticism a religion too? You cant just attach the the word religion to any system of thinking you want. Science is not a religion, atheism is not a religion, and skepticism most certainly is not a religion.

So you are saying there may be a God, many gods or none? If so, you are the most belligerent agnostic I have ever come across.

Why don't you go ahead and state your beliefs so we can all have a better understanding of your position?
Yeah- that's not in the Constitution. Thanks for playing though.

You have a right to free speech
You have a right to bear arms
You have a right to worship

These are rights found in the Constitution. A court interpretation of due process is not a right written into the Constitution.

A court interpretation is what gave you the individual right to bear arms. Up until 7 years ago the 2nd amendment only protected the rights of states to form militias.
Lol dude, thats NOT THE CONSTITUTION. Abortion IS NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. SCOTUS Decided that the right to unfair search and seizure (pricacy) covers abortion. It's no wonder you're ao naive about religion when u dont understand this.

That was a supreme court ruling on constitutional rights... According to that ruling, abortion is covered by women's constitutional rights.

Its no wonder I don't understand religion when were discussing the Constitution? What an absurd conflation
A court interpretation is what gave you the individual right to bear arms. Up until 7 years ago the 2nd amendment only protected the rights of states to form militias.

BWAHHAAHHAHAA!!!! WTF??!! So let me get this straight, u think the individual right to bear arms didnt exist til 7 yrs ago MEANWHILE abortion is a constitutional right??!!!

Wow, just WOW!!!!

This is the education thats out there? Did u do acid in history class?
So you are saying there may be a God, many gods or none? If so, you are the most belligerent agnostic I have ever come across.

Why don't you go ahead and state your beliefs so we can all have a better understanding of your position?

I'm saying there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the existence of any number of gods. However there is quite a lot of evidence of the creation of those gods by man. I'm also saying that there is quite a lot of evidence that monotheism is the root of the totalitarian principle, and believing it is the wish to be a slave, which I find to be repulsive. Religion is an institution praying on the credulity and fear of death that is innate in every single human being. I think its downright silly to let another human being tell you that they know what happens after you die. Especially if that person lived over 2000 years ago and you're just taking someone's word for it.