From other women's point of view on the bathroom issue

Dec 23, 2015
I just came across this on a girlfriend's facebook page and this sums up what women have to deal with allllll the damn time...... Heterosexual men cause a lot of these problems that you "fear" will happen to your daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, etc. I will paste it below. I did not write this myself but she really covers everything that I and women I know have personally been having to deal with for all of our lives and I am 51...mine really started at age 5. Before you all jump all over me and tell me this is BS or wrong.... sit back, think about it carefully. Even if you personally have not done these specific things, you have surely witnessed other guys doing it. If you have ever used a woman in any way, you are this guy.... if you have looked at a woman in JUST a sexual way, you are this guy and THIS guy does the same thing to your wives, daughters, mothers, nieces, sisters EVERY day. It is not a secret on here already that I am done with men from the abuse and deception I have personally had to deal with. I've been used for "money" and used all the time for sex. I'm too tired to even try to trust another person again but I do love men as friends and was so very good to the ones I allowed in my life but they all took advantage in some way... this happens to so many women these days especially the younger girls (your daughters)... they will be coming up in generations where dating someone will depend on how good they look on a smart phone and hoping someone will just swipe in the right direction and maybe talk to them. If they are lucky the guy may actually think she is great and has a wonderful soul... yes, women are just as bad too, I get it... I've done it myself in the last few years because I have given up... well maybe this will open your eyes just a tiny bit as to what women feel like. I do think you guys are awesome to pick around with on this board and do not mean to sound so bitter towards men but it's a sad fact, we are getting tired of the way we are objectified... we just want you to look at our souls and really see who we ARE, not look at only our breasts or if we have perfect bodies or not and for those of us that don't have perfect everything, we are still great women. sorry, this just really touched me when I read it and hit a nerve..... ~peace~

Dear creepy heterosexual men guarding our bathrooms,

My entire life, I've been told to fear you in one way or another. I've been told to cover my body as to not distract you in school, to cover my body to help avoid unwanted advances or comments, to cover my body as to not tempt you to sexually assault me, to reject your unwanted advances politely as to not anger you, or accept them with a smile to keep myself safe from your temper. I've been taught to never walk alone at night, to hold my keys in my fist while walking in parking lots, to check the backseat of my car, to not drink too much because you might take advantage of me. I've been told what I should and shouldn't do with my body as to not jeopardize my relationships with you. I've been told a relationship with you should be my goal in life, and that I should sacrifice my personality, goals, and dreams to obtain and keep a man in my life, but I should never diminish what you want in life, because you are the man.

I've been warned not to emasculate you, to let "boys be boys", to protect your fragile ego and to not tread on your even more fragile masculinity. I've been taught to keep my emotions in check, to let you be the unit of measure for how much emotion is appropriate and to adjust my emotions accordingly. I have been taught to expect questions about my menstrual cycle as a reason for my emotions, because that's obviously why women are emotional. I've been taught that you're allowed to categorize women into mothers/sisters/girlfriends/wives/daughters but any woman outside of your protected categories is fair game.

So to those of you who think you're being helpful by "protecting" me and my fellow women, you're like a shark sitting in the lifeguard chair. I wasn't uncomfortable until you showed up at the pool and the only potential predator I see is you. You cannot be both the symptom and the cure, it doesn't work that way.

Your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and daughters don't need you to walk them to the bathroom for safety. Your fathers, brothers, friends and sons need to walk themselves away from their own double standards. Women are sexually harassed and sexually assaulted on school campuses, on the street, at their jobs, on the Internet, in their own homes, in ANY public place. And it has been excused or ignored for so long because of what you and I are taught from the first years of our interactions with each other: You, as a male, are not accountable for your own actions. It's MY responsibility, as a female, to not "provoke" you. But then you get to Knight-In-Shining-Armor your way through life for those in your protected categories and I am expected to applaud you. Why the outrage now over bathrooms? Why aren't you outraged every single day? Why aren't you fighting as hard on college campuses as you are in Target?

If you're telling me that there are high volumes of boys and men out there, in schools or in general, who are just waiting for a "loop hole" to sexually assault girls and women, we have bigger problems on our hands than bathrooms. The first problem would be your apparent lack of knowledge of how often it happens OUTSIDE of bathrooms, with no "loop holes" needed. This isn't about Transgender bathroom access. This is about you not trusting the boys and men in your communities and/or fearing that they're all secretly predators. Why do you have this fear? How many fathers have panicked when their daughters started dating because they "know how teenaged boys can be because they used to be one"? How many times have girls been warned "boys are only after one thing"? A mother can bring her young son into the women's restroom and that's fine but a father bringing his young daughter into the men's restroom is disturbing because men are assumed to be predators and "little girls" shouldn't be exposed to that.

So instead of picking up your sword and heading to Target or the girls' locker room to defend our "rights", why don't you start somewhere that could actually make a difference? Challenge your children's schools to end sexist dress codes and dress codes that sexualize girls as young as age 5. Advocate for proper (or any) sex education classes in all public schools by a certain grade level. Focus more on teaching your sons not to rape vs teaching your daughters how to avoid being raped. Stop asking "How would you feel if that was your mother or sister?" It shouldn't take the comparison to clue you in to what's right or wrong. Question why you're more worried about your daughter being around men than your son being around women in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Stop walking by Victoria's Secret with no problem but covering your son's eyes if a woman is breastfeeding in public. Stop treating your daughter's body as some fortress you're sworn to protect as if that's all she's got to offer the world.
I just came across this on a girlfriend's facebook page and this sums up what women have to deal with allllll the damn time...... Heterosexual men cause a lot of these problems that you "fear" will happen to your daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, etc. I will paste it below. I did not write this myself but she really covers everything that I and women I know have personally been having to deal with for all of our lives and I am 51...mine really started at age 5. Before you all jump all over me and tell me this is BS or wrong.... sit back, think about it carefully. Even if you personally have not done these specific things, you have surely witnessed other guys doing it. If you have ever used a woman in any way, you are this guy.... if you have looked at a woman in JUST a sexual way, you are this guy and THIS guy does the same thing to your wives, daughters, mothers, nieces, sisters EVERY day. It is not a secret on here already that I am done with men from the abuse and deception I have personally had to deal with. I've been used for "money" and used all the time for sex. I'm too tired to even try to trust another person again but I do love men as friends and was so very good to the ones I allowed in my life but they all took advantage in some way... this happens to so many women these days especially the younger girls (your daughters)... they will be coming up in generations where dating someone will depend on how good they look on a smart phone and hoping someone will just swipe in the right direction and maybe talk to them. If they are lucky the guy may actually think she is great and has a wonderful soul... yes, women are just as bad too, I get it... I've done it myself in the last few years because I have given up... well maybe this will open your eyes just a tiny bit as to what women feel like. I do think you guys are awesome to pick around with on this board and do not mean to sound so bitter towards men but it's a sad fact, we are getting tired of the way we are objectified... we just want you to look at our souls and really see who we ARE, not look at only our breasts or if we have perfect bodies or not and for those of us that don't have perfect everything, we are still great women. sorry, this just really touched me when I read it and hit a nerve..... ~peace~

Dear creepy heterosexual men guarding our bathrooms,

My entire life, I've been told to fear you in one way or another. I've been told to cover my body as to not distract you in school, to cover my body to help avoid unwanted advances or comments, to cover my body as to not tempt you to sexually assault me, to reject your unwanted advances politely as to not anger you, or accept them with a smile to keep myself safe from your temper. I've been taught to never walk alone at night, to hold my keys in my fist while walking in parking lots, to check the backseat of my car, to not drink too much because you might take advantage of me. I've been told what I should and shouldn't do with my body as to not jeopardize my relationships with you. I've been told a relationship with you should be my goal in life, and that I should sacrifice my personality, goals, and dreams to obtain and keep a man in my life, but I should never diminish what you want in life, because you are the man.

I've been warned not to emasculate you, to let "boys be boys", to protect your fragile ego and to not tread on your even more fragile masculinity. I've been taught to keep my emotions in check, to let you be the unit of measure for how much emotion is appropriate and to adjust my emotions accordingly. I have been taught to expect questions about my menstrual cycle as a reason for my emotions, because that's obviously why women are emotional. I've been taught that you're allowed to categorize women into mothers/sisters/girlfriends/wives/daughters but any woman outside of your protected categories is fair game.

So to those of you who think you're being helpful by "protecting" me and my fellow women, you're like a shark sitting in the lifeguard chair. I wasn't uncomfortable until you showed up at the pool and the only potential predator I see is you. You cannot be both the symptom and the cure, it doesn't work that way.

Your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and daughters don't need you to walk them to the bathroom for safety. Your fathers, brothers, friends and sons need to walk themselves away from their own double standards. Women are sexually harassed and sexually assaulted on school campuses, on the street, at their jobs, on the Internet, in their own homes, in ANY public place. And it has been excused or ignored for so long because of what you and I are taught from the first years of our interactions with each other: You, as a male, are not accountable for your own actions. It's MY responsibility, as a female, to not "provoke" you. But then you get to Knight-In-Shining-Armor your way through life for those in your protected categories and I am expected to applaud you. Why the outrage now over bathrooms? Why aren't you outraged every single day? Why aren't you fighting as hard on college campuses as you are in Target?

If you're telling me that there are high volumes of boys and men out there, in schools or in general, who are just waiting for a "loop hole" to sexually assault girls and women, we have bigger problems on our hands than bathrooms. The first problem would be your apparent lack of knowledge of how often it happens OUTSIDE of bathrooms, with no "loop holes" needed. This isn't about Transgender bathroom access. This is about you not trusting the boys and men in your communities and/or fearing that they're all secretly predators. Why do you have this fear? How many fathers have panicked when their daughters started dating because they "know how teenaged boys can be because they used to be one"? How many times have girls been warned "boys are only after one thing"? A mother can bring her young son into the women's restroom and that's fine but a father bringing his young daughter into the men's restroom is disturbing because men are assumed to be predators and "little girls" shouldn't be exposed to that.

So instead of picking up your sword and heading to Target or the girls' locker room to defend our "rights", why don't you start somewhere that could actually make a difference? Challenge your children's schools to end sexist dress codes and dress codes that sexualize girls as young as age 5. Advocate for proper (or any) sex education classes in all public schools by a certain grade level. Focus more on teaching your sons not to rape vs teaching your daughters how to avoid being raped. Stop asking "How would you feel if that was your mother or sister?" It shouldn't take the comparison to clue you in to what's right or wrong. Question why you're more worried about your daughter being around men than your son being around women in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Stop walking by Victoria's Secret with no problem but covering your son's eyes if a woman is breastfeeding in public. Stop treating your daughter's body as some fortress you're sworn to protect as if that's all she's got to offer the world.
I thought you said you weren't a man hater?
I thought you said you weren't a man hater?

I'm not.. I love men as friends.... I just cannot trust another one to get too close to me again. I can take care of myself anyway so I am good. But after reading all the crap you guys are fussing about over the bathroom issue, even those who point out it is NOT a trannie issue, you still are not getting it.... rules or no rules on the bathroom, THIS SH*T happens to us all the time!!!! always has been
OK I read the entire post and I agree with you. That said, don't post another one this long because it won't be read. A word to the wise and all that......
I just came across this on a girlfriend's facebook page and this sums up what women have to deal with allllll the damn time...... Heterosexual men cause a lot of these problems that you "fear" will happen to your daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, etc. I will paste it below. I did not write this myself but she really covers everything that I and women I know have personally been having to deal with for all of our lives and I am 51...mine really started at age 5. Before you all jump all over me and tell me this is BS or wrong.... sit back, think about it carefully. Even if you personally have not done these specific things, you have surely witnessed other guys doing it. If you have ever used a woman in any way, you are this guy.... if you have looked at a woman in JUST a sexual way, you are this guy and THIS guy does the same thing to your wives, daughters, mothers, nieces, sisters EVERY day. It is not a secret on here already that I am done with men from the abuse and deception I have personally had to deal with. I've been used for "money" and used all the time for sex. I'm too tired to even try to trust another person again but I do love men as friends and was so very good to the ones I allowed in my life but they all took advantage in some way... this happens to so many women these days especially the younger girls (your daughters)... they will be coming up in generations where dating someone will depend on how good they look on a smart phone and hoping someone will just swipe in the right direction and maybe talk to them. If they are lucky the guy may actually think she is great and has a wonderful soul... yes, women are just as bad too, I get it... I've done it myself in the last few years because I have given up... well maybe this will open your eyes just a tiny bit as to what women feel like. I do think you guys are awesome to pick around with on this board and do not mean to sound so bitter towards men but it's a sad fact, we are getting tired of the way we are objectified... we just want you to look at our souls and really see who we ARE, not look at only our breasts or if we have perfect bodies or not and for those of us that don't have perfect everything, we are still great women. sorry, this just really touched me when I read it and hit a nerve..... ~peace~

Dear creepy heterosexual men guarding our bathrooms,

My entire life, I've been told to fear you in one way or another. I've been told to cover my body as to not distract you in school, to cover my body to help avoid unwanted advances or comments, to cover my body as to not tempt you to sexually assault me, to reject your unwanted advances politely as to not anger you, or accept them with a smile to keep myself safe from your temper. I've been taught to never walk alone at night, to hold my keys in my fist while walking in parking lots, to check the backseat of my car, to not drink too much because you might take advantage of me. I've been told what I should and shouldn't do with my body as to not jeopardize my relationships with you. I've been told a relationship with you should be my goal in life, and that I should sacrifice my personality, goals, and dreams to obtain and keep a man in my life, but I should never diminish what you want in life, because you are the man.

I've been warned not to emasculate you, to let "boys be boys", to protect your fragile ego and to not tread on your even more fragile masculinity. I've been taught to keep my emotions in check, to let you be the unit of measure for how much emotion is appropriate and to adjust my emotions accordingly. I have been taught to expect questions about my menstrual cycle as a reason for my emotions, because that's obviously why women are emotional. I've been taught that you're allowed to categorize women into mothers/sisters/girlfriends/wives/daughters but any woman outside of your protected categories is fair game.

So to those of you who think you're being helpful by "protecting" me and my fellow women, you're like a shark sitting in the lifeguard chair. I wasn't uncomfortable until you showed up at the pool and the only potential predator I see is you. You cannot be both the symptom and the cure, it doesn't work that way.

Your mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and daughters don't need you to walk them to the bathroom for safety. Your fathers, brothers, friends and sons need to walk themselves away from their own double standards. Women are sexually harassed and sexually assaulted on school campuses, on the street, at their jobs, on the Internet, in their own homes, in ANY public place. And it has been excused or ignored for so long because of what you and I are taught from the first years of our interactions with each other: You, as a male, are not accountable for your own actions. It's MY responsibility, as a female, to not "provoke" you. But then you get to Knight-In-Shining-Armor your way through life for those in your protected categories and I am expected to applaud you. Why the outrage now over bathrooms? Why aren't you outraged every single day? Why aren't you fighting as hard on college campuses as you are in Target?

If you're telling me that there are high volumes of boys and men out there, in schools or in general, who are just waiting for a "loop hole" to sexually assault girls and women, we have bigger problems on our hands than bathrooms. The first problem would be your apparent lack of knowledge of how often it happens OUTSIDE of bathrooms, with no "loop holes" needed. This isn't about Transgender bathroom access. This is about you not trusting the boys and men in your communities and/or fearing that they're all secretly predators. Why do you have this fear? How many fathers have panicked when their daughters started dating because they "know how teenaged boys can be because they used to be one"? How many times have girls been warned "boys are only after one thing"? A mother can bring her young son into the women's restroom and that's fine but a father bringing his young daughter into the men's restroom is disturbing because men are assumed to be predators and "little girls" shouldn't be exposed to that.

So instead of picking up your sword and heading to Target or the girls' locker room to defend our "rights", why don't you start somewhere that could actually make a difference? Challenge your children's schools to end sexist dress codes and dress codes that sexualize girls as young as age 5. Advocate for proper (or any) sex education classes in all public schools by a certain grade level. Focus more on teaching your sons not to rape vs teaching your daughters how to avoid being raped. Stop asking "How would you feel if that was your mother or sister?" It shouldn't take the comparison to clue you in to what's right or wrong. Question why you're more worried about your daughter being around men than your son being around women in bathrooms and dressing rooms. Stop walking by Victoria's Secret with no problem but covering your son's eyes if a woman is breastfeeding in public. Stop treating your daughter's body as some fortress you're sworn to protect as if that's all she's got to offer the world.


But does the Cliff's Notes version give any clue as to the whereabouts of my Reuben sammich?

But does the Cliff's Notes version give any clue as to the whereabouts of my Reuben sammich?

I knew you wouldn't read it. If you have sons or daughters you might want to but whatever... your life... I need a sammich too.... I'll get around to the Reuben eventually... dang, I have not had one of those in forever! I think when I lived in Michigan 25 years ago is the last time I had one. yum
So, I take it you disapprove of basically everything I have added to the Random Picture thread?
So, I take it you disapprove of basically everything I have added to the Random Picture thread?

I don't think I have looked... I am not saying I am Miss Innocent over here, trust me, far from it. But if we are going to argue about this bathroom issue I think we need to see the root of the REAL problem, that's all and if you have women in your life you love, maybe that will give you some insight into what we have been dealing with and what your daughters deal with and we don't have to be anywhere NEAR a locker room or bathroom for this BS to happen to us. That is the point I was trying to make and hopefully just opening a few eyes. We do the "objectifying" of both sexes in fun and games but there are consequences to everything we do whether we like it or not. I still "luvz" you guys and will make your sammiches but love your ladies very well, we are worth it most of the time!~ lol
I don't think I have looked... I am not saying I am Miss Innocent over here, trust me, far from it. But if we are going to argue about this bathroom issue I think we need to see the root of the REAL problem, that's all and if you have women in your life you love, maybe that will give you some insight into what we have been dealing with and what your daughters deal with and we don't have to be anywhere NEAR a locker room or bathroom for this BS to happen to us. That is the point I was trying to make and hopefully just opening a few eyes. We do the "objectifying" of both sexes in fun and games but there are consequences to everything we do whether we like it or not. I still "luvz" you guys and will make your sammiches but love your ladies very well, we are worth it most of the time!~ lol

Without going into specifics over a public forum, I'll just say that I understand where you're coming from and on many levels agree with you. Everything I poast on here is all in good fun and honestly just to get a break from all the sh!t I get to deal with just about every waking moment, every day. I have been witness to some of the most deceptive, despicable, disgusting human beings you'll ever come across hurt the women in my life more than I could express verbally -- referring to my mother here. One of these days, I'm sure she'll write a book or something, if for no other reason than personal therapy. I could go off on so many tangents here, but won't b/c again, airing dirty laundry isn't my forte and just simply not in my DNA. Everything is a leaning experience, both the good and the bad, and I've chosen to use everything I have seen, heard, lived through, a teaching moment and not something to cry over spilled milk.

As you've said though -- the things you mention men doing, I've been on the short end of the stick when it comes to being deceived by females also. So, males rightfully so catch most of the heat here, but there are some truly shitty females in this world too.
@Blue2010, you and I might be brothers from another mother. Right with you on every word of that.

And @chick_bleeds_carolina_blue, that's a pretty good poast but let me make a couple quick points (the first of which you're going to dislike but bear with me):

1) It's cliche, but almost every guy instinctively makes an assessment of a woman's sexual attractiveness the moment he lays eyes on her. Sometimes it happens so fast you don't even realize it -- maybe a chain smoking septuagenarian -- but it happens. I feel like that behavior is what comedian Joe Rogan calls "leftover monkey shit," encoded in our most primal behaviors so that it's nearly impossible to control.

2) What we can control is acting upon it. Too many men lack the self-restraint or decency to know what's appropriate and when. Fortunately, since I have sworn off women, I've got this one wrapped up. ;)
The OP was nonsense, with all due respect, and I have daughters 20 and 16.

Guys think about sex. Thats what we do. But for every guy put there who is only interested in a woman for sex, there is a woman who is only interested in a guy for money.

Should women be situationally aware moreso than men? Of course, due to obvious physiological reasons. I can go on and on dissecting the OP, but its not worth the time.
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Some women are subconsciously attracted to guys who treat them like crap. A lot of women try to shrug this off but I have heard my wife and her girlfriends talking about another gf only being attracted to guys who treat her like crap.
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Without going into specifics over a public forum, I'll just say that I understand where you're coming from and on many levels agree with you. Everything I poast on here is all in good fun and honestly just to get a break from all the sh!t I get to deal with just about every waking moment, every day. I have been witness to some of the most deceptive, despicable, disgusting human beings you'll ever come across hurt the women in my life more than I could express verbally -- referring to my mother here. One of these days, I'm sure she'll write a book or something, if for no other reason than personal therapy. I could go off on so many tangents here, but won't b/c again, airing dirty laundry isn't my forte and just simply not in my DNA. Everything is a leaning experience, both the good and the bad, and I've chosen to use everything I have seen, heard, lived through, a teaching moment and not something to cry over spilled milk.

As you've said though -- the things you mention men doing, I've been on the short end of the stick when it comes to being deceived by females also. So, males rightfully so catch most of the heat here, but there are some truly shitty females in this world too.

I agree. Women can be just as bad and I haven't always been an angel to men. I can honestly say I have never used one for money but I have used them for sex and I thought all men wouldn't care about that and would be cool with it, a couple of them were not and wouldn't leave me alone so it got ugly. Anyway, we all do crap we shouldn't sometimes.
Some women are subconsciously attracted to guys who treat them like crap. A lot of women try to shrug this off but I have heard my wife and her girlfriends talking about another gf only being attracted to guys who treat her like crap.

That is definitely true and I cannot explain it. When I was younger I would do it too. I'd always have to date the best looking guys but they were jerks and other women would come up and literally move me out of the way to talk to them.... Crazy stuff. You know, dating really sucks haha
I read it and asked my wife to read it ... both had the same reaction: sounds like a load of crap written by a woman who has been burned by men and has some bigtime axes to grind. Thankfully she's on the wrong side of the law in NC and will remain that way.
A few extra points:

1. On the bathroom issue -- I don't care how it gets sliced, I will N-E-V-E-R agree or accept ANY scenario that allowed a grown (perverted) man to go into a bathroom stall beside either of my daughters. I refuse. Call me whatever you wish, but all joking aside, I don't fall into the category that the OP would suggest I would fall into.

2. I actually had a "tl;dr" paragraph going that I decided to delete. I'll just say this -- Einstein's definition of insanity is very true. There are a lot of genuinely great people in this world, and if you're having repeated strings of bad luck in relationships, then after a few in a row, it's honestly time to look in the mirror instead of pulling out any type of victim card and lumping everyone else into groups. I'm only saying this b/c I had to learn it first-hand. My life did not change until I got sick and tired of where it was going and decided it was time to change my scenery. That meant hanging around people who I felt were smarter than me, more successful than me, and even though they weren't as "cool" as the crowds I was around before, they have pushed me to be a better person and more prepared to raise my own children the right way.

I'm honestly not trying to be harsh or self-righteous - the exact opposite, actually. It's almost sad b/c I see so many people heading down the road I was and completely oblivious to where it's leading them - and this goes for most of the people in my own family.
"1. On the bathroom issue -- I don't care how it gets sliced, I will N-E-V-E-R agree or accept ANY scenario that allowed a grown (perverted) man to go into a bathroom stall beside either of my daughters. I refuse. Call me whatever you wish, but all joking aside, I don't fall into the category that the OP would suggest I would fall into."

Right on, brother!!
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I read it and asked my wife to read it ... both had the same reaction: sounds like a load of crap written by a woman who has been burned by men and has some bigtime axes to grind. Thankfully she's on the wrong side of the law in NC and will remain that way.

I don't think it is a load of crap. I and many women I know have experienced those things very often but as for being burned by men and having an ax to grind, she is probably right about that one. I know I personally have issues and maybe I am the problem. I always try to be very kind in relationships and giving, maybe too much so. I admit I am not the most affectionate person (I am not the cuddle type but occasionally enjoy it) and after at age 18 having a guy I really liked and trusted try to rape me (I fought back and he was not successful), I suppose it shaped the path with men that I have walked.

Oh well, sounds like I am the problem so I will either work on that or just enjoy being single as I seem to anyway. I still have football, basketball and art to enjoy! :)

Well, enough of the negative junk..... I don't know how this bathroom issue will end up but IF they do allow coed bathrooms, TEACH your women how to protect themselves at least. This world is full of crazies, men AND women, so all we can do is be prepared when we encounter them. Happy Friday, fellas!

Next week, let's have something besides sammiches! hehe xo
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That's why I took my granddaughter to "Concealed to Carry" class with me. I'm not worried about her.

Right on Mikey, my wife is packing every day.... my 8 and 5 year old daughters, not so much. But I agree that they need to know how to "protect themselves" regardless of who is freely allowed in their bathrooms/locker rooms.
In fairness, the OP was about how men are terrible. How else could this have gone?

The point is/was the "bathroom " issue that a lot of guys on here were making statements on as if this would suddenly be a problem for the females has already been an issue for women for years and isn't just confined to public restrooms or locker rooms.

I do not think all men are awful, in fact, quite the opposite, but I admit to trust issues and I apologize for my rant. I'm menopausal so sue me!!

If you have a woman that trusts you don't let her go because your chances of finding another one will be slim to none these days if you are in the "dating world" now. You won't be able to trust a woman nor will you find one that trusts you.

I think some just missed the point of the OP. Women face perverse men all the time, everywhere.
This is the part that I agree with in the OP, if I'm interpreting it correctly. Focusing on the "bathroom" issue by itself ignores the fact that creeps are everywhere...they don't need a bathroom to follow through with whatever sick thoughts are running through their minds. That part, I don't think anyone can argue against.

That said, though -- why make it that much easier for these people to have even easier access? That makes no sense, to me.
This is the part that I agree with in the OP, if I'm interpreting it correctly. Focusing on the "bathroom" issue by itself ignores the fact that creeps are everywhere...they don't need a bathroom to follow through with whatever sick thoughts are running through their minds. That part, I don't think anyone can argue against.

That said, though -- why make it that much easier for these people to have even easier access? That makes no sense, to me.

That is definitely the problem I have with it. TG people have been sharing the bathroom with the gender they identify with for years and there have not been problems before. My personal opinion is the NC governor just wanted to piss off some liberals and also slide in the other crap no one talks about that is part of that bill, i e the wages, etc.

I say if you have a penis use the men's room and if you have a vagina use the ladies room and if you know you look like the opposite sex from the bathroom you should use, try avoiding places where you know it will be a problem until you have corrected your equipment to suit how you feel. There are ways to avoid conflict in any situation if you choose to. It's not that hard to do.
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