That's Tar Heels basketball! I'll never understand people who complain about Roy playing a deep bench. This is an early example of why that argument is nonsense.
Exactly right. I love it.

I think Rush and Aaron are the only guys who haven't played for us yet. I hope they get in, too.
Man we are in rough shape in the frontcourt. Not that its unexpected but still..eye opening to see a Roy team this raw down low.
Lol not that i really care but just as an observation, twitter posts about the game are all like “this team looks great” then in here you’d swear we were losing
Huffman has the potential to be like Julius Peppers. Just dunk the tar out of the ball, go nuts on the boards, and send shots into the 8th row.
Uninspiring play in an exhibition game in a half empty arena on a Friday night before Halloween weekend. Not to be unexpected to a certain degree with a lot of bodies seeing action which lends itself to little to no continuity. That being said, for the sake of discussion, if our PG play (specifically Seventh Woods) is like this without Joel, every game he’s out will be a dog fight. Our bigs are also as ummmm let’s say not that good at all. A lot of freshman growing pains with those guys rotating down low. Man we needed to TB to come back. He would have looked like a lottery pick compared to what we have.